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<br>Whether you’ve been established your jewelry business for 10 years, or you’re just starting out, a clear marketing strategy can help you to understand your customers and your competitors, and to plan promotional activities that will target precisely the people you want to sell to. Take a look at how to create a marketing plan that will help you elevate your small jewelry business to the next level.
M a r k e t i n gP l a nF o r Y o u rJ e w e l r y B u s i n e s s W W W . A D S C T . C O M . A U
Whetheryou’vebeenestablishedfor10 years, oryou’rejuststartingout, aclear marketingstrategycanhelpyouto understandyourcustomersandyour competitors, andtoplanpromotional activitiesthatwilltargetpreciselythe peopleyouwanttosellto. Takealookathowtocreateamarketing planthatwillhelpyouelevateyoursmall jewelrybusinesstothenextlevel.
S E TS O M ES I M P L E M A R K E T I N GG O A L S Doyouwanttoincreasesalesby30% orincreaseemailsubscribers to500? Whateveryourgoalsare, makesuretheyarespecificand measurable. Thatway, you’llbeabletolookbackandseeexactly whatyouhaveachieved.
I D E N T I F YY O U R C O M P E T I T O R S Oneofthebestwaystocomeupwithsuccessfuljewelrymarketing strategiesistoseewhatyourclosestcompetitorsareupto. Search onlineforlocaljewelrymakers, orlookupthoseyoualreadyknow about. Notedowneverythingtheyaredoing. Thinkaboutwhatmakes youdifferenttoyourcompetitors. Thenconsideryourpricepointsand whetherwhatyouarechargingisaboutrightincomparison.
G E TT OK N O WY O U R T A R G E TA U D I E N C E Therearemanybenefitstounderstandingmoreaboutyourcustomers: - Youcanfocusonmakingproductsthatwillappealtothem. - Youwillfinditeasiertoworkoutwheretofindthem & markettothem. - Itwillbeeasiertocomeupwithjewellerymarketingideasthatwill appealtothem. Notonlythis, butwhenwritingtoyourcustomersperhapsviaemail, your writingfeelmorepersonableandmoreeffective.
M A R K E T I N GS T R A T E G I E S – O N L I N E Whenyou’rewonderinghowtobuildamarketingplanforyouronline business, thefirstthingtothinkaboutiswhere, online, youcanfindthe audience. Nowcreateapromotionalplanforhowtogetthewordout aboutyourjewelrytothepeoplewhoaremostlikelytowanttobuyit. PlaceyourstoreadonLocalClassifiedportallikeADSCTthatwillmake youradvisibletothousandsofpeoplelivingaroundyou.
M A R K E T I N GI D E A S – O F F L I N E Whenworkingonreal-worldjewelrymarketingstrategies, theprinciple shouldbethesame. Perhapsyoucouldresolvetoattendlocalcraftfairs, particularlyaroundChristmasandkeygift-givingtimes. Youmightwant tocreateeye-catchingbusinesscardsorsmallleafletstohandoutat craftfairs, networkingorothereventsyouattend. Thereareloadsof greatmarketingstrategiesforsmallbusinessesinthejewelrytrade – get brainstormingandyou’llbesurprisedwhatyoucomeupwith.
M O N I T O RY O U R R E S U L T S It’simportanttoremembertorevisityourjewelrymarketing plansandgoals, andtotrackyourprogresstoseehowyouare gettingon. Bylookingatwhat’sgonewell, andwhatdidn’tquite workoutthewayyouhoped, youwillbeabletolearn continuallyandkeepmovingforward. Inturn, thiswillhelpyou reviseandrefreshyourstrategyfornextyear.
Whateveryoudo, don’ttrytodoeverythingatonce. Marketing strategiesforsmallbusinessesworkbestiftheyaresimple, enjoyable andlaser-focusedontheirtargetaudience’swantsandneeds. Listyourstoretodayat W W W . A D S C T . C O M . A U