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CHILEAN PROPOSAL TO HOST THE PAN/PBL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Concepción – Chile 2014. Proponents. PROPONENT. Provost for Academic Organization (Vicerrector) Center of Public Policy Master of Science Teaching Program School of Science School of Engineering School of Education.
Proponents PROPONENT • ProvostforAcademicOrganization (Vicerrector) • Center of PublicPolicy • Master of Science Teaching Program • School of Science • School of Engineering • School of Education
University of Bío-Bío University of Bío-Bío, Campus Concepción
University of Bío-Bío University of Bío-Bío, Campus Chillán
AboutUniversityof Bío-BíoBriefHistory The University of Bío-Bío is heir to the most ancient tradition of state and public higher education in the Biobío region. Its origins lay on the creation of the State Technical University (UTE) on April 9, 1947, during Gabriel González Videla’s presidency. This new institution came under the Ministry of Public Education and merged the School of Industrial Engineers and the technical degrees of the School of the Arts and Professions of Santiago; the School of Mines of Antofagasta, Copiapó and La Serena and the Industrial Schools of Concepción, Temuco and Valdivia. The UTE started officially in 1952, after the Senate approved its Organic Statutes, despite strong opposition from the University of Chile, whose authorities considered that the UTE should work under their governance. In Concepción, the UTE played an important role facing the needs and challenges that the region posed as a pole of the industrial development of the country, not only through undergraduate teaching but also through scientific and technologic research. In addition to the technical courses of Electricity, Mechanics and Textile, available in 1959, the courses of Engineering Technician on Electricity, Mechanics and Wood were added in 1969. On that same year the Architecture course was established, which was a crucial event: according to the new Law for Universities, passed in 1980, the UTE’s Concepción campus became an autonomous university (University of Bío-Bío) for teaching Architecture, defined at that time as one of the 12 university majors.
AboutUniversityof Bío-BíoBriefHistory The Ñuble campus of the University of Chile, which had worked in Chillán since 1966, faced the opposite situation. The new legislation, which forced the regional campuses to become universities, according to the concept of regionalization and deconcentration, caused the birth of the Professional Institute of Chillán (IPROCH), since it didn’t offer any of the majors considered university majors at that time. The creation of the Ñuble campus of the University of Chile, first as regional College, had been the result of a wide civic movement aimed at avoiding young graduates from secondary education to emigrate to Santiago or other cities to enter higher education. In the beginning, it was located on the premises of the Santa Cecilia Musical Society and in one building on Libertad Avenue, where the Language School used to work. After that, in 1973, it received a donation of 33 hectares from the rural area of El Mono, property of Fernando May Didier; that is when the construction of the current campus Fernando May began. In 1981 the assets of the growing IPROCH rose with the addition of the former premises of the Teacher’s School of Chillán, where now the La Castilla campus is located. Later on, in 1988, the merging between the University of Bío-Bío and the IPROCH formed the institution currently known as University of Bío-Bío, the combination of two institutions that committed themselves to work along and build a common history.
AboutUniversity of Bío-BíoBriefHistory • Leadership and UniversityAdministration UBB’s leadership team is dedicated to fulfilling the University’s educational mission and research enterprise, to advancing a vision for the University’s future, and to sustain its tradition of public service. The four major divisions and their subsequent administrative units can be found in the organizational chart under the leadership of the Office of the President. The Office of the President (Rector y Prorrector) is the highest ranking office at the University. The Office of the Provost (Vicerrector) is the University’s chief academic office, and the Office of the Executive Vice President (Vicerrector de AsuntosEconómicos) oversees the administrative and business operations of the University in support of the academic enterprise.
AboutUniversity of Bío-BíoBriefHistory • UndergraduateEducation The UBB offersundergraduateprofessionalmajors in bothcampuses, in allareas of knowledge: Biological and ExactSciences, Engineering, Humanities, Arts and Architecture, Health and Social Sciences. • GraduateEducation and ContinuingEducation Theseactivities are framed in a strategicdevelopmentalareas of the UBB, underlinedbytheacademicresearch and technologyoutreachinggroups. OurStateUniversityoffersPhD’s and Masters Programs in areassuch as Architecture, Bussiness and Administration, Engineering, Health, and Education .
