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Arengu-uuringud Arengumõõdikud III. Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester. Keskkond. Ökoloogiline jalajälg
Arengu-uuringudArengumõõdikud III Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester
Keskkond Ökoloogiline jalajälg The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate it. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste, given prevailing technology and resource management practice. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how many planet Earths it would take to support humanity if everybody lived a given lifestyle. Andmed riikide kohta:http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/footprint_for_nations/
Ecological Creditors and Debtors Allikas: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=creditor_debtor .
Subjektiivne heaolu Subjectivewell-being: inimese subjektiivne vaade elule – usaldus, rahulolu, sallivus, õnn … Kõrvuti arengu väliste ja suhteliselt hästi mõõdetavatenäitajatega (eluiga, sissetulek, haridustasejm) on arenguhindajatehuvifookusessejõudnud ka inimesesubjektiivnemaailm, suhtumine endasse ja ümbritsevasse. Tõepoolest, rikkuse kasv või ebavõrdsuse väheneminesaavad mõtte ja tähenduse alles siis, kui see peegeldubka rikkuseomajatevõi (eba)võrdsusetajujateenesetundes,kujundab nende suhtumist toimuvasse. Rikas, tark,aga õnnetu inimene on kindlasti probleemsem ühiskonnaliigevõrreldesnendega, kellelkõrgharidusjäänudküllsaamata, rahakott õhuke, kuid kes siiski on õnnelikudja naudivad oma elu just sellisena, nagu see on.Siit ka kriitika HDI suhtes!
SWB SWB ühe tuntuma uurija,Illinoisi ülikooli professori Edward Dieneri määratlusekohaseltkoosnebsubjektiivneheaolu„...emotsionaalsestjakognitiivsestkomponendist. Emotsionaalneheaolutähendabmeeldivateemotsioonidedomineerimistnegatiivseteemotsioonideüle. Subjektiivseheaolukognitiivnekomponentpeegeldabagaüldist hinnangutomaelule, sageli määratletakse seda kui eluga rahulolu”. Subjektiivseheaolupuhulkäibjuttseeganiirahulolustoma eluga kui ka positiivsete emotsioonide osakaalustinimeseigapäevaelus. Uuringudosutavad, et eluga rahulolev ja toimuvasse positiivseltsuhtuv inimene on konstruktiivsem, huvitub rohkemühiskonnaasjadestning on võimusuhteslojaalsem.Püsivrahulolematustoodabseevastukonflikte, vastasseisu,ignorantsust. Nii uurijad kui avalikkus onrahulolulekülgekleepinudplussmärgi – rahulolevkodanik–töötaja–klient–valija on parem kui rahulolematu
Gallup World Poll Gallup WorldPollon aastaid kaardistanud maailma rahvaste subjektiivsetsuhtumist oma ellu, paludes vastajatel ennast asetadakujuteldavaletrepile, mille ülemineotstähistabinimesejaoks parimat võimalikku elu ja alumine ots halvimat. • Gallupi küsimus on formuleeritud nii: „Palun kujutaette treppi, mille alumine aste on tähistatud nulliga jaülemineastekümnega. Trepiülemineastetähistabsinujaoksparimatvõimalikkuelu, alumineasteagakõigehalvemat elu. Millisel trepiastmel sa enda arvates praeguoled, teades, et mida kõrgem aste, seda parem on eluningmidamadalamaste, sedahalvemelu? Milline onsinupraegusteluiseloomustavtrepiaste?”
Õnnelikkus New Economics Foundation, http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/m1_i1_aboutushome.aspx nef is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. • We aim to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first. nef was founded in 1986 by the leaders of The Other Economic Summit (TOES) which forced issues such as international debt onto the agenda of the G7 and G8 summits. • We are unique in combining rigorous analysis and policy debate with practical solutions on the ground, often run and designed with the help of local people. We also create new ways of measuring progress towards increased well-being and environmental sustainability. nef works with all sections of society in the UK and internationally - civil society, government, individuals, businesses and academia - to create more understanding and strategies for change
HappyPlanetIndex The HPI is one of the first global measures of sustainable well-being. It uses global data on experienced well-being, life expectancy, and Ecological Footprint to generate an index revealing which countries are most efficient at producing long, happy lives for their inhabitants, whilst maintaining the conditions for future generations to do the same. Happy Planet Index: Experienced well-being x Life expectancy ------------------------------------------------- Ecological Footprint This simple headline indicator gives a clear sense of whether a society is heading in the right direction. It provides a vital tool to ensure fundamental issues are accounted for in crucial policy
Gross National Happiness The term "gross national happiness" was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's former King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who has opened Bhutan to the age of modernization, soon after the demise of his father, King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk. He used the phrase to signal his commitment to building an economy that would serve Bhutan's unique culture based on Buddhist spiritual values. At first offered as a casual, offhand remark, the concept was taken seriously, as the Centre for Bhutan Studies, under the leadership of Karma Ura, developed a sophisticated survey instrument to measure the population's general level of well-being. The Canadian health epidemiologist Michael Pennock had a major role in the design of the instrument, and uses (what he calls) a "de-Bhutanized" version of the survey in his work in Victoria, British Columbia. Ura and Pennock have also collaborated on the development of policy screening tools which can be used to examine the potential impacts of projects or programs on GNH http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/
GNH A second-generation GNH concept, treating happiness as a socioeconomic development metric, was proposed in 2006 by Med Jones, the President of International Institute of Management. The metric measures socioeconomic development by tracking seven development areas including the nation's mental and emotional health.GNH value is proposed to be an index function of the total average per capita of the following measures: • Economic Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of economic metrics such as consumer debt, average income to consumer price index ratio and income distribution • Environmental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of environmental metrics such as pollution, noise and traffic • Physical Wellness: Indicated via statistical measurement of physical health metrics such as severe illnesses • Mental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of mental health metrics such as usage of antidepressants and rise or decline of psychotherapy patients • Workplace Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of labor metrics such as jobless claims, job change, workplace complaints and lawsuits • Social Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of social metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and family lawsuits, public lawsuits, crime rates • Political Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of political metrics such as the quality of local democracy, individual freedom, and foreign conflicts
Sallivus UNESCO Declaration of the principles of tolerance – 1995 Article 1 - Meaning of tolerance Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. ... Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace. Tolerance is not concession, condescension or indulgence. Tolerance is, above all, an active attitude prompted by recognition of the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.
