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PSRI of RHEI (reg. No. 321093) elaborated a doctoral study program "Pedagogy" and it was licensed in LR Ministry of Education and Science on January 21, 2008 and was launched in the academic year 2008/2009Program accredited for 6 years on June 2, 2010, decision No.3465
Study program content and implementation ensure sustainable development of the study program and comply with four major aims of higher education • personality, • democratic society, • solving science development tasks, • meeting the requirements of the labor market.
The doctoral study program "Pedagogy” has not only a general aim, but its peculiarity is determined by a specific aim of the program:to promote education and regional development policy processes in Latgale region; to foster development of intellectual potential of Latgalein the sub-branch of the pedagogy branch – school pedagogy by creating opportunities to carry out independent analysis of pedagogy problems based on scientific cognitions and methods and by getting achievements compliant to the standards of the European Union for introduction to pedagogical practice and for obtaining a doctor’s degree. General aim of the program:
to ensure technological distinction and transfer innovations to solve the issues of socialization, resocialization and people security (especially of people with developmental disturbances, handicapped people, and those from social risk groups) in Latgale region and in Latvia in general by carrying interdisciplinary researches: EDUCATION/ PERSONALITY SOCIALIZATION/ RESOCIALIZATION/ PEDAGOGY TECHNOLOGIES/ SOCIAL and REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGIES Specific aim of the program:
In Latvia accredited doctoral study programs in pedagogy are implemented at the University of Latvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia University of Agriculture and Liepaja University • The study programs (bachelor, master, doctoral) implemented at RHEI clearly indicate the peculiarities chosen for the doctoral study program and its niche among doctoral study programs in pedagogy of other higher education institutions in Latvia
You can see the peculiarities of our programs • first level higher professional education study program “Social Rehabilitator”, etc., • second level higher professional education bachelor study programs “Special Education Teacher”, “Social Pedagogue”; “Teacher”, etc., • professional master study programs “Special Pedagogy”, “Career Counselor”, • academic master study program “Pedagogy”, The doctoral program is a logical conclusion of them
Comparison with LR programs There is conducted comparative analysis of doctoral study programs offered in Latvia, which lets determine common and different features: Common: • LR higher education institutions implement a doctoral study program in the branch of pedagogy, • The structure of all offered programs is similar and the total number of CP is 144 Different: the peculiarities of this program are included in the Selective module (Part B) and in the individual research • Analyzing LR doctoral programs it is obvious that in the offered curriculum the themes of special pedagogy and inclusive education are not highlighted, possibly they are integrated into the content of courses.
Comparison with the EU states programsWe have conducted comparison with two programs • Doctoral study program of Education Sciences at the University of Tallinn • Doctoral study program in Educology Sciences at the University of Siauliai These programs have a larger number of CP in comparison to LR doctoral programs
We have additionally researched: Programs of Swedish universities, German – Oldenburg University, Dortmund University, where a single doctoral study program with multiple specializations is created for all humanitarian and social sciences In Norway, Oslo University there are implemented individual doctoral study programs in special education
Organization of studiesThe respective study program is being implemented in cooperation with universities on the local scale and international scale • There are concluded contracts with: • University of Latvia • Daugavpils University • Complutense Universidad de Madrid , Spain • Dortmund University, Germany • Oldenburg University, Germany • University of Iceland, Reykjavik • University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia, • Agder University, Norway • The doctoral program already includes jointly created study course curriculum with the academic staff of LU, DU and foreign HEI ( see the Course developer) • Students have an opportunity to acquire separate modules, courses and have practice (completely or partially) in the study programs of other HEI in Latvia and abroad
The study program is implemented by: 11 professors; 7 associate professors and 4 assistant professors/ leading researchers The study program is implemented by 11 PhDs who are elected at RHEI and out of them 7 are elected as experts in Latvia Council of Science 11 PhDs comprise no less than 50% of the total number of academic staff involved in the implementation of the program
Number of doctoral students • 2008./2009. – 15 • 2009./2010. – 17 • 2010./2011. – 20 • As the program was launched in 2008, the first 5 doctoral students have completed the theoretical part of the program in June, 2011. • It is envisaged that the first 3 candidates for a scientific degree will submit their doctoral thesis to the Doctorate Council of the University of Latvia in June, 2012 with ESF project.
Application of computers, multimedia and Internet • The lecture-room for doctoral students is provided with a computer, a projector and an a smart board. • The lecture-room for doctoral students in IT Center has 20 computers for individual usage during lectures. • E-studies environment Moodle is launched to ensure qualitative study process organization enabling to use the existing resources for creating study courses and providing a simple access and active involvement of doctoral students in the study process; • Data bases are available at the library
. Learning outcomes are based on ENQA standards for determining the results of studies and the content of the program as well as organization of studies ensure their attainability and testability Learning outcomes are determined by cycle descriptors: • Knowledge and comprehension To show that has a good knowledge and comprehends topical scientific theories and cognitions in pedagogy development; manages research methodology and modern research methods for carrying out interdisciplinary researches, processing of research data and implementation of the latest information technologies in pedagogy research; • Capability to apply knowledge Independently evaluate and choose methods appropriate for scientific researches by providing contribution to widen the borders of knowledge or by providing new sense in existing knowledge and its application in practice, realizing original research in the chosen field of research of the sub-branch of pedagogy (see B module of the program), part of which is in the level of internationally cited publications.
