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Advanced Services Enabling Telematic Applications ( Servicios Avanzados de Apoyo a Aplicaciones Telemáticas-SAA ). Module introduction. October 2010 ETSIT-UVA. 0. Before starting, getting to know each other…. Who are we ( students and us )?
Advanced Services Enabling Telematic Applications (Servicios Avanzados de Apoyo a Aplicaciones Telemáticas-SAA) Module introduction October2010 ETSIT-UVA
0. Before starting, getting to know each other… • Who are we (students and us)? • Online survey: education, professionalexperience, interest in the module and backgroundexpertise… • http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJWcWpIeklBV3EwSWRJY1hOcjFHMFE6MA • In order to better fit the module materials and assignments to the specific group of students • Wiki registration • http://titan.tel.uva.es/wikis/juaase/index.php/SAA0910:Presentacion
About • MSc ICT Research->Telematics Systems Engineering path (optional)->Architectures, Technologies and Services of distributed Telematics Systems block • AAS within the speciality: this module complements the other two taught in paralell (1st semester) within the speciality: PAM about distributed SW&computing; TES about Web 2.0&3.0. In the 2nd semester sectors covered are Education, Healthcare, Transport, Enterprises • Requirements: none but for part-time attendance, Methodology and instruments of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer block is recommended before • Credits: 5 ECTS (x25 hours of which 40% presential) • Professors:Juan Ignacio Asensio Pérez (juaase@tel.uva.es) Antonio J. Sánchez Esguevillas (antsan@tel.uva.es) • English
Motivation Thanks to ICT services, different application sectors can be highly modernized. ICT services represent a vast greenfield for research as application enablers
Services of the future • New services over new network infrastructures: All-IP underlying infrastructures with IMS platforms represent the new paradigms on which all future telecom digital applications will be based and therefore are the basis for value added services research. A set of service enablers like mobility, location, context awareness are as well the foundations for these new applications. All-IP from an underlying telco network infrastructure perspective will materialize through a common core that would serve different access networks: FTTH (after VDSL2) is the present/future for unlimited bandwidth in the fixed domain/(Advanced) LTE will also provide high bandwidth and capacity radio (mobile) access; but beyond this, non-telco ad-hoc infrastructures are also hot topics of research, namely MANETs (or also WSN-Wireless Sensor Networks) with interesting implications for services. Finally from a management perspective, NGOSS is the trend for service (&network) management)
Description • Brief Description1. Services that support location and other context-aware applications 2. Support to mobility: main services offered and its relationship with underlying networks (MANET-Mobile Adhoc NETworks) 3. Frameworks and core services for the management of Next Generation Networks (NGN), as well as the service offer from telcos and third companies • Specific competences&learning results 7. Capacity to design context-aware applications, thanks to the support of location (based) services [CE-IST 8] 8. Capacity to create new services that support mobility, specially in emerging fields like MANET or WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) [CE-IST 9] 9. Capacity to design and use services for the management of NGN and the composition of new services within a service-oriented framework [CE-IST 10]
Objectives • Acquisition of solid knowledge about IP services and its underlying infrastructure • Research skills around the topic: • Search and analysis from quality sources • Identification of useful information and conclusions gathering • Writing of documents for scientific results dissemination • Public presentation of the results
