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The Workshop Model: Optimizing the Mini-lesson

The Workshop Model: Optimizing the Mini-lesson. By: Lori Grabel & Klarisa Konstantinovsky Education 702.22 – Fall 2008 Dr. O’Connor- Petruso. Table of Contents. Introduction - Statement of the Problem - Review of Related Literature - Statement of the Hypothesis Method

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The Workshop Model: Optimizing the Mini-lesson

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  1. The Workshop Model:Optimizing the Mini-lesson By: Lori Grabel & Klarisa Konstantinovsky Education 702.22 – Fall 2008 Dr. O’Connor- Petruso

  2. Table of Contents Introduction - Statement of the Problem - Review of Related Literature - Statement of the Hypothesis Method - Participants (N) - Instruments Appendices - Appendix A: Consent Forms - Appendix B: Surveys

  3. Statement of the Problem •    Due to grades falling and illiteracy rising, this research is based primarily on the “Workshop Model”; more exact the reading and writing workshop as described in www.tqnyc.org: “The workshop model intends for the students to learn reading and writing skills through much participation amongst themselves and their peers”, which follows whole-word learning and is in direct opposition of the phonics methodology.

  4. The Teacher’s College format of the model itself is a scripted and timed method of teaching or facilitating learning: Each reading and writing workshop must consist of: • Teaching Point:  Address the standards. • Connection:  Activate prior knowledge and focus attention on the lesson for 1 minute. • Mini-lesson:  Demonstrates the teaching point as if you were working independently for 10-15 minutes. • Link:  Review and clarify key points before sending them to work independently or in a group. • Active Engagement:  Students work independently or in groups while you are conferring or assessing individual or small groups of student readers or writers for 20-30 minutes based on your mini-lesson. • Mid-Workshop Interruption:  Remind the students of the Teaching Point and compliment for no more than 1 minute. • Share:  Two or three students get to share what they wrote or read, linked to the day's lesson for 1- 2 minutes. • Closure / Link:  Review and clarify key points for 1 minute. • Homework:  Should be based on the teaching point of the day's lesson.

  5. Purpose of the Thesis •   Through this research the hope is to find out if such a rigorous structure of teaching is most beneficial for students or if more could be learned and retained without a time limitation and other restraints. Bibliography Workshop Model.  (n.d.).  Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www.tqnyc.org/NYC052376/whatisworkshop_new.html

  6. Pros of the Workshop Model • Gives teachers the opportunity to model skill or strategy (Adriana, 2006) (Robb, L) • Instructional mini-lesson allows teachers and students to succeed (Popham, 1972) • Students taught using the Workshop Model are more likely to read for pleasure (Lause, 2004) • Personalizes the class for each student (Carmichael) • Allows for conferences with students (Furr, 2003)

  7. Cons of the Workshop Model • As per a teachers contract, they cannot be excessively micromanaged (Callaci, 2005) • Teacher should decide how to teach his/her own students (Krasner, 1976) • Teachers need to have the freedom to modify lessons and activities as needed (Lieberman, 2000)

  8. Statement of the Hypothesis • The Workshop Model’s rigorous time schedule will enhance the discipline to provide the optimum opportunity for third and fifth grade readers and writers (students) in a Title 1 school to gain knowledge and higher test scores.

  9. Participants • Forty-eight third and fifth grade students in a Title 1 school in Brooklyn, New York.

  10. Instruments • Consent form to the principal of the Title 1 school where the research will be conducted • Consent form to the parents/guardians of the student of interest • Surveys to parents to obtain additional information about the participants • Surveys to other 3rd and 5th grade teachers regarding their opinion of the effectiveness of the Workshop Model • Surveys to students about their opinion of the Workshop Model

  11. Appendix A: Consent Forms Parental consent form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER. Permission to participate in the thesis paper Child’s name _________________________________________ _________ I give my permission for my child to participate in the anonymous thesis/research paper over the course of the school year of 2009 Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________ Date:_________ Principal Consent Form Permission granted: ____________________________________

  12. Appendix B: Surveys - Survey to parents/guardians I prefer that my child receives more direct reading instruction during school hours. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree - Survey to teachers Students will score higher on standardized tests if they receive more direct reading instruction. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree - Survey to students I like reading independently in school. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

  13. To TC or not to TC? That is the question!

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