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REVIEW Could you go over the Hippocampus' control over the hypothalamus and the negative feedback loop associated with it and glucocorticoids?  Could you go over plasticity?. Two Hypotheses. H1: romantic love would involve subcortical dopaminergic pathways that mediate reward.

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  1. REVIEW Could you go over the Hippocampus' control over the hypothalamus and the negative feedback loop associated with it and glucocorticoids?  Could you go over plasticity?

  2. Two Hypotheses H1: romantic love would involve subcortical dopaminergic pathways that mediate reward. H2: romantic love would involve neural pathways associated with goal-directed behaviors. If these are true, the prediction would be that romantic love is a goal-directed state that leads to a range of emotions, rather than a specific emotion.

  3. The VTA is a central part of the brain’s “reward system” (associated with pleasure, general arousal, focused attention, and motivation to pursue and acquire rewards The caudate plays a role in reward detection and expectation, the representation of goals, and the integration of sensory inputs to prepare for action

  4. In the monogamous prairie vole:

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