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Wallaby. Madison O’Connor 8 th hour. Albino Wallaby in woodland. Fast Facts. Living in rocky hills and cliffs. Scientific name: Macropus Rufogriseus Common name: Wallaby Type of animal: Mammal Protective status: doesn't say

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  1. Wallaby Madison O’Connor 8th hour

  2. Albino Wallaby in woodland Fast Facts Living in rocky hills and cliffs • Scientific name: MacropusRufogriseus • Common name: Wallaby • Type of animal: Mammal • Protective status: doesn't say • Habitat: Rock-wallabies live among piles of boulders, rocky hills and cliffs. Small species of wallabies live in a wide range of habitats, from desert to woodland to rainforest Click here for some facts or to play some games

  3. Unique Creature Physical Characteristics : long hind feet and strong back legs, they can twitch their ears independently. Tails are very strong (12 to 41 in tail) Diet: herbivore Predators/threats: (main threats) Tasmanian tiger , Dingosand humans.

  4. Amazing Animals Wallabies communicate a warning to others by thumping once or twice on the ground with their feet. Wallabies and kangaroos account for a large percentage of all wildlife killed on roads in Tropical North Queensland. Carry their joeys in pouches till 7-8months old

  5. Watch and learn!

  6. Sources • http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/007/cache/wallaby_746_600x450.jpg • http://www.blankparkzoo.com/en/explore_the_zoo/meet_the_animals_2/wallaby.cfm • http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/animals/kangaroosandwallabies.htm • http://www.gondwananet.com/images/rock-wallaby-habitat-by-mikecogh.jpg • http://www.facts-about.org.uk/facts-about-wallaby.htm • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_physical_characteristics_of_the_rock_wallaby • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-l8NNLZvctH8/TY737Niy6QI/AAAAAAAACG0/QXTaigO4Esk/s1600/wallaby-0014.jpg • http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/3246/wallabiesuw8.jpg • http://www.wallabyrescue.com.au/wallaby_facts.htm • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1vy2HIN60A

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