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State program planning. League of Women Voters of Massachusetts January 28, 2019 – March 7, 2019. Provide an opportunity to propose areas of focus for LWVMA Program and Action for the next biennium Action within current LWVMA/LWVUS positions Action Priorities
State program planning League of Women Voters of Massachusetts January 28, 2019 – March 7, 2019
Provide an opportunity to propose areas of focus for LWVMA Program and Action for the next biennium • Action within current LWVMA/LWVUS positions Action Priorities • New or amended positions for future LWVMA action New study Review and update Concurrence Why Program Planning?
LWVMA uses its positions to guide action and advocacy • League positions created and amended through Program Planning • Resources for positions • “Appendix” abbreviated compilation of LWVMA and LWVUS positions for quick reference https://lwvma.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Appendix-LWVMA-Program-Positions-2019.pdf • LWVMA “Where We Stand” • LWVUS “Impact on Issues” • All 3 available at Program Planning webpagehttps://lwvma.org/member-resources/program-planning/ League Positions
LWV conducts its educational and political actions based on positions derived from a consensus of its membership following formal studies of issues. From Study to Action Program Planning Leagues propose studies LWVMA recommends study Recommended Position LWVMA prepares position Convention Members approve study Convention Members approve position Study LWVMA: Research& Consensus Questions Leagues: Consensus Final Position LWVMA “Where We Stand” Action Based on position
12/14/2018 LWVMA Board develops Program Planning Guide 1/28/2019 Guide to local Leagues 3/7/2019* Local Leagues/Units submit program and action recommendations to LWVMA 4/4/2019 LWVMA Board develops program and action recommendations based on local League input 4/26/2019* LWVMA Board distributes its program and action recommendations plus any non-recommended proposals to local Leagues for review prior to Convention 5/17/2019* Local Leagues suggest changes or additions to LWVMA Board-recommended program to LWVMA 6/7-8/2019 Adoption of LWVMA Program for 2019-2021 at Convention 2019 Program Planning Process *Dates defined by bylaws
Make a plan for state program planning with your League/Unit. • Hold your program planning meeting. • Report to LWVMA. League/Unit Tasks
Make a plan for state program planning with your League/Unit. Generally an individual or a small group will coordinate program planning, which involves reviewing the materials, leading a discussion, and reporting back to LWVMA. League/Unit Tasks
Hold your program planning meeting. The meeting can be a special meeting for interested members, part of a board meeting, incorporated into local program planning, or through a teleconference. League/Unit Tasks
Report to LWVMA. Complete and submit the Local League Recommendation Form. See Guide for details. League/Unit Tasks
On LWVMA website, direct link: https://lwvma.org/member-resources/program-planning/ From homepage (lwvma.org), under Quick Links Finding Posted Materials
Action within current LWVMA/LWVUS positions Action Priorities • New or amended positions for future LWVMA action New study Review and update Concurrence Areas of Local League Input
Broad, general subject areas the State League should focus its energy on Must be consistent with our positions Help define our focus and “who we are” LWVMA Board and the Legislative Action Committee (LAC) developed suggestions for action priorities Your League should review and respond Action priorities approved at Convention reflect LWVMA’s priorities, but do not preclude the State League from taking action in other areas as situations warrant. Action Priorities
2017 Action Priorities (Convention approved): • Improving Elections • Promoting Civic Education and Engagement • Climate Change and the Environment • Equality and Justice • 2019 Action Priorities (LWVMA and LAC suggestions) • Improving Elections • Informed Voters and Civic Education • Government for the Common Good • Climate Change and the Environment • Equality and Justice Action Priorities
Improving Elections, such as Advocating for Election Day registration, ranked choice voting, actions resulting from LWVMA ballot question process study, campaign finance reform, election security • Informed Voters and Civic Education, such as Informed and active participation in government and understanding major public policy issues, including online voters' guide, Daniel Scharfman grants to local Leagues, candidate forums, student video contest Suggested Action Priorities 2019
Government for the Common Good, such as Education, transportation, gun safety, health care, and meeting basic human needs • Climate Change and the Environment, such as Reducing carbon emissions to ensure a sustainable future by educating our members and the public, supporting legislation and other actions, and establishing regional collaborations; land and water use • Equality and Justice, such as Women’s issues, protecting immigration, criminal justice, and income disparity Suggested Action Priorities 2019, cont.
Action Priorities are the broad, general subject areas the state League should focus on. LWVMA would concentrate, though not exclusively, on legislation in these areas and take action as issues come up. 1. Do you agree with the action priorities proposed on page 3 of the State Program Planning Guide? (Yes or No) 2. List below your League’s recommendations for Action Priorities or suggested changes to the recommended priorities. Remember that the League’s resources are limited and our efforts should not be spread among too many categories. Action PrioritiesLocal League Response Form
Study, review & update, concurrence Leading to new/amended positions for future LWVMA action
Required to develop a League position where none exists, or where the current position is no longer supported or requires updating. • A new study involves research to provide a balanced view of the facts and issues on a public policy topic, followed by an effort to reach member agreement by consensus. • Review and update of part or all of an existing position can determine if changes are needed. • Concurrence is developing a state position by adopting the position of another state or local League. Study/Review and Update/Concurrence The LWVMA board has not suggested new study, review and update or concurrence in 2019.
