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Port of London . Nuria Luna Carla Baturone. This is the port of London in 1839; the artist of this painting is Thomas Allom . This painting has been hand-produced. In 1858 Big Ben had been completed and it became a symbol for London and England. . Describe the picture
Port of London Nuria Luna Carla Baturone
This is the port of London in 1839; the artist of this painting is Thomas Allom. This painting has been hand-produced. In 1858 Big Ben had been completed and it becamea symbol for London and England. Describe the picture We can see the harbor of London. In the front, we can see people driving little boats (canoes). There is something in the water afloat between two boats. Then on the right and on the left there are bigger boats/ vessels parked. In the middle there are other ongoing boats, and behind them we can see the bridge. In the back we can see some big and white edifice, maybe it’s a palace, then in the background we can see like cathedrals, and maybe the Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.
Thefirstpictureis in the 19th century. We can seesomehouseswhichare notmodern and small. As opposedtothe 2nd picturethatis in the21st centurythere are bigedifices. Wealso can seethatallthebuildings are new and notfromthat time, there are alsomodernboatsinstead of theoldcanoes and sailboats. Beforetheyusedtheport of London fortrade, and nowonlytonavigatebutalsototrade. Port of London 19th/21th century
Thefirstpictureis a maptheport of London onthe 18th century. Thesecondoneisalso a map of the port of London but in the 21th century. We can seethattheportstill has the sameshape. Butnowthere are more monuments and thecityhas changed. Theport of London isthe Thirdlargestport in the UnitedKingdom, after Grimsby & Immingham.
London-Rotterdam Thesetwopictures are of the 18th century. Thefirstpictureistheport of London and thesecondoneistheport of Rotterdam. We can seethatonthefirstonethere are sailboats and canoes. However in theotherthere are bigsteamers and littleboats. We can suposethatRotterdam’sharbor, have more comercethantheLondon’s. Becausethere are more boats and theyare more modern. Rotterdam’sportisone of thebiggestport in theworld, so itis more developed.