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I. Background. Trophic relationships describe the flow of energy through a systemThe concept of a feeding guildDistinguishes among feeding roles usingTypes of food consumedHow food was consumedIf several species share a common food resource
1. Trophic Relations
2. I. Background Trophic relationships describe the flow of energy through a system
The concept of a feeding guild
Distinguishes among feeding roles using
Types of food consumed
How food was consumed
If several species share a common food resource & procure food in a similar manner, then they are considered to be in the same feeding guild
Useful in aquatic systems
3. I. Background Why feeding guilds?
Standard trophic categories for marine & terrestrial systems (Lindeman 1942) do not provide much information
4. C. Why feeding guilds? Inverts often polyphagous rather than monophagous --omnivores
Inverts--gut contents difficult to distinguish
Most fish eat inverts, so little difference if consider only trophic levels
Lots of diet overlap
Microbial portion of food webs (detrital) needs to be considered—importance in flowing water has been underestimated
5. II. Food sources, food webs & energy transfer—general concepts
6. A. Food sources: a review Palatability & nutritional value of thought to depend on C:N ratio with lower ratio better
Animal>algae>FPOM>CPOM (leaves) >CPOM (wood)
7. B. Food webs Link consumers with resources for a given community
Can be based on trophic structure or feeding guilds
Can be qualitative (shows just the links) or quantitative (shows links + the amount of energy transferred)
8. 4. Qualitative web
9. 5. Quantitative web
10. 6. Energy flow Energy flows through system
On average about 10% (?) of the energy in one trophic level (or feeding guild) is transferred to the next higher level
Much energy is lost as heat
Energy needed for growth, reproduction & maintenance
11. 6. Energy flow Assimilation—the portion of the food energy content consumed that is actually metabolized (some passes right through)
12. 7. Quantitative food web—in depth Allochthonous material—from outside the system
Autochthonous material—energy produced within the system
13. 7. Quantitative food web—in depth
14. 7. Quantitative food web—in depth
15. 7. Quantitative food web—in depth
16. III. Stream trophic relations Microbial food web—the microbial loop
Take DOM and FPOM & converts it into bacterial biomass which is then used by protozoans and then by invertebrates & nutrients can be recycled
Evidence for importance comes from lakes
found too little algal productivity to support the increases in algal biomass
important in oligotrophic lakes
17. 3. Microbial loop in lakes
18. 4. Microbial loop in streams Benthic bacteria more abundant & active than suspended ones
Metazoan consumers of benthic bacteria & protists—copepods, oligochaetes, rotifers, nematodes
How much of the microbial loop is transferred to macroinvertebrate assemblage?
If protists need to eat bacteria first, then consumers eat protists, there will be too many transfers and not much energy left
Some bacteria are consumed directly (e.g., oliogochaetes)
19. B. Invertebrate consumers
20. 1. Shredders Use CPOM as wood or leaves
Crustaceans (amphipods, isopods, crayfish) & insect larvae (craneflies, some caddisflies, some stoneflies)
21. 1. Shredders Different feeding mechanisms
Radula of snails very effective at scraping soft tissue
Crayfish eat all material by engulfing
Most CPOM consumers prefer conditioned leaves (colonized by bacteria & fungi)
Microbes add tissue & excretory products
Make CPOM more digestible
Only snails, crustaceans & oligochaetes have cellulase, most insects don’t
22. 2. Collector-filterers Suspension feeders
FPOM in the water column
Most have morphological adaptations for filtering
Blackflies (family Simulidae) paired cephalic fans
23. 2. Collector-filterers Caddisflies in the family Hydropsychidae
Spin nets & capture particles passively
Different species have different mesh sizes
Longitudinal distribution of species from those that spin large mesh in headwaters to those that spin fine mesh in large rivers
24. 3. Collector-gatherers Deposit feeders on FPOM
Mechanisms less diverse or less well known
Many organisms
Some “bulk feed” eating lots of refractory material (e.g., Hexagenia limbata, a mayfly, can consume 100% of its dry mass in a day)
25. 3. Collector-gatherers
26. 4. Grazer-scrapers Eat periphyton
Traditional view have specialized mouth parts (e.g., snail radula, some caddisfly mouthparts)
Recent evidence suggests they may use more diverse feeding
27. 5. Predators Eat other animals
True predators either engulf prey whole (e.g., odonates, stoneflies) or pierce prey and suck out contents (hemipterans)
Many are occasional predators
28. C. Limitations of functional feeding groups Change in diet with age
Change in diet with food availability
29. D. River continuum Attempt to construct a synthetic framework to describe the function of lotic ecosystems from source to mouth
Physical characteristics change from headwaters to mouth
Original idea for temperate woodland streams & tied to stream order
30. D. River continuum
31. Tests
Often functional groups do not fit
P:R ratio often fit
Importance as a general organizing principle
Why don’t functional groups fit?
Anything that “Resets” the stream
Input of tributaries
Input of groundwater D. River continuum
32. D. River continuum
33. E. Vertebrate consumers-fish Fish thought to be the most important, but others are being studied now
Number of attempts to construct feeding guilds for fish
Problems similar to those of invertebrates
34. E. Vertebrate consumers-fish
35. E. Vertebrate consumers-fish Trends in temperate streams
Benthic invertebrate feeders most numerous
Surface and water column feeders are also numerous
Planktivores & large predators sparse
Downstream trends
Planktivores absent from headwater
Piscivores increase downstream
36. E. Vertebrate consumers-fish Trends in tropical streams
Risky business, extensions is tentative
Allochthonous inputs greater in the tropics because of extensive flood plains, thus greater role for mud & detritus feeders
Greater diversity of food resources (e.g., seeds, fruits, terrestrial vertebrates)
Specialized morphological feeding adaptations
37. E. Vertebrate consumers-fish Specialized adaptations
Visual pigments
“Short-wave-shifted” species had visual pigments in the short wave range, works in shallow areas, diurnal feeding from surface in shallow water
“long-wave-shifted” species had visual pigments in the long wave range, works in deep areas, nocturnal or turbid water feeders (e.g., catfishes)
38. 3. Specialized adaptations Body shape
Deep, flat bodies associated with slower water habitats (e.g., blue gill)
Bullet shaped bodies associated with faster water habitats (e.g., trout)
Gut morphology
Ventral mouths—more food from bottom
Terminal or anterior mouths—food from water column
39. 3. Specialized adaptations Others
Fishes that dwell near bottom have reduced swim bladders
Mud feeders have longest relative gut length
40. F. Other vertebrate consumers All higher vertebrates are represented in lotic food webs
Largest impact probably from fish-eating snakes, birds & crocodiles
Salamander—carnivore of invertebrates, other amphibians & fish, can get large (e.g., hellbender)
41. F. Other vertebrate consumers Birds—feed on fish & invertebrates
11 orders (e.g., ducks, great blue heron)
In Panama armored catfish don’t go into the shallows because of birds; these fish scrape algae & distribution of algae inversely mirrors the distribution of fish
Shrews, racoons, bears occasional feeders
Otters fully aquatic