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Historian Tutorial. An on-line tour through the primary features and functions of RSBizWare’s Historian module.
Historian Tutorial An on-line tour through the primary features and functions of RSBizWare’s Historian module. This Tutorial is not the full Historian Tutorial, but a subset aimed at providing RSSql users an understanding of this new product. Please contact your Rockwell Automation Distributor for more information on Historian. This Tutorial has been developed using Microsoft’s PowerPoint. Simply click your mouse or hit the Enter key to advance. The Page Up and Page Down keys can also be used to scroll forward and back.
The RSBizWare Historian module is designed to provide a focused, easy to use tool to analyze all kinds of time series data. Examples of this type of data would be process parameters such as temperature and pressure. It makes extensive use of drag and drop technology to minimize the user learning curve. Two powerful tools in one The RSBizWare Historian module is built upon the powerful reporting engine that is included with all RSBizWare modules. This reporting engine allows the user to develop and deploy all kinds of enterprise wide applications.
Data Component is the name for the defined connections to database tables or views. This list box provides you access to all available Data Components. Displays define how the data is to be shown to the user. It defines both the visual aspects (grid, barchart, etc.) as well as the ordering aspect (summations, etc.) After a Data Component is selected, this list box contains all predefined Displays. Understanding a few basic concepts makes learning Historian a much easier task. So let’s start there. When doing general reporting in Historian, there is a simple concept that one must understand. Each and every Data View that is displayed to the user consists of three things: a Data Component, a Filter and a Display. Filters are predefined queries. After a Data Component is selected, all available Filters are included in this list box.
With those basic concepts down, let’s take a look at a few of the key components of the Historian User Interface. The Time Range Toolbar allows you to select the beginning and ending times for the data to be analyzed. The Data Explorer Tree provides access to the reporting side of Historian. It can be configured to display different things to different users. As a default, the tree comes configured with access to a set of default Data Views. We have already discussed these toolbars that provide direct access to the three core components. This is the Data Explorer work area. Depending on the activity you are performing, it will contain the Data View(s) you are using or developing. The Development Tree provides access to the development tools used to create any kind of Data View. We will go over each of these development tools as we build a few sample Data Views.
Before we get into more detail on how to use Historian, let’s take a look at the product’s architecture. This will help you understand what is running where and how Historian gets data. The Run Time Client allows the user to see any Data Views, assuming the proper privileges, that have been configured and saved in the Historian database. The Authoring Client is used to create all Data Views. Via the Historian Server, all configuration data is stored in the Historian database. The Authoring Client can link to any RSSql configuration and automatically set up transactions that log data to the pre-defined data model in the Historian database supporting time series data. The Historian Server can be set up to link to the Data Logger tables on any database accessible via ODBC. Historian Server (NT Service) Historian Database (SQL Server or Oracle) The core of the system services are provided by the Historian Database and Server. RSView32’s Data Logger can be configured to log to any ODBC database.
Now that you have an understanding of the basic concepts of Historian, we will focus on using Historian’s capability to easily analyze timestamped process data. To simplify things even further, we will use the preloaded sample data that is installed with the product. We are using the Authoring Client as we are developing a new Data View. Congratulations! You have already designed your first Data View. Choosing the Time Series Chart template and dragging it onto the blank Data Explorer work area is the first step. With the Time Series template selected, you can now select the data point of interest and drag it onto the template. Now that you have identified the data of interest and the display, you can use the analysis tools. Simply select the Calculator you want, drag it and drop it on the data set in the chart. Selecting File -> New -> Blank Report sets up the Historian with a blank “canvas” on which to design your Data View.
Once a Data View has been developed, it can be saved for future use. Once saved, the Data Explorer Tree provides an easy way for the users of all Historian clients to recall the Data View. You can fine tune access rights to the Data View, but we will go into this in more detail later. How you defined the display. What filter you used to create the desired data subset. In this case you did not explicitly develop a Filter, but by selecting a set of data points and time frame one was developed for you. And the name of the Data View as it is displayed to the user in the Data Explorer Tree. In saving a Data View, you are actually saving three separate things. You can see that we saved the display as “Temperature Trend” and the Filter as “Temperature”.
At this point, let’s take a minute to look at a two key relationships that will help you understand how Historian operates. The same three “components” we used to build a Data View (Data Component, Display and Filter) are available directly through these core component access Toolbars. In saving a Data View, you are directly adding an item to the Data Explorer Tree. The directory structure you see in the Save As dialog is actually the Data Explorer Tree structure.