AboutUniversity of Bío-BíoBriefHistory • Research UBB’s makes it own major commitments to the research enterprise. As established by the School Policy and Initiative Program 2010-2014 (PGDU), the University is increasing tenured and tenure-track positions in the humanities, arts and sciences.Yet, this growth has been accompanied by significant investment in new facilities to support faculty scholarship in science, business administration and management, food sciences and wood technology research. In addition, the Provost’s Office oversees research grants program through the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) to allow faculty to compete for additional funding to pursue research.
AboutUniversity of Bío-BíoEducationalModel • Universidad del Bío-Bíois a public, Teaching/Research in-progress university, devoted to academic excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. The University’s hallmark is a culture of engagement that bridges theory with practice, extends the learning environment beyond the classroom, and promotes student growth and life success. UBB’s nationally accredited academic programs in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies prepare a diverse and select undergraduate and graduate student population for regional leadership and service as citizenship makers under core values expressed through commitment, diversity, collaboration, leadership and social responsibility. • The University offers a student-centered environment enhanced by teaching and learning initiatives, technology, different social background experiences, private and public partnerships, shaped by a safe residential campus recognized for its natural beauty.
AboutUniversity of Bío-BíoTeaching and LearningPhilosophy Based on our student’s social background and previous learning experiences, the University offers a student-centered environment enhanced by The Teaching and Learning Framework (ModeloEducativo), which lies under the Major Curricula, College-Level Work Skills, Teaching Methodology and Assessment requirements.
AboutUniversity of Bío-Bíonew Technologies The UBB has implemented technological tools that allows instant communication through videoconferences inside and outside the university. We can spread out events, courses and activities, and we can have all the 2014 PAN/PBL International Conference transmitted by broadband internet, making the conference worldwide available during its realization, live, and also available in its web site afterwards.
About University of Bío-BíoExperience in PBL Recent Universidad del Bío-Bío initiatives such as The School of Engineering Innovation Curriculum (2008) and The Improving the Science Curriculum (2009) implemented through two Higher Education and Quality Improvement Commission Grants (MECESUP), report that active-learning and PBL strategies contribute to improve retention and GPA rates.
AboutUniversityof Bío-BíoCurriculaInnovation Thecurricular innovationistheprocessthatgets in tune vocationalcurriculum in collegewithadvancingscientific disciplines and the new demands of the labor and social context. Itwasperformedusingthedesign and implementation of programsaimed at theresult of learning and skills training forstudentsusinginnovativeteachingstrategies. Theseactivitiesseektoimprove performance, developskills and abilities in students, as well as improvetheretention of students, reduce the time studentstaketoget a degree and improvelevels of quality of theiracademic training. Curricular innovation has beencarriedoutthroughthepublicpolicy agenda and citizenship of the Bío-Bío University, togetherwiththeinstitutionalcoordinationunit of MECESUP of theministry of education, Chile.
AboutUniversityof Bío-BíoOutsideaccrediting agencies The UBB is in fifth position within the existing 61 universities in the Chilean university system, from the results of years and areas creditable. The National Accreditation Commission (CNA) granted the accreditation for five years (2009 - 2014) in the following areas: Institutional Management, Undergraduate Teaching, Research and Liaison with the media.
AboutUniversityof Bío-BíoExchange studentprograms and academicforeigncolaboration • TheMission of theDirectorate General of ForeignInstitutionalRelationsistoproposeinstitutionallinkagepolicies, promote, facilitate and evaluatetheirimplementation , so as toincreasethecollaborativenetworkswithkeypartnersfortheorganization'swork. • In internationalterms, theDirectorate General of ForeignInstitutionalRelationspermanentlyinterrelatestheUniversitywithforeignacademic and scientificcommunities. • Itencouragestheparticipation of academics in jointresearch and developmentwithforeignuniversities and institutionsconsolidatingtheUniversity'sinternationalpresencebydevelopingactivitiesthathaveallowedthediffusion of theirability in teaching, research, technicalassistance and training. • Itpromotesacademiccontactwiththeircounterparts in foreignuniversities and graduate and postgraduatestudentsmobilitybothnationally and internationally.
