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D ave Wallaby Age: 15 Starting Weight: 96kg Starting BMI: 27.16 Category: Active Teenager Over 10

D ave Wallaby Age: 15 Starting Weight: 96kg Starting BMI: 27.16 Category: Active Teenager Over 10. Personalised Report and Fitness Plan. Recommended Fitness Plan

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D ave Wallaby Age: 15 Starting Weight: 96kg Starting BMI: 27.16 Category: Active Teenager Over 10

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  1. Dave WallabyAge: 15Starting Weight: 96kgStarting BMI: 27.16Category: Active Teenager Over 10 Personalised Report and Fitness Plan

  2. Recommended Fitness Plan I feel that Dave needs to undertake a regular routine of exercising 3 days a week for at least half an hour a day. This will help Dave to bring his weight and BMI down significantly. To aid Dave in this he will need to maintain a healthy balanced diet throughout and then continue this when he has reached his target weight/BMI.

  3. Recommended Menu Dave is currently following a menu in which includes many Pot Noodles are being consumed, this is not a healthy choice and therefore I would recommend that he either cuts these out of his diet completely or only has them on rare occasion as these will not help him during this diet. Personally I believe that he should have an alternative, healthier meal or he could change to Low-Fat noodles. I feel that everything else that he has been eating is OK.

  4. Week 1 Review During the first week Dave was extremely committed to the diet and was able to lose 3kg, therefore when weighed he was 93kg which was a great improvement from his original weight of 96kg, this then left him with a BMI of 26.31, which was an impressive change compared to his original BMI which was 27.16. He is now moving closer to the goal of a BMI of 24. Dave made two personal targets of having a BMI of a low 24 and weighing approximately 85kg. So far I am impressed with hi progress and I feel he should keep up with the diet to the best of his ability.

  5. Week 5 Review At the five week mark of the diet, Dave had lost a grand total of 5kg, leaving him with a weight of 91kg, despite having a minor slip up on the second week, gaining 1kg, Dave is making great progress and he should have reached his goal by the end on the ten-week diet. He is fast approaching his personal targets and I feel that if he sticks to the diet and fitness plan he can reach his target easily, or even pass it.

  6. Week 10 Review At the end of the ten weeks, Dave have made impressive progress and has lost 12kg overall, he now weighs 84kg and has a BMI of 23.8 which was past his personal target. Dave should feel incredibly proud about this as it is an impressive step for anyone to take, especially a 15 year old. I feel that Dave can maintain his weight, however I would like to see him on a monthly basis for now, just to ensure that he is keeping himself fit and healthy.

  7. Personally I think that Dave Wallaby has made a dramatic change to his weight, BMI and health. If he continues to eat a healthy, balanced diet then he can maintain his weight and keep himself fit, especially if he continues to exercise regularly. The benefits that Mr Wallaby will see from this diet is that he is generally healthy and will see an increase with in his overall wellbeing, he will be feeling healthy and looking healthy. It is highly unlikely that he will have any health problems, especially related to his heart. Unless he does not continue with the health plan and puts the weight back on. Before this diet he was at a high risk of a cardiovascular malfunction within the next 10-20 years however his chances have decreased and the chances of him having a heart attack are slim, there is now a low chance of him having a heart attack within the next 30-40 years. Personally I think that Dave Wallaby should be very proud of his achievement and should continue eating healthily and exercising on a regular basis. Kind Regards, E.Robertson Campaign Manager

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