Now that you understand how to report and analyze time series data, you need to understand how to get connected to real data as opposed to sample data. As discussed in the architecture section, Historian is tightly integrated with RSSql as the source of actual production data. A basic understanding of RSSql is assumed in this Tutorial. For more information on RSSql go to the RSSql Tutorial. Launching the RSSql Time Series Wizard from the Historian Tools Menu brings up this dialog. First, select the RSSql Configuration you want to use to provide data to Historian, then select the Enterprise Connection that is part of that configuration that has access to the Historian database. Before we proceed any further in explaining RSSql integration, we need to go over two things. First, some possible Historian and RSSql deployment architectures and second, a temporary tool you need to use to expose RSSql configurations to Historian.
In a system architecture where the RSSql Transaction Manager and Enterprise Connection are on the same computer as Historian, the RSSql Time Series Wizard simply points at the local configuration. The Control Connections can be on the local or remote boxes and it has no effect on the system setup. Box1 RSSql Enterprise Connection Config Files RSSql Transaction Manager Box2 Box3 Box4 RSSql Control Connection RSSql Control Connection RSSql Control Connection
If multiple, separate instances of RSSql are used to supply data to Historian, the system must be constructed as shown below. Box1 A connection to the Historian database via ODBC, OLE DB or OCI must be previously set up on the RSSql boxes. The Enterprise Connector in each configuration must be configured to have a link to the Historian database. Each Configuration must be dealt with separately (i.e. run the wizard three time to link in the data points from each configuration.) Box2 Box3 Box4 RSSql Enterprise Connection RSSql Enterprise Connection RSSql Enterprise Connection RSSql Transaction Manager RSSql Transaction Manager RSSql Transaction Manager Config Files Config Files Config Files RSSql Control Connection RSSql Control Connection RSSql Control Connection
The final step is to create the Transactions in RSSql. The tight integration between RSSql and the Historian makes this step transparent. Simply click on Create. The next step in the Wizard allows you to assign a trigger to the selected data points. The trigger is assigned to all of the points selected in the previous step, so grouping your selections according to their scheduling rates will simplify your task. From this dialog, you simply select the data points you want logged and move them to the right pane by double clicking or selecting and using the arrows on the center bar. Beginning where we left off a few slides ago with the RSSql Time Series Wizard , we have linked Historian to the selected RSSql configurations and we are ready to proceed. If you need to extend the reach of RSSql to additional control systems, you can easily do that directly from Historian.
Now that we have looked at using the features in Historian to support the analysis of time series data, let’s look at some of the features of the underlying reporting engine. The RSBizWare reporting engine can be pointed at any data source accessible via ODBC. To do this requires the optional Data Model Extension Module, which provides the ability to extend the reach of the Historian beyond the pre-configured, time series data model. To explore some of these features, Historian includes a few sample data models and Data Views. We will use these in this Tutorial. To create a custom Data View using a Chart Display, go to the File menu and select New -> Chart. This launches the Chart Wizard. Proceed through the next few steps of the Wizard. For this example, pick a vertical bar chart (step 2), series in rows (step 3) and data summary (step 4). After setting up the blank chart, you need to pick the required Data Component. In this case, we are going to use the ProductionData sample.
This step of the Wizard is the important one. In this step you identify which fields in your data set match to the output fields in the display. This will take a little getting used to, but a little explanation may help. Let’s spend a minute looking at the mapping of each data field. Congratulations! You have now built your second Data View. You can save it the same way you did the first. A few simple things and we are done. In step 6 give your Data View a title. In Step 7, accept the default filter of <all>. We will go into more detail on building filters in the next slide. The Category Field is the secondary sort field, and in this example, using the Station name makes the most sense. The Series Field is the primary sort field for the display. It is this field that you would expect to see in a chart legend. In this case we want to know the Pass/Fail Count for each station, so we select StateName as the Series Field. The final field is the actual value you want to see, and it is appropriately called the Value Field. In this case, we do not want to see each record, but want to apply the SUM function so we can see the total time in each state by station.
Filters are a powerful way to customize Data Views by selecting only the data that is relevant. Filters can be created that are either fixed or prompt the user for input. We will go over both of these methods. In the Configure Filter Dialog, you have the option of selecting an existing Filter as a starting point or starting from scratch. If you browse to an existing Filter, you can give it a new name and then make the desired modifications. Otherwise simply enter a name for the Filter you want to develop. The dialog to configure Filters can be reached several ways. Via the Menu ... It is important to understand that a Filter is built for a specific Data Component. Before you can access the Configure Filter dialog, you must select a Data Component. In this case we have selected the ProductionData Data Component using the list box in the Toolbar. ...using the New Filter button on the Filter Toolbar or in the New Grid and Chart Wizards.