UNECSO 1995 ... Tolerance is the responsibility that upholds human rights, pluralism (including cultural pluralism), democracy and the rule of law. Consistent with respect for human rights, the practice of tolerance does not mean toleration of social injustice or the abandonment or weakening of one's convictions. In the modern world, tolerance is more essential than ever before.Without tolerance there can be no peace, and without peace there can be no development or democracy. In order to generate public awareness, emphasize the dangers of intolerance and react with renewed commitment and action in support of tolerance promotion and education, we solemnly proclaim 16 November the annual International Day for Tolerance.
Miks sallivus? • Sallivuse defitsiit ja sallivuse tootmine – arenguprobleem?! • Sallivus – hoiak, tunne, mida poliitiliselt reguleeritakse? • Avatud maailm – erinevused ärritavad. • Täna – poliitikajausukõrvale ka teistsugune keel, käitumine, riietus, hoiakud, suhted... Ärritavad nudistid, autistid, tüsedad, koolikohustusevältijad, taimetoitlased, homodjalesbid, maa- javanaususlised … • Sallivus – ärrituse mahasurumine, agressiivsuse mahasurumine • Üldinehoiak - sallivus on väärtus, sallivust on vähe. Vaidlus - kas sallidakultuuripraktikat, misnäit vastuolusläänelikuarusaamagainimõigustest?Kas on põhjendatud sallimatust? • Mis toodab sallivust – kindlustunne, isiklikkogemus. • Sallival inimesel identiteedipiirid laiad. Erich Fromm jaligimesearmastus!
. Vastuseis multikultuursele ühiskonnale EL liikmesriikides 2003, (% küsitletutest kes väljendasid vastuseisu, /Resistance to multicultural society) Kreeka 59 Eesti 51 Läti 44 Tsehhi 39 Belgia 37 Küpros 36 Saksamaa 34 Leedu 33 Slovakkia 29 Austria 27 Itaalia 24 Soome 24 Taani 22 Prantsusmaa 22 Malta 22 Holland 22 Suurbritannia 20 Poola 20 Portugal 18 Ungari 18 Iirimaa 17 Luxemburg 16 Sloveenia 15 Hispaania 15 Rootsi 13 Allikas: Eurobarometer, 2003 Sallivus: suhtumine immigratsiooni ja multikultuursusesse(Allikad: Pew Global Attitudes, 2007, EIA, 2006)
Kokkuvõtteks: arenguanalüüsi loogika Plussmärgiga arengud: rohkem vabadust ja demokraatiat, kõrgem haridustase, parem tervis ja vähem hälbivat käitumist, piiranguteta äri, vähem korruptsiooni, oma ülesandeid täitev riik, uute tehnoloogiate kiire juurdumine, väiksem keskkonnakoormus, sallivus, rahumeelsus, õnnetunne … Kas see on läänemaailma tänane pilt arengust?! Edasi - suur pilt ja seosed erinevate arengudimensioonide vahel Kas rikkus toodab õnne, kus on kasvu piirid, miks muutuvad väärtused, religioon ja areng, kust on pärit keskkonnasäästlik mõtteviis …
Wealth and religiosityAllikas: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/2275614130/ • .
Eksootikat Läbikukkunud riigid! A failed state is a state whose central government is so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory. The level of control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities. Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences Since 2005 the United States think-tank, the Fund forPeace and the magazine Foreign Policy, publishes an annual index called the Failed States Index. Riikide järjestust vt: http://www.fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=140
Failed states, 2007 Allikas: http://www.fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=140 • .
Blonde map of Europehttp://haha.nu/misc/blonde-map-of-europe/ .
Map of Miss World-winning countries as of 2007 Sourrce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_world .