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Dysgu ac Addysgu Learning and Teaching

Dogfen Strategaeth Genedlaethol ar ddefnyddio TGC i gefnogi a chodi safonau a gwella ysgol Grŵp TGC ADEW – Rhagfyr 2011 A National Strategy Document on the use of ICT to Support the Raising of Standards and School Improvement ADEW ICT Group – December 2011.

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Dysgu ac Addysgu Learning and Teaching

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  1. Dogfen Strategaeth Genedlaethol ar ddefnyddio TGC i gefnogi a chodi safonau a gwella ysgol Grŵp TGC ADEW – Rhagfyr 2011A National Strategy Document on the use of ICT to Support the Raising of Standards and School Improvement ADEW ICT Group – December 2011

  2. “Os bydd y dosbarth yn methu darparu mynediad di-dor at ddysgu technoleg gyfoethog, ac yn methu hwyluso a datblygu sgiliau pobl ifanc mewn TGC o fewn a thu allan i’r cyd-destun ysgol, yna mae yna’r posibilrwydd hefyd y bydd ein pobl ifanc yn peidio â chymryd rhan lawn yn eu dysgu. Gallent yn llythrennol ‘ddiffodd’ o’r amgylchedd dysgu ysgol. “If classrooms fail to allow seamless access to technology rich learning, and fail to facilitate and develop the use of young people’s ICT skills within and outside the school context, then it is also possible that our young people might cease to engage fully in their learning. They could literally ‘switch off’ from the school learning environment”.

  3. Sonia ‘Strategaeth TGC ar gyfer y Sector Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru’ a dogfen Llywodraeth Cymru 2011 ‘Cymru Ddigidol: Cynllun Gweithredu’ yn glir am yr angen i ... “drin yr her o dueddiadau sy’n esblygu’n gyflym mewn TGC, cyfryngau digidol a’r rhyngrwyd mewn modd sy’n canolbwyntio ar y dinesydd – cofleidio’r cyfleoedd a gorchmynion y byd hwn sy’n esblygu’n gyflym”. The ‘ICT Strategy for the Public Sector in Wales’ and the 2011 Welsh Government document ‘Digital Wales: Action Plan’ clearly state the need to… “address the challenges of rapidly evolving trends in ICT, digital media and the internet in a citizen-focussed way - embracing the opportunities and imperatives of this rapidly evolving world”.

  4. Dysgu ac Addysgu Learning and Teaching Llwyfan Dysgu Learning Platform Isadeiledd, Systemau Diogel a Gwasanaethau Cefnogi Infrastructure, Secure Systems and Support Services

  5. Codi Safonau a Gwella Perfformiad Ysgol [i] • yr her ynghanol strategaeth TGC ADEW. • os yw’r ymateb yn cynnwys • defnyddio technoleg, yna… • 'sut a beth' sy’n rhaid i ni ei • wneud. • Raising Standards and Improving School Performance [i] • the challenge at the centre • of ADEW ICT strategy. • if response includes use of • technology, then… • 'how and what' do we have • to do.

  6. Codi Safonau a Gwella Perfformiad Ysgol [ii] • cynnig deg offeryn a • gwasanaeth allweddol i lunio • asgwrn cefn darpariaeth • gwasanaeth wedi’i reoli. • gydag amrywiol bartneriaid …. • Ysgolion, Gwasanaethau • Ymgynghorol ac Ymgynnwys a • Chefnogaeth Llywodraethwyr. • gyda chymwysiadau a • gwasanaethau o ansawdd • uchel. • angen ‘ennill cyflym’ o fewn • cyfnod cymharol fyr. • Raising Standards and Improving School Performance [ii] • propose ten key tools and • services to form the backbone of • managed service provision. • with various partners …. • Schools, Advisory and Inclusion • Services and Governor Support. • with high quality applications and • services. • need ‘quick wins’ in a relatively • short timeframe.

  7. Codi Safonau a Gwella Perfformiad Ysgol [iii] • Y nod eithaf yw darparu cyfleoedd • TGC i helpu disgyblion weithio’n • annibynnol ac ar y cyd. • Gyda’r arweiniad a’r creadigrwydd • priodol gan athrawon. • I ddatblygu sgiliau allweddol y • disgybl i wynebu amgylchedd a • gweithle sy’n newid yn gyflym. • Gall TGC fod yn gatalydd i ddatrys • problemau ystyrlon a heriol, byd go • iawn. • deilliannau …ysgolion mwy • effeithiol, grymuso athrawon a • disgyblion medrus. • Raising Standards and Improving School Performance [iii] • ultimate aim to provide ICT • opportunities to help learners to work • independently and collaboratively. • with appropriate guidance and • creativity from teachers. • To develop learner key skills to face • a rapidly changing environment and • workplace. • ICT can be the catalyst to solve the • real world, meaningful and • challenging problems. • outcomes …more effective schools, • empowered teachers and competent • learners.