Master of ScienceTeachingProgram Theprogramrespondsto a continuousprocess of training of scholars in thefield of ScienceEducation and tothemission of theFaculty of Science of theUniversity of Bio-Bio. Fromthepoint of view of partneringwithotheracademicunits, theprogram has definedinstances of collaboration and partnershipwiththeFaculty of Education of theUniversity of Bio-Bío. In thefield of academiccollaboration, it has receivedrecognitionfrominternationalinstitutions and thevaluablesupportfromprominentscholarsfromnational and internationaluniversities .
Master of ScienceTeachingProgram Theprogram, which in thedisciplinaryaspectsconsiders "Standardsfor Training highschoolScienceTeacherscorrespondingtothe D021 FONDEF 1090 as guidingelements, respondsfirst, to a training policyencouragedbythe MINEDU and ontheotherhand, totheneedforhighlyqualified human resourcestohelppromotethedevelopment of Science and Mathematics in High School and theupperlevels of theEducationSystem. The Masters Program in ScienceEducation, notonlyrespondstothevision and mission of theDepartment of Basic Sciences. itisinsertedintotheDevelopment Plan of theUniversity and theFaculty of Science. Itistherefore, directlyrelatedtotheinitiativesthat are developed in thefield of teachingquality.
Fundamentals topropose UBB as host of the PAN/PBL International Conference The School of Engineering at the UBB, applied to undergraduate students the PBL methodology as part of a grant in the year 2008. The grant was supported by the School of Science and the School of Education, and, in case the methodology should work, the organizers wanted to create a PBL network through the university and extending it to other universities in the country. The pilot PBL showed to be an excellent program and it was subsequently applied to the School of Science in four courses and in five Departments (Industry, Civil, Mechanics, Electricity and Wood Science Departments) of the School of Engineering. Technical and evaluation designs were in charge of the School of Education
Fundamentals topropose UBB as host of the PAN/PBL International Conference The goal of the research grant was to improve teaching practices of the faculty members at the UBB, in order to develop significant learning environments. The pilot program sequence were: teacher´s coaching, course material preparation, incorporation of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) classroom set ups, text selection, methodology application and evaluation, and finally communication of results.
Fundamentals topropose UBB as host of the PAN/PBL International Conference. Theprojectis a complementarypart of two MECESUP projectsrunning at theFaculty of Sciences (Improvement of Natural Sciences at theUniversity of Bío-Bío) and at theFaculty of Engineering (Improvement and Innovation of Vocational Training of Faculty of Engineeringstudents at theUniversity of Bío-Bío).
Fundamentals topropose UBB as host of the PAN/PBL International Conference Thedevelopment of theproject at theUniversity of Bío-Bío demonstratedthat: • themethodology of ProblemBasedLearningappliestoimproveteachingpractices of academics at theUniversity of Bío-Bío and todevelopmeaningful and integratinglearning in students in an active-participatorypedagogicalcontext. In addition, duringthedevelopment of theproject, activitieswereundertaken, such as: • Training of teachers of Bío-Bío University at theUniversity of Delaware. • Technicalsupport and training to UBB teachers, byprofessors of the Pontifical CatholicUniversity of Peru. • Visit of Bío-Bío University'sacademicstodifferent American universitiestomeet ABP implementations. • Classroomsenabledtoworkwiththe ABP methodology. • Participation in national and internationalconferenceswhere ABP activitieswerepresented in UBB • Journalpublications of projectresults.
The Provisional ConferencePlanningCommittee The local organizing team is responsible for the logistics, the management of the internal and external relations, and all necessary aspects to achieve success . Members: GreciaAvilés ( Undergraduate Department) J.GabrielBrauchy (Undergraduate Department) Manuel Albarran ( Public Policy Center) Francisco Ramis ( School of Engineering) Fernando Toledo –Planning Committee Coordinator Patricia Arancibia ( Master of Science Teaching Program) Marcela Vidal (Master of Science Teaching Program) Andrea Minte (School of Education)
FacilitiesforEvents: SurActivo SurActivo has a new and modern structure to host events and academic meetings. Its “Auditoriums’ Hall” can receive comfortably up to 1700 participants, divided in three spaces: Gran Salón(capacity: 700), Salón A (capacity: 100), Salón A/B (capacity: 200),Salón A/B/C (capacity :400). They are interconnected by broadband internet and video stream capacity; air-conditioned; equipped with multimedia computers and LCD projectors; and in the front lobby there is a big and nice space for poster and books exhibitions and art performances.