Content 1 Introduction (1h) 1.1 Motivation 1.2 New services over new network infrastructures 1.3 Relationship with other courses of the module 2 New telco infrastructure (2h) 2.1 NGN/IMS: enabling new services 2.2 IMS basics (VoP, SIP, QoS) 3 Services of the future (2h) (Service offering from telcos and third parties: main convergent advanced and innovative telecommunications services&applications. 3.1 Location and context aware mobile services 3.2 Application sectors (eg. connected car, enterprise, healthcare, digital home, communications, services over handsets…) 3.3 Sample research lines and projects 4 Non-telco infrastructures for location and context awareness: mobile ad-hoc networks (Manet) 4.1 Manet types and underlying technologies 4.2 Sample research lines and projects 5 Managing the new infrastructures 5.1 Management basics 5.2 NGOSS 5.3 Manet Management 5.4 Sample research lines and projects Introduction: 1 + Part I: 2&3 by A Sánchez (duringOctober/Nov.: 7sessions-17h) ; Part II: 4&5 by JI Asensio
Workload distribution • Presential activities (2 ECTS) • Classroom presentation (participative and non-participative) (0,6 ECTS) • Discussion workshops among the class members and with external speakers, individual and group supervision, and evaluation activities: main use of the case study method and of collaborative learning techniques (1 ECTS) • Oral presentations of assignments by students (in English): small research work (done remotely). (0,4 ECTS) • Remote activities (3 ECTS) • Individual work: study of material supplied, selection of related material, writing of contributions and specially reports about the case studies: search, reading and evaluation of technical articles; write (in English) a paper and improvement of it after receiving feedback (peer review by classmates); write a presentation (slides); write a patent file (first part only); classmates’ assignments review (2 ECTS) • Group work towards the ellaboration of common positions and the preparation of presential workshops: collaborative learning, study of cases, project method (1 ECTS) Theory (presentations by both Prof.&Students): 9,5hAS/14JIA; Practical (workshops): 10,5AS/16JIA
Methodology: logistics • Sessions at the school (accesible online&offline1) • Virtual campus2 (Wiki, Moodle by UVA or the one by ETSIT, Blog with news) • Module materials published • Permanent contact through E-mail, videoconferencing&IM3 (1) Flashmeeting. E.g. http://fm.ea-tel.eu/fm/f4ac5b-18628(2) http://titan.tel.uva.es/wikis/juaase/index.php/SAA0910:Presentacion (or http://emina.tel.uva.es/mediawiki/index.php/Portada); (http://campusvirtual.uva.es/ or http://emina.tel.uva.es/moodle/ ) http://www.tel.uva.es/docencia/asignaturas/descripcion.htm?controlador(titulacion)=P371&controlador(asignatura)=A51320 ; http://comunicacionesip1.blogspot.com/ (3) Skype: ajsetid
Methodology (II) • Professor(+external speakers): provide the basics of the subject (including research ideas) at the beginning of the module • Student: chooses research topic and makes assignment • Acquisition of the scientific method, through: • Analysis of the state of the art: top-indexed magazines and international patents • Identification of novel research topic • Write an article(magazine)+patent request • Improves it after peer review • Presents it (slides) • Each part corresponding to each professor have separate assignments and evaluation
Assignment (part I) • Reviewthestate of the art of thecoveredtopics: • Chooseone of them, from a serviceperspective (e.g.part I: IMS, VoIP, SIP, QoS, codecs, LBS, context awareness, one of the application sectors) • Reviewprestigiousindexed (JCR) magazine articles ISI (InstituteforScientificInformation) and internationalpatents: • Readthoroughly 4-6 articles (JCR-preferablyTelecommunicationsarea top 10 magazines) • Access: 1) tothe ranking: www.uva.esLibrary (//almena.uva.es) Databases UVA ISI web of knowledge 2) articles: http://0-ieeexplore.ieee.org.almena.uva.es/Xplore/dynhome.jsp • Write a summary of thestate of the art of thechosentopic, includingbibliographicreferencesintratext • maximum 2 pages • Identify a research line aboutthetopic (amongthoseshortlisted) • Validateitwiththeprofessor • Writeanarticle (IEEE format) and a patentfile(onlypart I)abouttheselected line • English Part II (work in progress): more emphais in class discussion of material read and collaborative identification (materialized in written artifacts) of research problems derived from theses discussions (the same applies for evaluation, also motivated by less time available for longer cycles/iterations)
Evaluation • Assignments done bythestudentbothindividually and in groups (75%) • Oral exposition of theassignment (20%) • Evaluation of theaptitude and participation of thestudent in thelearningactivities (5%)
