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SUPPORT. LOVE. FRIENDSHIP. Medical Treatments. Friends and Family. “Normal Life”. Emotional Damage. Psychological Damage. Benefits. Social Networks. Jaclyn Murphy. What's in it for you?.

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  2. Medical Treatments

  3. Friends and Family

  4. “Normal Life”

  5. Emotional Damage

  6. Psychological Damage

  7. Benefits

  8. Social Networks

  9. Jaclyn Murphy

  10. What's in it for you?

  11. “If anything, I look up to Gina with everything she has to go through. I would love to be able to take her bowling with some of the girls on the team, or something just to get her mind off of the craziness that is going on in her life. With Gina being a part of this team, this family, makes me realize how precious things are in life and that we shouldn’t take anything for granted. It goes to show that if you have the right people in your life, it makes certain things a lot easier to get through.” -Liz Falco

  12. THANK YOU! -Mom and Mrs. Guyer -Sponsors/ FOJ Foundation -Mr. MacFarland / Mrs.Valenza -Everyone who helped out with my project

  13. Works Cited • Works Consulted • 1. "Advanced Cancer LIVING EACH DAY.(Pamphlet)." Pamphlet by: National Cancer Institute. National Cancer Institute, 1998. 1. Student Resource Center - Health Module. Gale. Springfield Township High School. 16 Mar. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/srcx/infomark.do?&contentSet=IAC-Documents2. “Amherst Teams up with “Friends of Jaclyn” to Help Make a Difference.” 20, July 2008. 20, Feb 2009. www.amherst.edu/sports3. "Brain Cancer." 2009. 1 Feb 2009.http://www.oncologychannel.com/braincancer/index.shtml4. "Cancer support groups: questions and answers." Pamphlet by: National Cancer Institute. National Cancer Institute, 2008. NA. StudentResource Center- Health Module. Gale. Springfield Township High School. 5 Mar. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/srcx/infomark.do? &contentSet=IAC-Documents &type=retrieve &tabID=T001 &prodId=SRCHlth &docId=A174101073 &source=gale &srcprod=SRCH &userGroupName=erde79591 &version=1.0>. 5. Clark, Arda. “Therapy.” Brain Tumors. 2006. Thomson Gale. 20, Feb 2009. 6. “Coping, Young People with Cancer.” 4, Mar 2007. 20, Feb. 2009. www.cancerlinksusa.com/cancer/young/yngcoping.htm7. “Friends of Jaclyn.” 3 Feb, 2009. 9, Feb. 2009.http://www.friendsofjaclyn.org/index.php/foundation.html8. “Friends of Jaclyn' Brain Tumor Awareness College Lax Cup.” 6 Dec 2006. YouTube. 9, Feb. 2009.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0FwuvZNVbk9. “Hofstra University: Women’s Lacrosse Media Guide.” P. 37. 2009. 14 March 2009. 10.“Jaclyn Murphy- Cancer patient still wild about ‘Cats.” Lacrosse magazine- March 2009 issue.1 Mar, 2009. 6 Mar, 2009. 11. Massari, Francesca. “Getting Support. ” Living with Cancer: Giving and Getting Help. 2000. Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. New York. 20, Feb 2009. 12. “Pediatric Brain Tumors.” 25 Apr. 2005. 9, Feb. 2009.http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/benchmarks-vol5-issue2/page113. "Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.” 2009. 9, Feb. 2009. http://www.pbtfus.org/medcomm/research/Pediatric-brain-tumor-facts- updated.html14. Upton, P. and Eiser, C. “School experiences after treatment for a Brain tumour.” 21 July 2005. http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=10&hid=114&sid=e808caac-337d-4a51-8ba0- afc5cc2d861b%40sessionmgr10415. "What you need to know about brain cancer." 4 Apr. 2003. 20 Feb 2009. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/wyntk/brain/page19

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