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Formation of E stuarine T urbidity M axima in partially mixed estuaries. 1: Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Formation of Estuarine Turbidity Maxima in partially mixed estuaries 1: Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, The Netherlands 3: Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia, USA H.M. Schuttelaars1,2, C.T. Friedrichs3 and H.E. de Swart1 An example of a plume of water, heavily laden with suspended sediments, entering an estuary. Photo by: Chesapeake Bay Program
Introduction • In many estuaries Estuarine Turbidity Maxima are observed Classical model for formation of ETM due to convergence of river flow and gravitational circulation
Observations in the York river, Virginia, USA (Lin & Kuo, 1999) • During stratified conditions: 1 ETM where r ~ 1002 kg m-3 • During mixed conditions: 2 ETMs • During stratified conditions ETM generally weaker • first one at r ~ 1002 kg m-3 • second, weaker ETM 30 km downstream of 1st one
Research questions: • Can the convergence of sediment at two different locations be modelled? • Which conditions result in the formation of two ETMs? Hypothesis: The density distribution in the estuary controls the position, strength and number of ETMs that will be observed.
Model Approach Forcing: Geometry: • weakly convergent • flat bed • sea side: M2 water elevation • river side: fresh water flux
Water Motion: 2 DV (width averaged) shallow water equations • Suspended load transport: • advection-diffusion equation • deposition • erosion ~ a(x) |u| Sediment: • uniform, fine sediment (ws = 0.001 m s-1) • non-cohesive • Horizontal eddy viscosity and diffusivity neglected • Influence of stratification on vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity through Richardson number: • Density: diagnostic Az = Az0 (1 + gA Ri)-p Kz = Kz0 (1 + gK Ri)-q (Officer, 1976) With Ri ~ g Dr H / r0 UT2
Analytical solution method: Velocities u and w Concentration C Net Sediment Transport, that still depends on the erosion coefficient a(x) • Morphodynamic equilibrium: no net sediment transport This requirement results in the spatial structure of the erosion coefficient
First Experiment:Estuary is vertically stratified (r = r(x,z)) Width-Integrated residual concentration: One ETM is observed around 80 km
One ETM is found around 80 km. • 20 km upstream of 2ppt.
Second Experiment:Estuary is well mixed (r = r(x)) Width-Integrated residual concentration: Two ETMs are observed, 2nd one 20 km downstream of 1st
2 ETMs are observed • ‘Classical’ ETM around 80 km • 2nd ETM 20 km downstream of 1st one • 2nd ETM less pronounced
Conclusions • Diagnostic model useful in gaining insight in formation of ETMs • During mixed conditions two ETMs will form • During stratified conditions only one ETM will form • Stratification weakens the ETM Further research: • Which physical mechanism results in the second ETM (quite straightforward with analytical model)? • Why is the ETM not pushed upstream with stronger stratification? • Parameter dependency of position of ETM