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Tragedy Fourth Quarter: 2012. Drill 1(4/10 AFG)(4/11D H). Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H)
Drill 1(4/10 AFG)(4/11D H) • Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) • Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H) • Objective: SWBAT evaluate the differences between the text and visual representations while focusing on the artist/director’s motives in order to understand the play. • Drill: Take out a sheet of paper and put a proper heading on it. • Create a T-Chart to record differences and similarities between the play and the movie. • Respond to this question in three to four sentences. • Do the characters in the movie match the characters you visualized as you read the play. What is different? What is the same?
Drill 2 (4/11 AF)(4/12GH) • Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) • Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H) • Objective: SWBAT analyze relationships between and among characters, setting, and events in order to make an inference as to the cause of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Review your goals from the first three quarters. Have you reached your goals? Explain why or why not. • What is your final goal for 8th grade English? Remember to include both a goal and the action needed to reach that goal.
Drill 2 4/13 D Block • Homework: Read Act III scene I and complete notes • Status Check 4 4/23 • Objective: SWBAT analyze relationships between and among characters, setting, and events in order to make an inference as to the cause of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Review your goals from the first three quarters. Have you reached your goals? Explain why or why not. • What is your final goal for 8th grade English? Remember to include both a goal and the action needed to reach that goal.
Drill 3 (4/12 A) (4/13DFGH) • Homework: Status Check 3 (4/16 AFG)(4/17H) • All finish reading and notes for ACT II. • Do not do the BCR. • Objective: SWBAT analyze internal and/or external conflicts that motivate characters and those that advance the plot in order to understand the play. • Drill: Review for the quiz. Put name, date, block and Act I/Inference Quiz on the scantron.
Drill 4 (4/16AFG)(4/17HD) • AFGH take out status check 3 and works cited page • Homework: Act II quiz (4/20 AFG)(4/23DH) • Objective: SWBAT analyze figurative language that creates meaning in order to understand Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Working with your team each student should complete the similes handout. • Leaders will be asked to share.
Drill 5 (4/17AF)(4/18DGH) • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Act II quiz (4/20 AFG)(4/23DH) • Objective: SWBAT analyze details that provide information about the setting, the mood created by the setting, and ways in which the setting affects characters in order to understand the play. • Drill: Identify the main and subordinate clauses in the following sentence. • I’ll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you, that chances here.
Drill 5 continue • I’ll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you, that chances here. • Main Clauses: • I’ll find your man • he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you • Subordinating clause: • that chances here • What kind of sentence has two main clauses and one or more subordinating clauses? • Compound-Complex • Scavenger Hunt: Identify the main and subordinating clauses • It is a meteor that the sun exhal’d to be to thee this night a torchbearer and light thee on thy way to Mantua. (Act III:v:13-15) • Main: It is a meteor, light thee on thy way to Mantua • Subordinating clause: that the sun exhal’d to be to thee this night a torchbearer
Drill 6 (4/18A)((4/19DFGH) • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Reading as assigned • Act II quiz (4/20 AFG)(4/23DH) • Objective: SWBAT paraphrase lines of Shakespeare accurately in order to demonstrate understanding. • Drill: Read Act III:1:93-99 • Paraphrase Mercutio’s words. • Identify the pun.
Act III:i:93-99 • Mercutio: No ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but ‘tis enough, ‘twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow and you will find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague a’ both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to death! A braggart, a rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the devil came you between us! I was hurt under your arm. • Context clues: What does “Zounds” mean? • What does “rogue” mean?
Drill 7 (4/20AFG)(4/23DH) • D block take out Status Check 4 • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Reading as assigned • Objective: SWBAT analyze details that provide information about the setting, the mood created by the setting, and ways in which the setting affects characters. • Drill: Complete Scantron • Name • Block • Date • Act II quiz • Take out Act II notes and review with your team.