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The GTAS Webinar will begin shortly. Please put your phone on mute. GTAS G overnmentwide T reasury Account Symbol A djusted Trial Balance S ystem. Kim Poling, Shannon Redding, and Kirstie Hart March 19 & 20, 2013. Rules for Webinar.
The GTAS Webinar will begin shortly. Please put your phone on mute.
GTASGovernmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System Kim Poling, Shannon Redding, and Kirstie Hart March 19 & 20, 2013
Rules for Webinar Please do NOT take your phone off mute – ask questions through the live chat only If your question is not answered during the Webinar, a GTAS representative will respond to your question via email by the end of the next business day
Agenda Topics • Testing Updates • General Requirements • Intragovernmental Updates • System Information • FY 2014 Reporting Window • GTAS News and Training
Testing Updates Bulk File Submission • Please submit complete trial balance information • Budgetary and Proprietary • Beginning and Ending balances are required for applicable USSGL accounts
Testing Updates Trading Partner (TP) Main Account The TP main account code reporting requirement will be phased-in FY 2014: The TP main account code is required for TAS with a 2014 beginning period of availability FY 2015-2018: Each year, the TP main account will be required for the current FY period of availability FY 2019: The TP main account will be required for all TAS including X year
Testing Updates Fed Non-fed Indicators F and G Current TFM guidance requires agencies to report a Fed Non-fed indicator F with TP 99 for General Fund activity GTAS requires the use of a Fed Non-fed indicator G with TP 099 for General Fund activity
Testing Updates Testing Progress Test Window 2: Agencies submitted bulk files for approximately 3800 TAS with over 800 TAS passing fatal edits Test Window 3: Agencies have submitted bulk files for approximately 1600 TAS with over 200 TAS passing fatal edits
General Requirements TAS Reporting Agencies with multiple accounting centers reporting information independently to the same TAS will need to consolidate and report that information at the department level Each accounting center’s bulk file submission for that TAS will be overwritten by each succeeding bulk file submission for that same account A bulk file for all active TAS will need to be submitted If a TAS has no activity and zero balances, a bulk file with a $0.00 101000 balance will need to be submitted
General Requirements Apportionment Category B (ACB) and Program Report Category (PRC) Codes GTAS receives the codes from OMB based upon the agency SF 132 submission Any missing TAS/code combinations will need to be manually entered into GTAS ACB and PRC information will carry over to each period
General Requirements SMAF Review If you have a TAS you feel should no longer be active, please follow instructions in TFM Part 2, Chapter 2000, Section 2025.50: http://www.fms.treas.gov/tfm/vol1/v1p2c200.pdf For questions pertaining to this TFM, contact a member of the Budget Appropriations and Analysis Section (BAAS).
General Requirements User Roles • Preparer • Submits bulk files • Certifies ATB periods 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 • Explains material differences periods 3, 6, 9 and 12 • Certifier • Certifies ATB period 12 • Agency CFO or designee certifies material differences report periods 3, 6, 9 and 12 • Executive • View and print reports • Each user can have only one agency role
General Requirements TAS Assignments Upon receiving a GTAS User ID, review your SMAF to ensure all assigned TAS are valid If you are missing a TAS or you have TAS assigned that you don’t report, please notify the Treasury Support Center at 1-877-440-9476 or gtas@stls.frb.org A TAS can be assigned to multiple User IDs
General Requirements Resources Bulk File Test Periods and Bulk File Format: http://www.fms.treas.gov/gtas/index.html GTAS Enrollment Process: http://www.fms.treas.gov/gtas/forms.html USSGL TFM Part 3 – Fiscal 2014 GTAS Implementation Testing: http://www.fms.treas.gov/ussgl/tfm_releases/12-03/2014/part3_current.html
Intragovernmental Updates Trading Partner Communications Agencies should be communicating with Trading Partners to ensure correct Trading Partner data is used on bulk file submissions Intragovernmental Reports Agencies can only see Trading Partner data on Intragovernmental Reports within GTASafter it has been certified by the Trading Partner Certifier Agencies need to ensure that current certifiers of Intragovernmental data today have access to certify this data in GTAS
System Information Requirements Internet Access Internet Explorer – IE 8 Java Script Enabled Post June 30 Testing Agencies can continue testing until September 2013 Data available for testing is TBD
GTAS News and Training • Webinars Learn more about GTAS without leaving your office! • GTAS Newsletter Look for the GTAS newsletter in your email inbox or Updates box on-line to find out the latest news about GTAS: http://www.fms.treas.gov/gtas/index.html
Contact Information GTAS Contacts: http://www.fms.treas.gov/gtas/contacts.html Todd Shafer 304-480-5183 Todd.Shafer@bpd.treas.gov Shannon Redding 202 874-1562 Shannon.Redding@fms.treas.gov