Evaluation (II): assignment (part I) • Summary of thestate of the art • Accuracy in theidentification of thestate of the art • Quality and quantity of references (articles/patents) reviewed • Paper (aboutresearchtopic) • IEEE ComSoc peer-reviewtemplate • Writingstyle, formatadequacy • Content: researchresults • Patent(part I) • Patentabilitycriteria • Publicpresentation • Includingthe 2/3 pointsabove • Positivelyevaluated: interactivitywiththeprofessor
Dates (&deliverables) • Identification of research line • Afterthepresentialsessions of eachpart e.g.part I 4/11/09 • Article (&patent) • 2 weeksbeforeend of semester (toallow peer reviewperiod) 10/1/10 • Publicpresentation • Examinationweeks e.g.part I 25/1/10
Feedback & improvements • Basic block teaching beforehand • Teaching guide (detailed) • Improve coordination • Better control of workload (per session or weekly) • Apply to part I best practices of part II: • enhance interactivity • pre-select bibliography and assignments • work with basic concepts using short cycles of reading+shortreports+discussion
References • IP communications background from TARSIP (PhD course 08-09 and before) http://www.tel.uva.es/descargar.htm?id=6169 • Articles: • New generation of personal communication services: IMS and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE. ASE, B. Carro, G Camarillo, Yi-Bing Lin. 2nd review in progress. (article for peer review) • Digital Home Services. IEEE Network. ASE, BC, B Wei, W Feng; Nov’09 • Antonio Sanchez, Belen Carro, Fernando Martin; FUTURE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES; IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE; 2009 • Antonio Sánchez, José Jimenez, Belén Carro, Heinz Brüggemann, Peter Herrmann; TELECOMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS FOR EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS; IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE; 2009 • A. Sánchez, B. Carro, B. Khasnabish, A. Gupta, "Applications And Support Technologies For Mobility And Enterprise Services", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, June 2009 • Ricardo Castellot, Antonio Sanchez, Borja De La Cuesta, Belen Carro, Linghang Fan, Zhili Sun; IPV6 NETWORKS OVER DVB-RCS SATELLITE SYSTEMS, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, 2008 • A. Sanchez, B. Carro, P. Romo, C. Pinart, "Telco Services For End Customers Within Spanish Programmes," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, pp. 24-28, June 2008. • Antonio Sanchez, Belen Carro, Stefan Wesner; TELCO SERVICES FOR END CUSTOMERS. EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE; IEEE Communications Magazine, 2008 • Carlos Baladrón, Javier Aguiar, Belén Carro, Antonio Sánchez; INTELLIGENT MATCHING FOR DYNAMIC SERVICE DISCOVERY; Alejandro Cadenas, Antonio Sánchez, Belén Carro; USER-GENERATED CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION FOR HORIZONTAL NETWORK SERVICES CONVERGENCE; IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Oct. 2008 • Z. Sun, D. He, H. Cruickshank, L. Liang, A. Sanchez, C. Miguel, V. Schena, C. Tocci, B. Carro, "Scalable Architecture and Evaluation for Multiparty Conferencing over Satellite Links," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, vol. 22 , pp. 594-605, April 2004. • H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, A. Sanchez, F. Carducci, "Analysis of IP voice conferencing over EuroSkyWay satellite systems," Proc. IEE, Vol. 148, pp.202-206, August 2001. • Past PhDs and TIT (Supervised Research Assignment, former PhD programme)
SampleTFMsproposed (sampleshortlist of topicsforassignment) 1 QoS de videoconferencia IP HD (alta definición) para PC(equipo propósito general) sobre ADSL (limitación uplink) para entornos de teletrabajo 2 Servicios multimedia para el automóvil sobre IMS 3 Servicio de eficiencia energética (hogar y empresa) sobre plataformas centralizadas del operador en redes IP 4 Virtualización del escritorio sobre IMS 5 Conectividad RFID/NFC (tarjetas inteligentes sin contacto) con redes IP para servicios contextuales1 6 Servicios M2M (Machine to Machine) en entornos empotrados 7 Optimización navegación física (objetos y personas) sobre IMS Presented Sept’10. http://titan.tel.uva.es/wikis/yannis/index.php/Propuestas_de_TFM_por_parte_del_profesorado
Backup: Lastyearexternalspeakers • 19/10: Patents by Alfredo Catalina1 (OEPM) • 22/10: eHealth by Dr. Pedro Alarcón (Telefonica R&D) • 29/10: IMS & context awareness by Alejandro Cadenas1 (Telefonica R&D) (1) PhDcandidate