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Expert Teachers and their teaching skills. Dr. K.P. Jaikiran Asst. Professor (Co ordinator, Quality Assurance Cell) University College, Trivandrum. Overview. Importance of soft knowledge Teaching in the ancient and the modern world Profile of an expert teacher
Expert Teachers and their teaching skills Dr. K.P. Jaikiran Asst. Professor (Co ordinator, Quality Assurance Cell) University College, Trivandrum
Overview Importance of soft knowledge Teaching in the ancient and the modern world Profile of an expert teacher Expert teaching – case studies
Tacit knowledge is crucial to educational development Skills, expertise and experiences are invisible knowledge assets whose capture, codification and distribution would pay rich dividends to education Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 3
Teaching-learning – The road travelled 500 A.D 1 Dominance of Tacit knowledge Informal systems 2 1450 A.D Formal institutions 3 1960 Dominance of Explicit knowledge Text based system 1980 -1990 4 Multimedia age Computer and internet age Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 4
Teacher - the evolution Guru, the great sculptor Teacher – the Knowledge transfer agent Faciliator – Educational manager Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 5
Soft knowledge in Teaching-Learning Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 6
Fertile fields of tacit knowledge exchange Classes Meetings Coffee breaks Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 7
Kidwell, J. and others (2000) Applying Corporate Knowledge Management Practices in Higher Education. Educase Quaterly, 4, 28-33. Wilke, M. and others (2003). A video approach to knowledge management. INCOSE 2003 – 13th Annual International Symposium proceedings. Metcalfe, A.M. (2006). Knowledge Management and Higher Education: A critical analysis. Information Science Publishing, Hershey, PA. 367p. Best practigces in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 8
Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 9
What have I done in this area? Project Toolkit on Education 3 Areas Instruction, learning environment and best practices Methods used Video interviews of experts, concept mapping and Video mapping of expert classes Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 10
Expert Teacher – a profile Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Areas of expertise Academic Aspects Instruction, Learner motivation, conducting classes, learning environment Social Aspects Understanding learners, interpersonal skills, value inculcation Management Aspects Impression management , discipline Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
The chemistry of expert teaching • A good repertoire of instructional strategies • Technology support for complex visualisations and difficult concepts. • Communication in a clear and sequential manner • Ability to link content to familiar objects, situations and experiences. Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Good practices in instruction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vietnamese_Army http://www.wopular.com/newsracks/baton Laminar flow and turbulent flow Linking subject knowledge to the life world Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Learner motivation • Creating a passion for learning is what expert teaching is about • Demystifying knowledge using strategies such as story telling • Presenting challenging situations to arouse learner interest Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Motivational strategies A real learner has to be Socratic in a sense http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:David_-_The_Death_of_Socrates.jpg Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Effective classes Communicating ideas clearly in a sequential manner Keeping learner interest active through meaningful activities Hot temper and lack of empathy are negative skills Proper utilisation of class time Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Rapport with learners • Knowledgeable and sympathetic teachers who can engage learners effectively • Friendliness should be within limits and should not affect discipline • Good teachers suppress ego and have zero weight in classes • Classes should promote free atmosphere for effective communication Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Case studies Concept mapping developed by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Florida Contextual language training Research paper discussions Virtual experiences for situated learning Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Concept maps as an instructional tool Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Teaching by doing - Basso, 2004 Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Application of concept maps in teaching Introductory classes dealing with a hierarchy of concepts and ideas For giving a bird’s eye view of a course to learners For student evaluation Most ideal for teaching course design in teacher training programmes Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Research paper discussions Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Advantages of the method Active involvement of students in the learning process An understanding of the skills of doing scientific work and communicating the results develops The method of literature survey and its citation becomes clear Questions taken up for discussion lets learners slip into the author’s shoes Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
What is contextual language training? Training in English by situating learners in a familiar environment Learner specific audios for teaching – freedom to choose content and level of difficulty Each class begins with a short lecture, followed by an audio session and concluded by discussions Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Virtual experiences for situated learning Best practices in teaching-learning 09-09-2014 IIIT Delhi 27
Virtual experiences – advantages Provide direct experience with the topic being taught Bridges the gap between the field and the class room In geology classes field exercises can be given in the class room itself Teacher’s role is simplified and he uses short lectures to help learners comprehend the situation. Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
Closing remarks Outcome (Skills) based teaching increases effectiveness of the TL processes Teaching Learning is a two way process in which learner involvement is crucial Teachers should keep in sight instructional objectives, entering behaviour of learners, instructional strategies and performance assessment An Expert teacher is one who is knowledgeable, can communicate ideas effectively and generate a passion for learning. Best practices in teaching-learning IIIT Delhi
courtesy indiabuzzing.com teachers.saschina.org Integrating the best of both worlds would pay rich dividends IIIT Delhi thazon.blogspot.com