Analysis, synthesis, evaluation To solve significant research or innovation tasks, to independently propose research idea, to plan, structure and manage large scale scientific projects also in international context; to take responsibility for ethical aspects of own research activities when carrying out independent critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation • Communication To communicate both orally and in written form about own sphere of scientific work within own field, as well as with wider scientific circles and society in general • General skills Independently enhance own scientific qualification, implement scientific projects by gaining scientific achievements corresponding to international criteria of science; to manage research and development tasks in institutions and organizations, where wide research knowledge and skills are required
Doctoral studies assessment system The outcomes of the study program and the outcomes of the study courses are defined in the study program “Pedagogy”. • The learning outcomes of the doctoral study program are assessed according to the following basic principles: the principle of summing positive achievements the principle of obligatory assessment the principle of openness and clarity of requirements ; the principle of variety in kinds of testing the principle of assessment conformity
Increasing motivation for studiesAs Latvia as well as the world is under the economic crisis, financial support is one of the most relevant factors motivating students ERASMUS exchange Practice opprtunities in the abroad PSRI scientific activities: international projects and national programs; Acquisition of foreign experience (seminars, exchange of experience, etc.) using the EU funding; Scientific conferences, seminars in universities in Latvia and abroad as well as in international projects. The most significant support is: 4 ESF project scholarships 450 LVL (1) and 800 LVL (3) per month; 1 budget place given by the Ministry of Education and Science and 2 budget places provided by RHEI; • http://ru.lv/res/fak/ped/pspi/PSPI_parskats_2010.doc • http://ru.lv/res/fak/ped/pspi/PSPI_parskats_2009.doc • http://ru.lv/res/fak/ped/pspi/PSPI_parskats_2008.doc
Conference “Language, Individuals and Society in the Modern Word” BULGARIA, September, 2009 http://www.science-journals.eu
Workshop in Finland, HUMAK ,October, 2008. Workshop: “Adults Learn with Fun” Project 2009-1-IT2-GRU13-06312 , ITALY, Montesca; February, 2010
LLP Grundtvig Workshop; Universita De Libereta, ITALY, UdineSeptember, 2009 Scientific conference at Liepaja University, January, 2010 SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCEIN BERLIN, GERMANY ; March, 2009 “Making a Difference” http://www.hihm.no.concit
Opportunity to publish the results of the researches free of charge in RHEI The annual collection of scientific papers of PSRI “Education reform in comprehensive school: education content research and implementations problems: ISSN 1691-5895 indexed: EBSCO: Education Research Complete http://search.ebscohost.com (LICENCE AGREEMENT No. 6/18/10/). Available in the data base: http://ru.lv/index.php?lang=lv&p=2&p2=201&p3=20106&p4=201062
Opportunity to publish the results of the researchesINTERNATIONALLY REVIEWED PERIODICAL SCIENTIFIC ISSUES OF PSRI Proceedings of annual international scientific conference. Proceedings have been included in the data base Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge since 2007 http://www.webofknowledge.com/Conference Information: International Scientific Conference on Society, Integration, Education, Rezekne LATVIA Source: SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION , PROCEEDINGS
Employment opportunities for graduates • 6 doctoral students have full-time employment at RHEI, but 3 doctoral students have part-time job there • The employment of graduates will be facilitated by involving them in the activities of PSRI laboratories and creating 9 new workplaces for conducting interdisciplinary researches
PROVISION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A LINK BETWEEN SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND SOCIETY IN LATGALE REGION Registration in the Register of Social Service Providers entitles to provide social services, which is the basis for conducting scientific research.
RHEI has developed a studies quality management and evaluation system and it works successfully • The most relevant indicators in the quality mechanism of studies in the doctoral study program “Pedagogy” are as follows: • Particularity of the study program and clarity of aims and tasks, approachability, compliance to RHEI and PSRI development strategy • Compliance of the study content toLR education standards, recommendations of European Parliament and the EU Council about European Qualification framework development for lifelong education regarding the requirements of the 8th level (2006); ENQA standards for determining the results of studies, other normative acts.
Quality management • Consideration of the principle of democracy in management of the study program as well as in relationship of students with academic staff • Methodological (incl. availability of programs of the study courses in e-environment - Moodle), informative and material technical provisions of the study program • Annual self-evaluation of the study program, discussion of pros and cons of the study programs, changes, development possibilities and plans; improvement of the programs of the study courses; development and implementation of evaluation system of the studies results • Contribution of the study program director into management of the study program
Confirmation about possibilities to continue studies in case of interruption of the study program implementation • RHEI has made an agreement with Daugavpils University and University of Latvia about the possibilities of the students of the doctoral study program "Pedagogy" to continue studies in case of termination of the program
Thank you for your attention! Dr.paed, prof. Velta Lubkina velta@ru.lv