BACKGROUND The U.S. was basically unprepared for war in December 1941. FDR had used the PWA (Public Works Administration) to build aircraftcarriers. We had instituted the first peacetime draft and begun the GoodNeighbor policy in the Western Hemisphere, but these were only small steps.
THE WAR IN EUROPE • U.S. was in a 2front war against the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) from the beginning. • It was necessary to prioritize and our #1 goal was to defeat Hitler in Europe.
Timeline of Events in Europe • 9/39-6/40 Nazi blitzkrieg (lightening warfare) of Poland and western Europe • Summer/Autumn 1940 – Battle of Britain (Luftwaffe vs. Royal Air Force (RAF) • Hitler unable to gain air control so postpones planned invasion.
Believed Britain would “wither on the vine” = 1stMISTAKE. • Britain was now led by Prime Minister WinstonChurchill. • US began policy of Lend-Lease Aid • Spring 1941 – Successful German invasion of Eastern Europe and North Africa with Italian aid
June 1941 – German invasion of USSR Operation Barbarossa = 2nd MISTAKE • U.S. offered Lend-Lease to USSR • Early success first 6 months – problems in winter • ScorchedEarth policy denied supplies • Train gauge not compatible • Split forces • Seasonal timing – bitter cold • Guerilla counteroffensive • Soviet Leader JosephStalin
12/41 German/Italian declaration of war on U.S. = 3rd MISTAKE • Spring/Summer 1942 –Nazis regain momentum in USSR • 9/42 Maximum Nazi Control – Europe, North Africa, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and ready for Egypt; Britain and Soviets barely hanging on
10/42 the Battle of El Alamein • German AfrikaKorps (tanks) led by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel (DesertFox) v. British general Bernard Montgomery • Goals: oil fields and Suez Canal
11/42 TURNING POINT IN THE WAR • Invasion of North Africa-Operation Torch; First time Allies attack; U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) appointed supreme commander; HQ = Casablanca – invasion sites at Morocco and Algeria; Field commander U.S. General George S. Patton; German surrender 5/43
Stalingrad has been under Nazi siege since 9/42 – Russian counterattack & force German surrender 2/43; German losses = 1,000,000 • Spring 1943 – Allies control Mediterranean & Battle of the Atlantic begins; goal = control of shipping lanes- convoys v. Wolfpack (German subs); New technology = sonar
6/43 – Patton takes Sicily • 7/43 – Russia slowly forcing Germans out of USSR – Battle of Kursk • 9/43 – INVASION OF ITALY – Battle of Anzio - Mussolini forced out, new leader Badoglio promised easy surrender – heavy American casualties; victory in Rome 6/5/44 but fighting continues on the peninsula for some time
June 6, 1944 = D-Day – Normandy Invasion = Operation Overlord • Ike as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in ETO (European Theatre of Operations) • Largest amphibious invasion ever – jointly with British, Canadians, and Free French
Nazi Advantages = commanded by Rommel & heavily fortified and dug in • Allied Advantages = access to weather reports & air power • 5 Beaches = Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah and Omaha • War now just a matter of time – Victory is assured
July 1944 – daily air bombing of Germany & attempted assassination of Hitler by German Officers • August 1944 – liberation of Paris by Patton and Free French under Charles De Gaulle • 12/44- 1/45 – Battle of the Bulge in Belgium = last German offensive
3/45 – Invasion of Germany begins East and West • 4/30/45 – Hitler and Eva Braun Hitler (married 4/29/45) commit Suicide – both took poison capsules & Hitler shot himself in the head. • Their bodies were partially cremated and buried, later found by Russian soldiers, taken and reburied in an unmarked grave in Magdeburg, Germany. 1970 – exhumed, burned & ashes dumped in the Elbe River. • May 8, 1945 = V-EDay (Victory in Europe) = Germany surrenders
THE HOMEFRONT • War effort is organized under New Deal type organizations: • Office of War Mobilization – coordinates agencies (umbrella) • Selective Service Commission (draft board) eligible from age 18 to 35
Office of Price Administration – price controls and rationing of products for civilians • Office of War Information – propaganda & news • War Labor Board – strike control • War Manpower Commission – labor for munitions factories • War Production Board – Military needs are #1
War good for the economy • Full employment – 30 million in war production jobs, many women (Rosie the Riveter) & 15 million in military service = 2 to 1 ratio • US spends $400 billion on the war with 2/3 raised from the sale of war bonds
FDR re-elected to 3rd term (1940) & 4th term (1944) “Don’t Change Horses in the Middle of the Stream” • Harry Truman takes over when FDR dies in April 1945 • Battle of Production refers to the ability of the US to produce more munitions than the enemy – this is the single most important factor in the allied victory
Tremendous public support of the war effort = jobs, service, bonds, songs, victory gardens & scrap drives • Internment of Japanese-Americans from West Coast – 17,600 fought in Italy • Lasting effects on US • Opportunities for women • End of the GreatDepression • Science – atomic bomb, jets, rockets & medicine
WAR IN THE PACIFIC • Japanese pattern of aggression • seizure of Korea in 1910 • attack on Chinese Manchuria in 1931 • attacks on the remainder of China in 1937 • attack on the French colony of Indochina in June 1941
President Roosevelt responded • forbid the sale of oil, iron and steel to Japan • froze their bank accounts in the US. • Japanese leaders were following a policy aimed at conquering all of Asia and eventually the rest of the world. This was to be done to honor the emperor Hirohito. To do this they needed oil. Only the US stood in their way.
The attack on PearlHarbor • December 7, 1941 • Attempt to remove the US from the Pacific long enough to seize the East Indies & claim the islands of the Pacific. The Japanese expected to be so strongly in place by the time the US rebuilt that the US would simply have to accept it • Was ordered by Japanese War Minister Hideji Tojo • Was planned by chief naval strategist Isoroku Yamamoto
Attack Visual • The first attacks would hit the USS Oklahoma, West Virginia, • Arizona, and Nevada. • The second attack would hit USS Pennsylvania, and cruisers: • San Francisco, and New Orleans.
USS Arizona • Positioned in “Battle Row”. • Hit within 10 min. after attack began. • Bomb crashed through the 2 armored deck, igniting its magazine. • Went down with 1,300 lives.
USS Arizona Memorial “Created to honor the survivors of Pearl Harbor, their families and friends, and to all those who died.” The ship has been preserved as a tomb for those who went down with the ship. Erected in 1962.