As a sample, we will build a query that we can apply to the previous Data View. We will give the user the ability to select the Station of interest. The first step in defining a criteria is to select the field from the Data component that you want to use. In this case, since we are using the ProductionData Data Component, you see its fields listed. We have selected the StationName. … and check the box to display the user a list of values. At the same time we can pick a default value. After you have entered a name for this Filter ... Since we do not want to make this a fixed query, we select the radio button that sets up a user prompt ... The second step is to select an operator to use in the criteria evaluation. This list of operators changes to match the data type of the selected field. We will use the “=“ operator. … the next step is to define the criteria for the Filter.
The Query is now finished and needs to be saved. Additional criteria can be developed and linked using either AND or OR logic. In this case, we will stay with the simple prompt for a Station Name.
Congratulations! You have now extended the initial Data View by adding a Filter. … this dialog comes up allowing the user to select the desired Station name. The Filter that we just created is now available for use. It is now included in the list of Filters on the Toolbar. When we select this Filter ...
An alternate way to design a Filter is to use the interactive Grid to select the data of importance and then save the resultant criteria that you developed without even knowing it. A Grid display of the ProductionData Data Component is included with the sample. It is called ProductionData.. When you make your selection, the data set in the grid is trimmed down using the criteria you defined. When you display the data using the Grid, each column has a built in filter. By clicking on the (all) selector, you will be shown a list box of all unique values in that column. In addition, a Filter is being created in the background. With one criteria added, the Save Filter button is now active. Clicking this button will prompt you for a name and save the new Filter for future use. You can also sort data in the grid by clicking on the column header.
… You bring up the Historian Configuration tool. With this tool you can pre-define connections to the Historian Server. You have the option of requiring the user to logon or defining the logon at design time. … one where we predefine the Data View at design time. You now have two pre-defined AddOns that can easily be added to any RSView32 Graphic. The other option is whether a Data View selection tree is displayed to the user or a single Data View is defined at design time. We will create two Historian AddOn Configurations, one showing the tree and ... Historian supports two alternate clients to the full Windows application. The Client is available as a RSView32 AddOn and an ActiveX. In the next few slides, we will show how to use these clients in applications. We will start with the RSView32 AddOn. You first need to launch the RSView32 Works version and open a new project. This section of the Tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of RSView32 and its AddOn environment By Clicking on the Historian Config AddOn Menu item...
With the Historian AddOn configuration complete, you can now easily add these Data Views to any RSView32 graphic. In a few simple steps, we can show you how to accomplish this. … brings up the Selection dialog that lets you assign one of the predefined objects to the graphic. The ViewWithLogon configuration gives you an Add On that looks like this, while ... … the PrespecifiedViewWithLogon AddOn Object has a simpler user interface. In both cases, we have easily given RSView32 a powerful link to any database accessible via ODBC. Selecting the Historian AddOn from the Toolbar and dropping it onto a graphic file adds the Object to the Graphic and...
The HistorianX ActiveX works in a manner similar to the RSView32 AddOn. We will show you how to use it to build a simple VB application. In the Report Selection Tab of the property page, you can indicate whether you want to pre-select a Data View or provide the user access to the Data Explorer Tree. In the General Tab of the property page, you can predefine the user account the control should use when connecting to the Historian Server or ask the user to be prompted at run time. Dragging and Dropping the ActiveX on to a Form allows you to easily add the HistorianX to the project. Using the right mouse button on the embedded control will bring up a menu with access to the control’s property page. From the Project menu bring up the Components window. Find the HistorianX Control and check it as one to add to this project. This will add the HistorianX to your ActiveX toolbar
The result is a VB application with a complete Historian client embedded in it. If you had selected the option to display the Data Explorer Tree to the user, they would see an interface like this giving them access to all the Data Views available to them based on their login privilege.
Historian • Turns data into Actionable Information • A complete solution for collecting, analyzing, visualizing and reporting data. • Tightly integrated with RSSql and RSView32 • uses existing data streams • Designed for the novice user, but flexible enough to support the advanced user • A solution built for today’s networked enterprises Contact your Rockwell Automation Distributor for more information.