Concepción – Bío-BíoRegion This region has been considered the door to the South of Chile, and it is a region that has everything that is necessary to captivate the tourists: rivers, lakes, lagoons, forests, a steeped coastal mountain and a luxurious maritime coast. The cities are full of history, parks, fisher’s bays, markets and towns with craftsmen are transformed into watchful witnesses of the course of time. In other times, this region marked the limits between conquerors and natives, heritage that has transformed it today into a modern commercial, industrial, urban and harbor center. The limits are: to the North, the Region of Maule; to the East, the Republic of Argentine; to the South, the Region of the Araucanía and to the West, the Pacific Ocean.
Concepción – Bío-BíoRegion The city of Concepción was founded where today is located Penco, on October 5, 1550 by don Pedro de Valdivia and its name was “La Concepción de MaríaPurísima del Nuevo Extremo”, which was destroyed on many occasions by the fury of nature and by the constant attack of the “araucanos” (natives of neighboring regions) and it was precisely one of these catastrophes that determined in 1751 to move the city of Concepción to the riverside of the Biobío River.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-Bío Region Snow Chillán’s Snow Clad mountains and the Antuco Volcano offer the best conditions for ski practice and family recreation. Nevados de Chillan Thermal Resort has the most complete infrastructure and it is considered to be the most important of South America, due to its 28 ski runs of the widest characteristics, to enjoy in all its magnitude this exciting sport. Within 10 thousand acres of skiing domain, are found a hotel infrastructure that include from family cabins to a five star hotel. All of this, inserted in a virgin snows landscape and native forests with millenary trees.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-Bío Region Lakes In the province of Arauco we can find Lanalhue and LleuLleu lakes; the first one has an excellent infrastructure of family cabins by the lake side, they are inserted in a unique natural ambiance and in it tourists can carry out activities such as trekking, kayaking, horseback riding, and yachting, among others; in the second lake, that is located in the mist of the Nahuelbuta mountain range, among luxurious forests, prairies, agriculture fields, fluvial valleys and dunarios fields. Lleu-Lleu Lake offers tourists services as camping, cabins, picnic areas and in it different activities can be practiced such as horseback riding, yachting, sport fishing and swimming.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-Bío Region Thermal resorts The main thermal resort is located 1600 m over the sea, on the hillside of the Chillán Volcano. Mineral proprieties of its waters with an average temperature of 60ºC, are adequate for the treatment and healing of a number of diseases, through mud therapy, natural steam sulphur baths, template swimming pools and the best hotel infrastructure, together with an exquisite cuisine and excellent services. On the other hand, in the nearby sectors, Las Trancas Valley has an excellent offer of tourist services, surrounded by exuberant landscape and luxurious native vegetation, well complemented by the hotel infrastructure, giving the opportunity to carry out activities such as horseback riding, trekking and outings during the summer season through impressive Andean trails
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-Bío Region National parks The Laja Lagoon National Park and Ralco. The National Reserves: Isla Mocha, Ñuble, Ralco, Huemules del Niblinto form part of areas where different activities related with nature and open air life can be carried out, apart from preserving a wide variety of native flora and fauna species.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-BíoRegion Beaches From the north to the south we found Cobquecura beach, where you can see colonies of sea wolves in front of the beach in a place formed by four spectacular big rocks that emerge from the sea, and that together with its picturesque Stone Church was declared Sanctuary of Nature in 1992. Following alongside the coast we get to Dichato, a beautiful beach resort with fine and white sands, where it is possible to carry out a variety of nautical sports and to taste the local cuisine that offers a complete and attractive gastronomy with sea products in the different sea side restaurants. To the south of Tomé city, among hills and valleys it is possible to enjoy of Bellavista and los Morros beaches. Five kilometers far from Tomé you can visit Cocholgüe beach which is settled in the midst of steep rocks and majestic rockeries that together with its rough waves makes it a beach fit for the practice of nautical sports. Mystic rocky formation makes of this fishing bay the most astonishing and breathtaking coastal landscapes of the Biobío Region. To the south of Concepción Playa Blanca in Coronel, Laraquete and Punta Lavapié beaches are prior to the extended Lebú Beach, where it is possible to carry out nautical sports and to enjoy of the beautiful landscape, the rocky coasts, steep rocks with fancy shapes and sound that give birth to Benavides Cavern, a legendary pirate that is the origin of a number of delightful legends.