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Sweden GNI pc U$ 38,050

Equivalent Annual fee adjusted by Gross National Income per capita (GNI pc) at purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2009– Reference UK. Sweden GNI pc U$ 38,050. € 2,864. Ecuador GNI pc U$ 8,100. UK GNI pc U$ 35,860. € 610. € 2,700. China GNI pc U$ 6,890. € 520. Argentina

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Sweden GNI pc U$ 38,050

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  1. Equivalent Annual fee adjusted by Gross National Income per capita (GNI pc) at purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2009– Reference UK Sweden GNI pc U$ 38,050 € 2,864 Ecuador GNI pcU$ 8,100 UK GNI pc U$ 35,860 € 610 € 2,700 China GNI pc U$ 6,890 € 520 Argentina GNI pc U$ 14,090 € 1,060 Source: World Bank. Key Development Data & Statistics

  2. Equivalent Annual fee adjusted by Gross National Income (GNI) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2009– Reference Argentina Sweden GDP U$ 346.4 GNI pc U$ 35,840 Big Mac U$ 4.53 Ecuador GDP U$ 30.3 GNI pc U$ 2,210 Big Mac U$ 1.60 € 27,030 UK GDP U$ 2124.4 GNI pc U$ 33,630 Big Mac U$ 3.65 € 1,667 € 25,363 Argentina GDP U$ 14090 GNI pc U$ 3,580 Big Mac U$ 1.85 € 2,700 Source: World Bank. Key Development Data & Statistics

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