  8. Strategaeth Llwyfan Dysgu [i] • gall llwyfan dysgu gyda Llywodraeth • Cymru a Chonsortia yn gweithio • ynghyd mewn partneriaeth siapio’r • strategaeth. • bydd setiau craidd o gymwysiadau • ac offer yn siapio a gwella. • nodweddion traddodiadol llwyfan • dysgu. • cynnig personoli, hyblygrwydd • a dewis, i amrywiaeth o wahanol • ddefnyddwyr trwy dechnoleg borthol • wedi’i bersonoli. • Learning Platform Strategy [i] • learning platforms with Welsh • Government and Consortia working • together in partnership can shape • strategy. • core sets of applications and tools • will shape and enhance the • traditional features of a learning • platform. • offers personalisation, flexibility and • choice, to a variety of different users • through personalised portal • technology.

  9. Strategaeth Llwyfan Dysgu [ii] • angen datblygu llwyfan rheoli • cynnwys. • dyluniwyd i gefnogi dysgu trwy • rannu cyfrwng gyfoethog, fideo • podlediadau a dogfennau. • trwy’r we ac amrywiaeth o • ddyfeisiadau sy’n cael eu dal yn • y llaw ar gyfer defnydd ar ac • oddi ar lein. • Learning Platform Strategy [ii] • need development of a content • management platform. • designed to support learning • through the sharing of rich media, • video, podcasts and documents. • via both the web and a variety of • handheld devices for both online • and offline use.

  10. Strategaeth Llwyfan Dysgu [iii] • mae ar gefnogi llwyfan dysgu a • chynnwys angen…… • casgliad o offer a • chymwysiadau cwmwl. • gwasanaeth gwe cyfrwng • gyfoethog megis ‘Apple iTunes • U’. • byddai y system genedlaethol • gyntaf o’i math yn y Deyrnas • Unedig. • Learning Platform Strategy [iii] • supporting the learning and • content platforms need…… • a collection of cloud based tools • and applications. • a rich media web-based service • such as ‘Apple iTunes U’. • it would be the first national • system of its type in the UK.

  11. Isadeiledd a Gwasanaeth wedi’i Reoli [i] • argymhelliad i greu gwasanaeth TG • trwy Gymru a reolwyd yn ganolog. • cefnogi’r defnydd o TG ar gyfer • dysgu ar draws pob cyfnod • allweddol a’r agenda cydweithio • 14-19. • gwasanaethau TGC a reolwyd yn • lleol yn dyblygu gwasanaethau. • mwy cost effeithiol, gyda system • pwrcasu a datblygu canolog wedi’i • resymoli. • gan arwain at welliannau mewn • ansawdd gwasanaeth a lleihau • costau’n sylweddol. • Infrastructure and Managed Service [i] • recommendation for creation of a • pan-Wales centrally managed IT • service. • supporting use of ICT for learning • across all key stages and the 14-19 • collaborative agenda. • locally managed ICT services merely • duplicate. • more cost effective, with rationalised • centrally procured and developed • national system. • leading to improvements in service • quality and greatly reducing costs.

  12. Isadeiledd a Gwasanaeth wedi’i Reoli [ii] • mae Cymru mewn sefyllfa dda i gymryd • mantais o’r manteision y gallai system • ddysgu genedlaethol a reolwyd ei • ddarparu. • mae isadeiledd band llydan cenedlaethol • cadarn yn ei le trwy gynllun PSBA • Llywodraeth Cymru ble mae canolfannau • POP yn bodoli trwy’r wlad. • bod â rhwydwaith cynadledda fideo sy’n • arwain y byd. • gwasanaethau rheoli TGC eisoes yn • bodoli o fewn sawl awdurdod lleol. • cynllun pwrcasu Gwerth Cymru eisoes • yn ei le. • cyflenwyr diwydiant wedi’u sefydlu – ALl • a pherthynas â hwy eisoes. • Infrastructure and Managed Service [ii] • Wales is well positioned to take advantage • of the benefits that a national managed • learning system can provide. • a solid national broadband infrastructure is • in place through the Welsh Government • initiative of the PSBA whereby POP • centres exist throughout the country. • having a world leading video conferencing • network. • ICT managed services already exist within • many Local Authorities. • all Wales Value procurement initiative in • place. • established industry suppliers and LAs • have existing relationships.

  13. Isadeiledd a Gwasanaeth wedi’i Reoli [iii] • ansawdd yn anwastad yn bresennol ac • weithiau buddsoddiad gwael mewn • rhwydweithiau lleol ysgolion. • angen gwaith arwyddocaol i drin hyn a • gweithredu rhwydweithiau diwifr • effeithiol. • angen datblygu darpariaeth band llydan • cyfartal yn nhermau cyflymder trwy • Gymru. • bydd gwasanaeth cenedlaethol amlwg • sy’n arbenigo mewn darparu • gwasanaeth i anghenion addysg yn • cynnig manteision i ysgolion a cholegau • pan fo gwasanaethau presennol yn • ymestyn y dull TG corfforaethol nad yw’n • aml yn ffitio’n gyfforddus gyda mynediad • effeithiol i gyfleoedd addysgu a dysgu. • Infrastructure and Managed Service [iii] • currently unequal quality and sometimes • poor investment in school local area • networks. • significant work needed to address both • this and the implementation of effective • wireless networks. • need development of an equality of • broadband provision in terms of speed • across Wales. • a distinctive national service that • specialises in the servicing of education • needs will offer schools and colleges an • advantage, where current services simply • extend the corporate IT approach which • often does not comfortably fit in with • effective access to teaching and learning • opportunities.

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