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-BíoRegion Itata Wine Route The wines of the Itata Valley have been awarded different prizes at a national level are characterized by the colonial houses and wineries built more than a 100 years ago, kept in perfect conservation. We will be allowed to travel through the different vineyards and to know their wineries that keep excellent Cabernet Sauvignons, transparent Chardonnays, delicious Merlots and musts of old stocks brought to Chile by the Jesuits in the XVIII century. We will also have the opportunity to see all the new technologies in combination with the home made processes that have more than 100 years, and to visit the stables that form integral part of the country life of the zone. After this tour you will taste wines produced there and to know their characteristic through expert enologists that will teach you all the magic of the wines of the region.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-BíoRegion Cultural Tourism The city of Concepción is the main cultural center of the south zone of the country; it has more than 15 mural paintings; besides in the center of the urban area are the Sacred Art Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Art Gallery of the University of Concepción. An instead of numerous congresses and seminars, important art galleries, museums, cinema cycles, theater, poetry reading, musical encounters of jazz, rock and erudite (learned, expert) music, are some of the artistic expressions that are intensively lived in the city. In Lota we will find “Surprising Lota”, a tour circuit that includes a visit to the IsidoraCousiño Park, an entrance to Chiflón del Diablo mine, a visit to the Historical Museum of Lota and a visit to some of the installations where the film Sub Terra was filmed. In the coasts of Talcahuano port city located 16 km far from Concepción; it is possible to visit the floating museum Monitor Huascar . In Chillán, capital of Ñuble province, it is important to visit the Church and San Francisco Museum, San Juan de Dios Church, the monastery (convent) of the Carmelitas priests and that of the Mexican School; the Market and the Craftsmanship Fair, Bernardo O’Higgins Park and the Cathedral. Quinchamalíis a handicraft center located 30 km far from Chillán. Its main activity is to make works with black clay, and its most representative piece of work is the guitar woman.
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-BíoRegion Adventure Tourism The challenging waters of the Biobío River offer a wonderful adventure to lovers of rafting and to those that dare to go down the rapids, which have a difficulty of up to grade 4. While going down, tourists will enjoy with the beautiful landscape and the varied native vegetation
Concepción – ChileTourist attraction of the Bío-BíoRegion Ethnic tourism In Alto del Biobío, the tourist will be able to know directly the traditions, customs and legends of the pehuenches communities, by getting involved in their daily activities such as: taste their gastronomy, collect “piñones”, ride on horseback and participate in their religious ceremonies. While at the LleuLleu Lake, the visitor will learn to get acquainted with the elements of the mapuche culture, to listen their stories and legends, to visit their “rucas” or traditional constructions, to participate in the preparation of their foods and to collaborate in the elaboration of their handicraft, to visit the “machis” and “loncos” and to share their traditional plays as the “palín” and the “kollellaullin”. In Los Angeles you must visit the High Frontier Museum that has a varied collection of araucana silversmith articles, complemented with silver devices used by the mapuches and pehuenches to ride on horseback. In Cañete, a city located in Arauco Province, 137 km far from Concepción, it is also possible to know the typical craft of our ancestors, in the Juan Antonio Ríos Museum or the Mapuche Museum.
Concepción – ChilePlaces of interest When you travel throughout the city, you will notice that streets perpendicular to the river bear the names of republican outstanding persons, while parallel ones received the names of “caciques mapuches” (Native mapuches chiefs). We recommend you to take a look at this curiosity. La Plaza de la Independencia (Independence Square): It was baptized with this name because in this place Chile proclaimed its Independence on January 1st, 1818 from the Spanish dominion. This square maintains its original design with wide paved blocks and at the center, a pink stone water fountain (the pink stone was brought from San Rosendo, a village located to the South of Concepción) . The fountain also has a run of in relief bronze, representing Ceres, the Goddess of Agriculture. Plaza Perú (Peru Square), located between Chacabuco and Diagonal Pedro Aguirre Cerda Streets. It was built in the year 1942. Surrounding buildings, from the year 1942 and 1945, constitute a harmonic group, unique of Concepción City. In the first floor there is a portal called “Portal Plaza Perú ” (Peru Square Portal), with a small shopping center. The Square has a beautiful water fountain that marks its center, and constituting a urban identification milestone of Concepción City. PaseoPeatonal Concepción (Pedestrian Avenue or Promenade). It is formed by two blocks with a lot of commercial retail stores, located in the center of the city (Barros Arana Avenue between Anibal Pinto and ColoColo Streets). Mercado Municipal de Concepción: (Municipal Market of Concepción). With 3.600 m2 full of stands that offer handicraft objects, flowers, fruit and vegetables. It also has a dining center where most typical dishes of the region are prepared and sold to tourists and visitors, including shellfish stands to buy and also to taste in the same place. This market was built after the year 1939 earthquake and at present it is functioning in the center of the city of Concepción.
