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RAMSeS: R esearch A dministration M anagement S ystem & eS ubmission

RAMSeS: R esearch A dministration M anagement S ystem & eS ubmission. May 4, 2006 Research Administration Support Group Fox Auditorium, School of Nursing. Replacement of Coeus: Reasons. Better Compliance Integration Improved Efficiency Grants.Gov Complexity. Replacement of Coeus: Notes.

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RAMSeS: R esearch A dministration M anagement S ystem & eS ubmission

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  1. RAMSeS: Research Administration Management System & eSubmission May 4, 2006Research Administration Support GroupFox Auditorium, School of Nursing

  2. Replacement of Coeus: Reasons • Better Compliance Integration • Improved Efficiency • Grants.Gov Complexity

  3. Replacement of Coeus: Notes • Phased Implementation • Phase 1 begins July 1, 2006 • Will focus mostly on Pre-Award / Compliance Integration • Coeus will not be ‘turned off’ right away • No new data will be entered into Coeus as of July 1

  4. Replacement of Coeus: Notes • FRS Data Feed will be revised/updated • Collaborative Effort: ITS/Research • FRS Feed • Collaborative Tools for Grants.Gov • Soliciting Input from Campus Users • Ongoing Effort / Evolution beyond 7/1

  5. Migration to RAMSeS • Will Convert Coeus (and SPARCI) Data • Conversion to occur over 7/1 Weekend • New IPF probably not available until July 1 (Electronic Routing) • Reporting Functionality Replaced

  6. Migration to RAMSeS • What will RAMSeS look like? • How will I access RAMSeS? • Where will I get reports? • Will the IPF change?

  7. Migration to RAMSeS • Web-Based System Components • eIPF (Electronic Routing) • Research Contacts • My Research @ Carolina • Collaborative Tools (Fall 2006) • OSR/SPO/OCT Admin Mgmt Tools

  8. Migration to RAMSeS • How will electronic routing of the eIPF work? • Will Investigators still have to sign?

  9. RAMSeS: Electronic Routing

  10. RAMSeS: Sequential Routing

  11. RAMSeS: Concurrent Routing

  12. RAMSeS: PI Certification

  13. Migration to RAMSeS • LIVE DEMO • Research Contacts • Functional Roles (e.g. Role Manager, IPF Approver, Financial Guarantee Approver) • Data Access Roles (e.g. Proposal Data View, Award Data View, IP Data View, etc)

  14. Migration to RAMSeS • LIVE DEMO • eIPF

  15. Migration to RAMSeS • Phased Implementation • Phase 1 – July 1, 2006 • Updated eIPF • Electronic Routing of eIPF • Attachments to eIPF • My Research @ Carolina • Research Contacts

  16. Migration to RAMSeS • Phased Implementation • Phase 2 – Summer/Fall 2006 • Additional Grants.gov Support • Collaborative Tools

  17. Migration to RAMSeS • Phased Implementation • Phase 3 – ?????? • Better Compliance Integration • More Improvements for Campus • ??????

  18. Migration to RAMSeS • Significant Training Effort – May/June • Research Contacts Setup/Maintenance • eIPF Changes/Electronic Routing • My Research @ Carolina Portal • Depts to Verify Research Contacts • Role Managers • IPF Approvers

  19. Migration to RAMSeS • eIPF / Electronic Routing Training • Tuesday, June 6, 10 am – Noon • L300 Carrington (Fox Auditorium) • Tuesday, June 13, 2 – 4 pm • 1131 Bioinformatics Building (Auditorium) • Monday, June 19, 2 – 4 pm • 103 Sonya Hayes Stone (Auditorium)

  20. Migration to RAMSeS • Office of Research Information Systems Website • http://research.unc.edu/oris • Online Training • Training Schedule • Updated Implementation Information • OSR Website – http://osr.unc.edu

  21. The End Andy JohnsResearch & Economic DevelopmentUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill104 Airport Dr, Ste 2106, CB# 2212Chapel Hill, NC 27599Andy_Johns@unc.edu

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