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Participation: Social Media

Participation: Social Media. . . Participation. Understand the issues Express opinions Exert an influence. Get Better News. Hear directly from politicians themselves Justin Amash Michigan Congressman Explains his votes on his Facebook page.

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Participation: Social Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Participation: Social Media  

  2. Participation • Understand the issues • Express opinions • Exert an influence

  3. Get Better News • Hear directly from politicians themselves • Justin Amash • Michigan Congressman • Explains his votes on his Facebook page *http://webdevils.biz/how-politicans-use-social-media

  4. Make a Difference • Neda Agha Soltan • Shot to death while protesting • Death live-tweeted across the world • Symbol of Iranian anti-government movement http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1906549,00.html

  5. Make a Difference • Pervez Musharraf • Former Pakistani president • Facebook users spur his return to politics http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/7787590/Pervez-Musharraf-says-Facebook-followers-urge-him-to-return-to-Pakistan.html

  6. Participate Locally • Join an online community • Hawaii Bike Posse • Online Facebook group

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