Concepción – ChilePlaces of interest Cerro Caracol (Caracol Hill): Its at the back of the Parque Ecuador. It is the highest hill of the city, with 256 m height. Its name is after the Royal Road outline that crossed it to connect the city with the interior area. In this place there are pathways surrounded by native vegetation mixed with other species, that lead to its summit where you can find some view posts, ideals to admire the city and the BíoBío River. Parque Ecuador (Ecuador Park): located to the east of the Plaza de la Independencia, it is a vast green area, that goes along Serrano to Tucapel Streets on the skirts of the Caracol Hill through AvenidaVeteranos del 79 (Veterans of the 79’s Avenue). Formerly, this park was called Alameda Park, but its name was changed as gratitude to Ecuador for their help to the Chilean country after the earthquake of the year 1906 (¿1960?). The garden has areas for sports and children’s playing yards. BíoBío River, Its name in mapudungun language means HuioHuio or “Water Rumor”. It has been a historical river for excellence. During colonial times it was the frontier and big scenery of the War of Arauco and during the fight of the national Independence it was the dumb witness of many battles among Chilean Patriot and Spanish “Realistas” (members of the Spanish Crown Army).
Concepción – ChilePlaces of interest La Galería de Historia: (History Gallery) Located neighboring the Parque Ecuador . It presents a complete vision of the regional history through dioramas, that is, shaped (carved) figures ambient in sceneries that revive the different significant historical moments in the history of Concepción and the Bío-Bío Region. Museo de Historia Natural de Concepción (Museum of Natural History of Concepción). The permanent exhibit includes different spaces and subjects sucha as ,”The Museum and the Naturalists”, that introduces the visitor inside the oldest history of the museum, and in the description of Chile. From the hall of ”Big Questions” about the universe, you will enter in the room of “Our Remote Past”. Regional ecosystems are also represented by “The Coast Border”. “The BíoBío River”, “The Forest”. There is also a section called “Present and Future” that exhibits examples of creative projects oriented to the sustainable development of the region, leaving a final reflection to the visitors about the possible future of our natural and cultural surrounding.
Concepción – Chile Places of interest Campus Universidad de Concepción (Campus University of Concepción) It is located in Chacabuco Street, next to EdmundoLarenas Street. Inserted in a scenery privileged by nature, in a lot of 130.000m2. In it outstands an open air amphitheater where we can see the metallic sculpture made by SamuélRomán, in memory of Enríque Molina Garmendia, founder of the university in the year 1919 and its first Rector (President?). College buildings distributed within the campus lot, leave a central esplanade with a distinct perspective of all different constructions, presided by the imposing Campanil Tower, the symbol of the University. Going up the hill, in front of EULA Center, we can observe a beautiful panoramic view of the campus, the center of the city and the Bío Bío River. At the return, while going down the hill, visitors will have the opportunity to pass and appreciate a Pudus Breeding Center, where these small Chilean stags are reproduced in captivity , and also the Lagunas Los Patos (The Black Necked Swans), a natural habitat of black necked swans and “caiquenes”. Casa Central de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, located at a side of the cathedral, it occupies the old Episcopal palace. This University is in charge of the Museo de Arte Sagrado (Sacred Art Museum) where they exhibit object of cult, religious imaginary, colonial paintings, sacred clothing and ornaments, heritage of the Archdioceses. In this art collection outstands a Marble carved crucifix, donated by the King Felipe II of Spain in the XVI century
Concepción – ChileConcepción and its neighboring places Places that surround Concepción are full of tourist attractions and visitors will also know the different communes that surround the city: Bentotecas: These are places with a number of cheap eating houses that offer a varied gastronomy with see food, characteristic of the region. Its name refers to the term “Bentónico” that means “the one that lives in the bottom of the sea”. It is located very near to the Plaza Arturo Prat, in front of the sea, in the road to the Naval Base and in the bordering zone of the Port (Talcahuano). Isla Quiriquina (Quiriquina Island): This island was discovered on June 21st, 1557 by don GarcíaHurtado de Mendoza, after a very furious storm that obliged him to land in its coasts. Its name means “Pajonal del Zorro” ( Fox Gleanings) and at present it is administrated by the Chilean Navy. This island still show vestiges of forts ruins; in it visitors will see and observe a reserve for savage stag, luxuries vegetation, a chapel built between 1941 and 1945 and a Lighthouse, that are the eyes of the bay. Besides, here are the headquarters of the “Escuela de Grumetes” (Shipboys School) “Alejandro NavarreteCisternas, founded in 1921 and that currently is the training house of more than 600 young marines, that stay there during a whole year. If you want to visit it please contact with Navy Tugboats, Phone: (41) 746207.
