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The Coming of War

The Coming of War. Section 3 – America Enters the War. M.I. After trying to remain neutral, the bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the US into the war. No more debate. FDR Supports England. The reasons that Japan bomb us go back several years. The Neutrality Act of 1939.

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The Coming of War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Coming of War Section 3 – America Enters the War

  2. M.I. • After trying to remain neutral, the bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the US into the war. No more debate.

  3. FDR Supports England • The reasons that Japan bomb us go back several years

  4. The Neutrality Act of 1939 • FDR declared US neutral 2 days after GB & France declare war on Germany • Wanted to help friends • Revised neutrality laws – Warring countries could buy weapons only if they paid cash and carried them on their own ships

  5. Destroyers-for-Bases Deal • GB requested old US destroyers • FDR traded for rights to build bases in British territory • 50 destroyers • Used loophole – no sale……trade

  6. The Isolationist Debate • By 1940 most Americans favored aid to the Allies

  7. The Range of Opinion • Fight for Freedom Committee • Repeal all neutrality laws • Stronger action against Germany • Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies • Aid, but opposed armed intervention • America First Committee • Strictly Isolationist

  8. The Election of 1940 • FDR had served 2 terms – follow tradition or retire? • Change of leaders not good idea • Ran again – neutrality and intervention • Won by a lot

  9. Edging Toward War • US role in war – Help GB fight for democracy • Freedom of speech • Freedom of worship • Freedom from want • Freedom from fear

  10. The Lend-Lease Act • US able to lend or lease arms to any country vital to our defense • Eventually we lent to USSR too • Hitler launched invasion of USSR – 1941 – against pact

  11. The Hemispheric Defense Zone • How to get supplies to GB? • FDR declared HDZ – all the western Atlantic part of western hemisphere and therefore neutral • US to patrol and let British know location of German subs

  12. The Atlantic Charter • FDR and GB • Postwar world of democracy, etc • FDR would force an incident to start war w/ Germany • U boat fired on US destroyer – US declared shoot on sight policy • Germans sank 2 more.

  13. Japan Attacks the United States • Direct result of US aiding Britain • US territory in Guam and the Philippines a threat. • US supported China

  14. Trouble in the Pacific • GB needed to keep navy in Asia to protect interests • US wanted to protect GB from Japanese attack • Japan depended on US for • 80% of oil • Iron, steel • US – Export Control Act – could restrict sale of strategic materials

  15. Blocked sale of airplane fuel and scrap iron • Japan furious – signed on as member of Axis • 1941 – Lend-lease to China • Japan controlled much of Chinese coast • 1941- Japanese sent troops into Indo- China to threaten British interests (Hong Kong and Singapore) • FDR froze Japanese assets in US

  16. Reduced oil shipments • Sent Douglas McArthur to Philippines to build defenses • Peace with China? • Japanese planned attacks of British and Dutch colonies along with the Philippines and Pearl Harbor • General Hideki Tojo became Japanese Prime Minister in 1941- “the razor” – focused on Japanese expansion but wanted to keep US neutral

  17. Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor • Appeared to negotiate in good faith • Intelligence said planning attack • Nov 27, 1941 Pearl Harbor received warning from Wash. DC but Hawaii not specifically mentioned • December 7, 1941 – surprise attack • General Tojo sent – 6 aircraft carriers, 360 airplanes, battleships, cruisers and submarines • Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo

  18. 21 ships • 8 battleships severely damaged – 3 destroyed (Arizona, Oklahoma & Utah) • 3 cruisers • 4 destroyers • 6 others • 188 airplanes destroyed • 2,500 dead • 1,178 injured • “a date which will live in infamy” • Dec 8, declared war on Japan

  19. Germany Declares War • Hitler only had to defend Japan, not attack with it • If Germany helped Japan….they will help Germany defeat USSR later • Dec 11, 1941 – Germany and Italy declare war on US

  20. Mobilizing for War • 16 million served in military • 1941-42 army grew from 1.4 million to 3 million • Navy from 300,000 to 600,000 • Marines 54,000 to 150,000 • 300,000 Mexican Americans • 25,000 Native Americans • 1 million African Americans • 350,000 women Women’s Army Corp (WAC) 57,000 nurses – 15,000 served abroad

  21. Mobilizing Industry • 1942 – War Production Board set up to oversee conversion of peace time industry to war • Office of War Mobilization – supervised all commerce • Definite end to Great Depression – boom in economy

  22. Fierce Fighting in the Pacific • Japanese Forces Take the Philippines • General Douglas MacArthur- commander of forces in Asia – had to hold the Philippines w/out much support (Pearl Harbor) • Japanese took Wake Island, Hong Kong and Guam • Dec 22, main attack came

  23. US forces retreated from Manila to Bataan Peninsula and Corregidor Island • Americans trapped • MacArthur ordered to evacuate to Australia – left troops behind • Held out until May 1942 • 75,000 US troops surrendered • Japanese ordered POW’s to march 55 miles up the Bataan Peninsula too reach a railway after which they still had an additional 8 miles to march. • Bataan Death March • More than 7,000 US and Filipino troops died on the march.

  24. America Strikes back with Doolittle Raid • Plan for a US nighttime bombing raid led by Colonel James Doolittle • From deck of an aircraft carrier • 16 B-52 bombers against Tokyo • Just after noon. • Killed 50 people and destroyed 100 buildings.

  25. Holding the Line Against Japan • Chester Nimitz – planning against Japan • Aircraft carriers not damaged in Pearl Harbor

  26. The Fall of the Philippines • A few hours after Pearl Harbor – Philippines • General Douglas MacArthur • Retreat to Bantaan Penninsula • Fighting for 3 months • Disease and lack of supplies • MacArthur ordered to evacuate to Australia

  27. April 9, 1942 – surrender • 78,000 prisoners of war marched 65 miles to Japanese prison camp. • Bataan Death March- thousands died on the way • Corregidor – small island – held out • May 1942 - surrender

  28. The Doolittle Raid • FDR wanted to bomb Tokyo- US planes could not reach • Replace short range bombers with B-25 long range • Could take off from carrier but not land- China • Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle in command • April 18th bombs fall on Japan • Planes land in China

  29. A Change in Japanese Strategy • US bombs could have killed emperor • Japanese Admiral Yamamoto – attack Midway military base • Lure US forces so Japanese could destroy • Also attack New Guinea- cut off supply lines

  30. The Battle of the Coral Sea • US code breakers in Hawaii figured out plan • Nimitz sent 2 carriers to intercept Japanese attack at New Guinea • Supply lines remained open

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