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Section 1 Shoreline Erosion and Deposition
1. Chapter 7Agents of Erosion and DepositionSection 1 Shoreline Erosion and DepositionSection 2 Wind Erosion and DepositionSection 3 Erosion and DepositionSection 4 The Effect of Gravity on Erosion and Deposition
2. Section 1 Shoreline Erosion and Deposition
–Shoreline-a place where land and a body of water meet.
•Wave energy
•Waves-wind causing ripples
–Wave Trains
•Wave trains are a group of waves
•Surf—breaking waves
•Wave period-is the time interval between waves
–The Pounding Surf
•Breaks down rocks into sand
3. •Wave Erosion
•Sea cliffs–are formed when waves erode and undercut rock to produce steep slopes.
–Shaping a Shoreline
•Many of the landforms along the shore are formed by wave erosion
–Sea Arches
–Sea caves
–Wave-cur terraces
4. •Wave Deposits
•Sand, rock fragment. Dead coral and shells
•Any area of shoreline made up of deposited material
–Wave Angle and Sand Movement
•Long-shore current-moving sand in a zigzag pattern
–Offshore Deposits
•Sandbar-underwater exposed sandbar
•Barrier split-exposed sandbar connected to the shoreline
5. Section 2Wind Erosion and Deposition The Process of Wind Erosion
–Deflation-removal of fine sediment by wind
•Desert pavement-surface consisting of pebbles and small broken rock
•Deflation hollows-wind scoops out depressions in the land
–Abrasion-grinding and wearing down of rock by other sand or rock
6. Wind-Deposited Materials
•Fine material, windblown sediment
•Feels like talcum powder
•Mounds of wind deposited sand
–The Movement of Dunes
•Slip face-steeply sloped side of a dune
7. Section 3Erosion and Deposition by Ice •Glacier-an enormous mass of moving ice
•Glaciers-Rivers of Ice
–Alpine Glaciers
•Form in mountainous areas
•Valley glacier-form in valleys created by stream erosion
–Form u shapes
–Continental Glaciers
•Hugh, continuous masses of ice
•Covers almost all of Antarctica 4000 meters thick
–Glaciers on the Move
•Move two ways -sliding and flowing
•Climate affects the movement
•Deck of cards
8. Landforms carved by Glaciers
–Horns-sharp, pyramid-shaped peaks
–Cirques-bowl-shaped depressions
–Aretes-jagged ridges between two or more cirques
–U-shaped valleys-glacier changes shape from a V to a U
–Hanging valleys-small glacial valleys, that join deeper main valleys
9. Types of Glacial Deposits
•Glacial drift-all material carried by glaciers
–Till deposits
•Unsorted rock deposited
–Lateral-form on the side of a glacier
–Medial moraines-valley glaciers with lateral moraines meet
–Ground moraines-unsorted material left beneath the glacier
–Terminal moraines-dropped at the front of the glacier
–Stratified Drift
•Deposit that is sorted into layers
•Outwash plain-deposit rock in a broad area
10. Section 4The Effect of Gravity on Erosion and Deposition •Mass movement-movement of any material
•Angle of Repose
–The steepest angle that material will not slide downhill
•Rapid Mass Movement
–Rock Falls-loose rocks falling down deep slopes
–Landslides-sudden and rapid movement of material
•Slump-most common-block of material moves down slope over a curved surface
–Mudflows-rapid movement of a large mass of mud
–Lahars-mudflows with volcanic origin
11. •Slow Mass Movement
–Creep-extremely slow movement downhill