Concepción – ChileConcepción and its neighboring places Parque Tumbes (Tumbes Park): This park rises as part of a project to recover and protect the green lung an it is located in the South Tumbes Peninsula, amidst the neighborhoods Centinela, Nueva Los Lobos and Los Copihues. The park has a field of 20 ha., and its main richness is to have the last fragments of the native coast forest that in old times peopled all this area. This lot was donated in may 1998 by the Von Mayer family to Talcahuano Town Hall and to the Defense Committee of the Flora and Fauna: CODEFF), for reasons such as: preservation of species in peril of extinction, as patrimony, for the eco tourism, recreation and environmental education, among others. Besides, the park has autochthones flora and fauna species, among which we can find Peumos, Boldos, Robles (Oaks), Olivillos (Terebinth shrub), Litres and the Copihue. Among birds, we can observe Chercanes, Torcazas (Ringdoves), Chincoles (Crown Sparrows), Diuques, Golondrinas (Swallows), Diucas (Finch), Picaflores (Hummingbirds), Zorzales (Thrush), Mirlos (Blackbirds), Pequenes (Burrowing Owls) among other particular birds. There also are important species of marine fauna suchs as the Humboldt and Magallean Penguins, Nutrias (Otters), and Lobos Marinos (Sea Wolves), all of them possible to be seen from the coast. The address of the Park is Avda. Pingueral 1501, Talcahuano and the entrance is free. It can be visited from Tuesdays to Sundays at 09:00-18:00hrs. CaletaLenga (Lenga Bay): this picturesque bay, is an artisan fishing community settled in the cost border of San Vicente Bay and at present is a new gastronomic alternative where visitors can enjoy delicious fish and seafood dishes. It is located 16 km far from Concepción, in the commune of Hualpén.
Concepción – ChileConcepción and its neighboring places Pedro del Río Zañartu Museum and Park, located 7 km far from the oil refinery in the way to the Outlet of the Bío Bío River. It is a Natural and Cultural Reserve located in the Peninsula of Hualpén. It includes the farm, the house, the chapel and a private collection bequeathed for its preservation by don Pedro del Río Zañartu (1840-1918), great manager, farmer and writer. The farm house, currently a museum, exhibits more than 3.000 objects, including oriental cabinet work, weapons, coins, pipes, religious works of art, Egyptian art, an Egyptian Mummy, Mapuche and Hindu silverware, precious stones and objects of natural arts, that don Pedro recollected during the four trips he made around the world from 1880 to 1913. The house and the park are open to the public. The farm was declared a Sanctuary of Nature to preserve the last thick patches of transition coast native forest. Inside the park a visit can be made to the Bío Bío Outlet, one kilometer far from the Hualpén Museum, in a beach of approximately 300 m length, covered by black sand. This place, offers on one side a magnificent scenery of the quite waters of the river and on the other, the strong and brave waves produced by the neighboring Pacific Ocean. Besides there are some high rocks from where visitors can delight with the gorgeous sight of Arauco Gulf. With all this, this place is highly recommended for picnic, fishing and photography. Next to the river outlet is Rocoto, a small and cozy beach, but dangerous for swimming. Another neighboring beach is Ramuncho, considered as one of the best beaches located in the south bank of the Peninsula de Tumbes, located 21,5 km far from Talcahuano Port and the only one authorized for swimming.
