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First Aid and Safety. Fire Safety. Fire Prevention Devices S F Fire Safety Action Most fatal home fires occur during the ______ Establish escape _______ and __________ them periodically Set a meeting place ___________ the home for everyone to meet at
Fire Safety • Fire Prevention Devices • S • F • Fire Safety Action • Most fatal home fires occur during the ______ • Establish escape _______ and __________ them periodically • Set a meeting place ___________ the home for everyone to meet at • Call fire department from a neighbor’s house
Electric Shock • _____________: death resulting from passage through the body of a high- voltage current • Preventing Electric Shock • _______ immediately if something seems to be wrong • _________ cords for fraying or cracked ___________ • Do not place cords under a _____ because they can be damaged by walking on them • _________ appliance by pulling on the plug not the cord • Never use appliances or power tools when clothing is _______ or _________ is wet
Natural Disasters • ____________: powerful rainstorm characterized by driving winds. • Preparation includes _________ property and going to a shelter or ___________ the area as the National Weather Service instructs • _____________: powerful twisting windstorm • Storm _________ or basement is the safest place to go, a hallway or ________ away from windows will also work • If outside lay in a ________, face down and cover yourself as best you can with bulky clothing, a blanket, etc.
First Aid • ___________: the immediate, temporary care given to a person who has become sick or who has been injured • Administered in the seconds and minutes following an accident UNTIL proper medical attention arrives on the scene • Can be the difference between _____ and ________
Priorities in and Emergency • The first __ minutes of an emergency are the most important • It is important to remain calm and keep the following in mind • _______ the scene and the victim • ___________or the local emergency number • ________ for the victim
Types of Emergencies • Open Wounds • _____________: a scrape that damages the outer layers of skin, accompanied with little or no bleeding • _____________: a cut, can have smooth or jagged edges and are usually accompanied by bleeding, may also have nerve damage • ___________: wound caused by a pointed object piercing the skin • _____________: results when tissue is separated partly or completely from a person’s body
First Aid for Open Wounds • ________________- apply direct pressure to the top of the wound or to a pressure point, helps to prevent blood loss without cutting off circulation • ________________- clean cloth will help to protect wound from infection • _______________- keep victim laying down, maintain normal body temperature, and get medical help ASAP • ___________- send someone for help, if alone leave the victim only AFTER you have performed first aid
Shock • _________: failure of the cardiovascular system to keep adequate blood circulating to the vital organs of the body • Symptoms • ___________, accelerated or ________ pulse rate, trembling, weakness in arms/ legs, pale or _________ skin, bluish lips/ fingernails, and ___________ pupils
Severe Burns • May be an inconvenience or a life- threatening condition • ___________: superficial burns, involve the top layer of skin, healing takes 5 to 6 days • Sunburn • ____________: involve the top several layers of skin, skin will have blisters and appear blotchy, healing takes 3 to 4 weeks • ____________: most serious of burns, destroy all layers of skin as well as nerves, muscles, fat, and bones, looks black or brown
First Aid for Severe Burns • Stop the burning • Use ________ to cool the area, do not use ____ • Cover the burn with a________, _____ dressing to help prevent infection • __________ loosely and do NOT apply pressure to the burn • DO NOT put any kind of __________ on a burn as it can seal in heat • DO NOT break _________ • Keep area ___________- minor burns • DO NOT remove clothing __________ to a burn • Burn victims _____ easily so protect victim from drafts- severe burns
First Aid for Swallowing Poisons • Call the nearest _____________________ • Nationwide network • Toll free number • FOUND IN PHONE BOOK • Be prepared to give information about the victim, name of the suspected poison, amount of poison swallowed, and time it was swallowed • Poison Control Center worker will give directions further- dilute poison, give an emetic, call 911, etc. • ___________: an agent that induces vomiting, do not administer to someone who is unconscious
First Aid for Snakebites • There are only___ types of poisonous snakes found in the US • Rattlesnake, copperhead, water moccasin/cottonmouth, and coral snake • ______ the wound and immobilize the injured area • Keep affected area __________ than the heart if possible • ______________ • DO NOT apply ____, cut the wound, etc.
Contact Poisoning • Plants • Learn what they ____ like (ivy, oak, sumac) • Skin ______ at point of contact • Later _________, swelling, burning, _______, and possibly fever may develop • ____________ contaminated clothing, pour water over area, wash with _______ and water, may require medical attention
First Aid for Choking in Adults • If the victim is ________ to breathe, cough, or speak, begin first aid ________ by administering abdominal thrusts • ________________(______________: application of sudden pressure on the victim’s diaphragm so as to expel the substance blocking the airway • Check, Call if victim cannot speak, breathe, or cough (_______ Check) • Stand behind victim, place thumb side of fist against middle of the victim’s abdomen • Grasp fist with other hand and give quick, upward thrusts
Rescue Breathing for Adults • Done if there ARE signs of _____________, but no breathing • Check to see if the person is conscious • ___their shoulder and ask if they are alright • Call 9-1-1 if there is no ______ • Care for the victim • _____ their head back • Look, listen, and feel for breaths • Give__ breath every ___ seconds (cycle lasts about __ minute) • Recheck for signs of _________ and circulation about every minute
CPR: Life saving technique in which a heart that has stopped is forced to pump blood to the body by means of applied pressure • A • Open airway as for rescue breathing by doing a head tilt, chin lift • B • Look for the _____ and ______of the chest • Administer rescue breaths if there are no signs of breathing • C • Heart is located below the __________ • Compressions on the sternum force blood out of the heart and into the blood vessels • Finding the correct position is crucial when giving _____________
CPR for Adults • Check, Call • Care • A,B,C check • Give ____ chest compressions • Give ____ rescue breaths • Do __ more cycles of ___:__ • Recheck for signs of circulation and breathing for no more than ____ seconds • KNOW that CPR will not usually revive a person, but can help to keep them alive until trained help arrives
More Common Injuries • _____________ • Caused by nose being struck or dryness • Keep person quiet and still • Have person sit and lean forward • Apply direct ___________ by pressing on the bleeding nostril • Apply a ________ towel to the person’s nose and face • Place a piece of __________ between the upper lip and teeth to stop bleeding