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English 10 Grammar & Writing #2 Mr. Rinka. English Language Root Words N - V http://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm. How Words Work. interrupt (verb): to stop, to break in (usually with questions ) i nter ( prefix = to throw something between other things)
English 10 Grammar & Writing #2Mr. Rinka English Language Root Words N - V http://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm
How Words Work interrupt (verb): to stop, to break in (usually with questions) inter (prefix = to throw something between other things) rupt (root = to break or burst) It's impolite to interrupt someone while they are speaking.
How Words Work Nonfiction (adjective) not made up, factual or true. non (prefix = not) fict (root = shape, make, fashion) ion (suffix = condition or action) Yoko is reading anonfiction book.
Pronunciation http://www.forvo.com/
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm N
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm nasc, nat, gnant, nai: to be born Latin, nasci to be born nascent = (adjective) - just born
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm nom, nym: name Latin, nomen: name nominate = (verb): to name for office
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm nov: new latin, novus: new novice = (noun): a beginner or newcomer
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm O
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm oper: work Latin, opus: work operate = (verb): to work, to perform
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm P
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pat, pass: feel, suffer Latin,pati: suffer passion = (noun): a strong feeling or emotion
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm path: feel Greek, pathos: feeling sympathy = (noun): sharing another person's feelings
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm ped: foot Latin, pes: foot impede = (verb): to hinder, to slow down
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pod: foot Greek, pous: foot podiatrist = (noun): a foot doctor
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pel, puls: drive, push Latin, pellere: to drive, push, beat repel = (verb): to drive away or push back
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pend, pond: to hang, weigh Latin, pendere: to hang, to weigh pendulum = (noun): a hanging object that swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm phan, phas, phen, fan, phant, fant:show, make visible Greek, phainein: show phantom = (noun): something seen but having no physical existence, a ghost
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm phil: love Greek, philos: loving philosopher = (noun): a person who seeks (loves) wisdom
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm phon: sound Greek, phone: voice, sound telephone = (noun): a device for transmitting speech at a great distance
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pict: paint, show, draw Latin, pingere: to paint picture = (verb): to paint or draw
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm port: carry Latin,portare: carry transport = (verb): to carry from one place to another
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pli, ply: fold Latin, plicare: fold pliable = (adjective):easily bent or shaped
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm pon, pos: put, place Latin, ponere: to lay down, put, place postpone = (verb): to put off to a later time
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm psych: mind Greek, psukhe: soul, spirit psychology = (noun): study of how the mind works
Study & Quiz http://www.flashcardmachine.com/p/l13yv3
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm Q
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm quir, quis, quest, quer: seek, ask Latin, quaerere: seek, ask query = (verb): to ask questions
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm R
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm rupt: break Latin, rumpere: break rupture = (verb): to break or burst
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm S
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm sci, scio: to know Latin, scire: to know conscious = (adjective): aware, having knowledge of oneself
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm scrib, scrip: write Latin, scribere: to write script = (noun): handwriting, something written
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm sent, sens: feel, think Latin, sentire: feel sentiment = (noun): a thought prompted by feeling
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm sequ, secut, sue: follow Latin, sequi: to follow sequence = (noun): a continuous series
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm sist: to withstand, make up Latin, sistere: to make a stand insist = (verb): to be firm about something needed, to demand
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm soci: to join, companions Latin, sociare, socius: to join, a companion sociable = (adjective): inclined to seek friendship, companionship
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm sol: alone Latin, solus: alone, single solitary = (adjective): being alone
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm solv, solu, solut: loosen, explain Latin, solvere: too loosen, release solve = (verb): to find an answer
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm spec, spi, spic, spect: look Latin, specere: look, look at spectator = (noun): a person who watches
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm spir: breath, soul Latin, spirare: breathe respiration = (noun): breathing
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm stab, stat: stand Latin, stare: to stand stature = (noun) - height of a standing body, importance of position
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm strain, strict, string, stige: bind, pull Latin, stringere: to bind or pull tight constrict = (verb) - to squeeze, to make narrow
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm stru, struct, stroy: build Latin, struere: to build construct = (verb): to build or put together
Study & Quiz http://www.flashcardmachine.com/p/w37xq5
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm T
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm tact, tang, tig, ting: touch Latin, tangere: to touch tactile = (adjective): related to the sense of touch
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm tele: far away Greek, telos: end television = (noun): An electronic apparatus that receives images and sound by electronic signals.
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm tend, tens: stretch Latin, tendere: to stretch tension = (noun): the process of stretching something tight
Root Wordshttp://www.southampton.liunet.edu/academic/pau/course/webroot.htm tain, ten, tent, tin: hold, keep, have Latin, tenere: to hold retain = (verb): to keep, to hold in place