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Ear Notching Process in Newborn Piglets for Identification Purposes

Learn about the ear notching process used to mark each newborn pig with specific information for identification. Understand its benefits and why it is preferred over other methods.

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Ear Notching Process in Newborn Piglets for Identification Purposes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Care of the Newborn Animal Animal Health

  2. Movie of student processing newborn piglet Double Click Here to play Windows Movie -

  3. Ear Notching Diagram LITTER # PIG # • Ear notching is done to mark each pig with the litter number on the pig’s right ear and the pig number on the pig’s left ear. A triangular tool is used similar to a hole punch. • It is easier to identify each pig with ear notching and uneconomical to ear tag each piglet like you would with lambs and calves. Source: www.peta-online.org/ feat/usda/earnotchsm.gif

  4. Why oh Why? Why do we… 1. Notch Ears? 2. Dock Tails? 3. Ear Tag or Tattoo? 4. Weigh at Birth? 5. Castrate? 6. Dip Navel? 7. Clip Needle Teeth?

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