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Malmö university. Sweden. THIS IS MALMÖ UNIVERSITY. Founded in 1998 25 000 students 1 400 staff Five interdisciplinary faculties Faculty of Culture and Society Faculty of Health and Society Faculty of Odontology Faculty of Education and Society School of Technology
Malmö university Sweden
THIS IS MALMÖ UNIVERSITY • Founded in 1998 • 25 000 students • 1 400 staff • FiveinterdisciplinaryfacultiesFaculty of Culture and SocietyFaculty of Health and SocietyFaculty of OdontologyFaculty of Education and SocietySchool of Technology • Turnover125 million €Locatedin the Öresund region which has a population of 3.5 million people Malmö University Sweden
Malmö university Sweden
CHARACTERISTICS Young, innovative, full of new ideasProgrammesdirectedtowardsprofessionaltraining Research and learning in closecooperationwith the surroundingcommunity InterdisciplinaryFaculties Excellence in widenedrecruitment Malmö University Sweden
STUDENTS • 25 000 students • 2/3 of our students are female • 1/3 have a non-Swedish background • Are often from a non-academic home • Average age of 25 years • Are employed in their field of study after graduation (92% at 2008) Malmö university Sweden
RESEARCH RESEARCH PROFILES Biological Interfaces Health and Social Conditions – A lifecourseperspectiveMigration profile New media Oral Health Science ofEducation Sports in transition Urban studies MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
Faculty of education and society www.mah.se/english
The Faculty of Education and Society is one of the largestfacultieswithin Malmö University • About 6,500 students • Teachereducation for all the stages of the school system, from pre-school to uppersecondaryschool, as well as degrees in Careerscounselling and Sports sciences. Faculty of Education and Society MALMÖ uNIVERSITY Sweden
Six Departments - SixFields of knowledge Culture, Language and Media Individual and Society School Development and Leadership Sports Sciences Children, Youth and Society Nature, Environment and Society Education and society
Key features of TeacherEducation Profession-oriented subject studies;Courses where subjects studies and studies in subject-based teaching and learning are integrated Similar basic competence for all teachers; Core education courses Close cooperation between schools and school of teacher education;School-placement courses in relevant subjects and position Education and society Sweden
Courses in coreeducation • history of the school system, its organisation and conditions as well as fundamental democratic values and human rights • syllabus theory and subject-based teaching and learning • development, learning and special needs education • social relationships, conflict management and leadership • theory of knowledge and research methodology • assessing and analysing learning and development, and • evaluation and development processes. Education and society
Bachelor of Arts in Early Years Education (3,5 years) • 120 credits in the field of early years educationincluding an independent project • 60 credits core education subjects • 30 credits relevant placement in a pre-school Education and society
Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education with a specialisation in Extended School Teaching (3years) • 60 credits in the field of extended school education including an independent project • 30 credits in one practical or aesthetic subject • 60 credits core education subjects • 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Master of Arts in Primary Education (4 years) with a specialisation in teaching in pre-scool class and grades 1-3 of the compulsory school • 30 credits each in Swedish and Mathematics, 15 credits each in English, Social Science subjects, Natural Science subjects and Technology. • 30 credits independent project in one of the subjects • 60 credits core education subjects • 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Master of Arts in Primary Education (4 years) with a specialisation in teaching in grades 4-6 of the compulsory school • 30 credits each in Swedish, Mathematics and English • 30 credits in either Social Science subjects, Natural Science subjects and Technology orone Practical or Aesthetic subject. • 30 credits independent project in one of the subjects • 60 credits core education subjects • 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education (4,5 years) with a specialisation in teaching in grades 7-9 of the compulsory school 90 credits in a relevant subject or subject area including independent projects45 credits each in two other subjects60 credits core education subjects 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education (5 years) with a specialisation in teaching in the upper secondary school 120 credits in a relevant subject or subject area including independent projects90 credits one other subject60 credits core education subjects 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Diploma in Vocational Education (1,5 year) Studies in a vocational subject is required to enter • 60 credits core education subjects • 30 credits relevant school-placement Education and society
Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training (1,5 years) with specialisation in: • the development of language, writing and reading, • mathematical development, • deafness and hearing disabilities, • visual disabilities, • serious language disabilities, and • learning disabilities. Education and society