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Exams play a vital role in our life They shape our future

Exams play a vital role in our life They shape our future Every human irrespective of the age group is constantly writing the exam of life from the time of maturity. Exams cause. STRESS. FEAR. ANXIETY. BUT. The person who has the right to fear is the person who is about to fail.

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Exams play a vital role in our life They shape our future

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  1. Exams play a vital role in our life • They shape our future • Every human irrespective of the age group is constantly writing the exam of life from the time of maturity.

  2. Exams cause... STRESS FEAR ANXIETY

  3. BUT..... • The person who has the right to fear is the person who is about to fail. • We never want to fail instead we want to pass with distinction. • Then how to overcome the‘fear of exam’.

  4. However..... Fear of Allah enhances understanding... “So be afraid of Allah; and Allah teaches you. And Allah is the All-Knower of each and everything.” Chapter 2, Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282.

  5. How to prepare... • Irrespective of any examination, three letters are adopted for preparation. ‘P’ ‘P’ ‘E’ PLANPREPAREEXECUTE

  6. Whether dumb or intelligent if one of the process in preparation is missing then we are sure to suffer in exam

  7. Example... The best example to be considered is from the Seerah; The life history of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) • Time of Hijrah • Battle of Badr All when followed by: PLANING + PREPARATION +EXECUTION =

  8. Qualities of a Muslim student... • Tawakkal is an essential quality of a Muslim No matter how difficult be the situation, the Muslim student puts his level best and places his complete trust in Allah. Absence of any one of the factor will not lead to success.

  9. PLAN... • Planning is essential for all works. • Have a mission: Understand you capacities and based on that establish a goal. • Prepare a vision: Once mission made clear, prepare a self made time table to achieve that mission

  10. Tips.... • Pray to Allah for success • Start planning from this very second; don’t delay. • Prepare time table according to your energy level. • Avoid all disturbance including electronic gadgets. • Think only about studies, • Never pile up lessons. • Set up priority; hard matters first then easy ones

  11. Start PREPARATIONwith... “Then High above all be Allah, the True King. And be not in haste (O Muhammad SAW) with the Quran before its revelation is completed to you, and say: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.“ (20:114)

  12. PREPARE... “Plan your work and work your plan.” • Follow the time table set up with sincerity. • Focus and concentrate in achieving the mission • Practice,few subjects or matters require constant practice • Learn from old question papers and examples. • Seek help, if unable to understand. • Develop positive thinking.

  13. Health preparation.... • Never neglect health • Eat nutritious food • Drink plenty of water. • Be brave • Go to bed early

  14. Prepare check list.... • Hall ticket • Sufficient amount of pencil, pens, geometry and other stationary. • Prepare hints for each chapter to make the process of revision easy.

  15. EXECUTE... • Pray voluntary prayers in the morning. • Ask Dua, when the help of Allah comes, along with it comes victory • Ask your parents and well-wishers to pray for your success

  16. Revise the hints prepared • Be confident and calm • Have a healthy breakfast. • Be fresh and ready.

  17. Exam hall... • Start with ‘Bismillah’, this brings blessings and seeking the help of Allah is one of the means of strength • Be optimistic that everything will go fine. • Whenever Shaykh al-Islam IbnTaymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) found something too difficult to understand, he would say, “O You Who taught Ibraaheem, teach me; O You Who caused Sulaymaan to understand, make me to understand.”.

  18. Exam paper.... • When exam paper received, make sure to fill in the details correctly. • Read the instruction carefully and follow sincerely. • Read through the question paper calmly and carefully.

  19. Plan to answer the easy questions first then move on to the difficult ones according to the importance. • Never skip a question, answer every question to the maximum extent we can. • Take the right amount of time to answer a questions, never be in hurry; “Deliberation is from Allah and haste is from satan”(Saheeh al-Jaami, 3011) • Avoid cheating, the Prophet said, “Whoever cheats is not one of us.”

  20. Whoever follows the points mentioned above is sure to pass in any examination. Let us prepare with the same zest and zeal the examination in the grave and the ground of Hashr.

  21. “Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).” (3:185)

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