Concepción – ChileConcepción and its neighboring places Laguna Chica y Laguna Grande de San Pedro (San Pedro’s Small and Big (Large)Lagoons). The Small Lagoon is located 4 km far from Concepción and it has 0,72 km2. It has an elongated form and it is surrounded by woody hills, it has a Municipal Resort, nautical clubs and the Llacolen Club. Visitors can practice sailing and other nautical sports there. On the other hand, The Big (Large) Lagoon is one km to the south of the Small Lagoon and its surface is 1,43 km2. In this lagoon tourists can observe a great amount of Black Necked Swans, Taguas and other aquatic birds. ParqueEducativo Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez (Educational Park Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez). It is 18 km far from Concepción in the road to Coronel. This place has a surface of 11 ha., with a variety of vegetable species, natives as well as introduced. Ideal for visiting it, learning and admiring its beauty. It has a number of pathways, pergolas, view posts and signposting and explanatory booklets. Boldos, Oregon Pines, Canelos Araucarias, Arrayanes, Copihues and patches of Eucaliptus, combined with great extensions of green grass, are part of this wonderful landscape. In it we can find and observe different types of birds, such as the LoroTricahue, the exotics “Inseparables” and a wide variety of ducks, aside from some native mammals such as Pudues, Llamas, Dama-Dama Stags, etc. This Park is open from Tuesdays to Sundays and the guided visit lasts approximately an hour.
Concepción – ChileConcepción and its neighboring places Travel Through Native Forest: Located inside the Park Jorge Alessandri and 10 km far from the Educational Park, this forest is of the “Valdiviano type” , that has been specially and carefully adapted to be crossed, explored and admired in all its diversity and beauty. With 3.000 ha. it is settled in the middle of the heart of the Nahuelbuta Andean Mountain. During the trip, a total of 25 different types of trees can be observed, trees such as Ulmos, Olivillos, Lingues, Canelos and Avellanos, some of which are more than 200 years old. Besides, in this place it is possible to discover ravines and water falls with its associated flora and fauna: copihues, helechos, nalcas, musgos, hongos and insects, accompanied by the characteristic sing of the chucao. The native Forest can be visited the whole year round, and there are guides and transportation by bus from the park. Guided visits are only on Saturday and Sundays. Summer and Winter from 15:00 to 17:30 hrs.
Concepción – ChileHowtogetThere By land: Itata Highway: a route of 83 km from route 5 South to Concepción. This highway has a toll that is paid in Agua Amarilla and has double run during the whole way. Route from Bulnes, Quillón and Florida: This is the oldest route and it goes along 86 km through a narrow road of only one run and with many curves. Cabrero: 76 km from Route 5 South to Concepción. This route is mainly used by trucks. Both central accesses are connected in their last section, where there is a toll to be paid in Chaimavida. The route of the Wood: Route inaugurated in 1997 and it was the first concession (private) route of the country. It is the fastest and most direct highway from Los Angeles to Concepción and it has a toll at Km 50, Curali toll. By Air: Carriel Sur Airport with expedite connections to different cities of the country, especially with Santiago, through which it is possible to accede to domestic and international destinations. It takes only a couple of minutes to get to this airport from the Plaza de Armas of Concepción. By Train: In the region we can find the train that travels from Hualqui to Talcahuano with six daily frequencies; it is also possible to travel from Talcahuano to Laja and finally from Concepción to Renaico, this last section with only one daily departure. To travel to Santiago the alternative is the connection bus from Concepción to Chillán and from Chillán to Santiago by train.
Concepción - Chile PowerSupply: L Type Plug, 220 volt, 60 Hz Local Currency: Chilean Peso (CLP); 1USD isabout 480CLP Wheather: About 25°C (77°F)
Concepción – ChileHotels Many hotels near the campus, from 2 to 5 stars. Among them: Sonesta, Diego de Almagro (Lomas Verdes), El Araucano, Holiday Inn Express, Diego de Almagro (Concepcón), and Alborada.
SupportingLetters Co-organizers The University of Bío-Bío is taking theresponsibility to co-organize the 2014 PAN/PBL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, under the leadership of the ProvostforAcademicOrganisation, Center of PublicPolicy, Master of Science Teaching Program, School of Engineering, School of Education.