State study committee researches the topic, prepares materials, and supports local Leagues (appointed by and reports to LWVMA board) • Generally takes two years to complete (from one convention to the next) Recent examples of new study • Ballot Question process (2017-2019) • Charter Schools (2015-2017) Recent example of Review and Update • LWVUS Review and Update of Money in Politics (2014-2016) New State Study or Review & Update
LWVMA studies must be limited to state-level issues. • Before proposing a new study, review LWVUS Impact on Issues and LWVMA Where We Stand to be certain we have no current positions on which to base action. • When considering an issue for study or review, answer the following questions: • Would a study of this issue result in a position that could be used to influence legislative or state government policy? • Is this an issue on which legislative action is needed? • Will this issue still be timely when the study is completed in two or more years? • Is this an issue that would attract participation from the community and our members? • Is this an issue that could entice new members or increase the diversity of our participating members? • Will your League or Unit be willing to get involved – including having some of your members serve on a study committee – and make a commitment to study the issue? New State Study or Review & Update
The work associated with studies can only be completed successfully with the commitment of a team of volunteers. • The level of member interest expressed will be a strong factor in the Board’s decision to recommend a particular study. • To discuss a study idea, contact kprice@lwvma.org. Final Considerations
List your League’s recommendations for any new studies, provide a brief description of the scope and intent of each study, and indicate your membership’s willingness to participate in the study. You can also indicate if your League is not interested in a new study now. Please limit your recommendations to no more than two studies. New StudyLocal League Response Form
List your League’s recommendations for updating current positions, describe why your League thinks reviewing the position(s) is necessary, and indicate your membership’s willingness to participate in the review and update. Please limit your recommendations to no more than two reviews. Review and Update of LWVMA PositionLocal League Response Form
State Leagues may develop positions on issues by adopting positions other state or local Leagues have arrived at after the study process. Example: in 2013 LWVMA adopted the California League’s transportation position as a way of updating the Massachusetts position. If your League would like to recommend a concurrence, please include the issue you are considering and as much information as possible on the existing position you are recommending concurrence with, especially the name of the League which developed the position and a copy of that position. Concurrence
Please list suggestions for positions to be adopted by concurrence with a position developed after study by another state or local League. Include the issue you are considering, and as much information as possible on the existing position you are recommending concurrence with, especially the name of the League which developed the position and the exact wording of that position. ConcurrenceLocal League Response Form
Download form from webpage https://lwvma.org/member-resources/program-planning/ Complete the form using Word Save and submit Email as an attachment to program@lwvma.org Submit by March 7 Submit the Form
In order for LWVMA to assess interest, several local Leagues must suggest a similar study/review and update/consensus. To get support from other Leagues, start as soon as possible. Prepare a summary of your study idea Send to League leaders using the Google Group Leagueleaders@lwvma.org Encourage them to put the study on their Response Form Getting Local League Support
Sample Google Group Email • Dear Fellow League Leaders, • The board of LWV-Needham encourages MA Leagues to support a new study. Please consider putting “Ballot Question Process” in the State Program Planning Recommendation Form under “New Study.” See Program Planning materials. • This is a very League-type of issue, combining voting with advocacy. We have no position on the ballot question process. • Areas to Potentially Consider for Improving the Process • Can/should there be funding limits for ballot question campaign committees (there are currently none). • Should committees be able to hiring companies to do signature collection. • Are the requirements for accepting/rejecting signatures at Sec of Comm office too extreme? • Should there be a limit the length of the law the ballot question is proposing? In 2016, Question 4 was 35 pages long, compressed to 11 for the voters guide. • Please consider joining us and submitting this as a new study for MA Program Planning! • Thanks, • Karen Price, President LWV-Needham
LWVMA board evaluates and summarizes all of the response forms • Board decides whether to recommend a study to convention. • Interest (number of Leagues submitting similar studies) • Feasibility (members interested, likelihood of success) • Importance / Relevance • Would a study of this issue result in a position that could be used to influence legislative or state government policy? • Is this an issue on which legislative action is needed? • Will this issue still be timely when the study is completed in two or more years? • Is this an issue that would attract participation from the community and our members? • Is this an issue that could entice new members or increase the diversity of our participating members? Next Steps
The board recommendation for program will go back to local League for comment prior to convention. There are also opportunities for Leagues and members to put forward non-recommended items, see LWVMA bylaws under “Article XI. Program.” https://lwvma.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/LWVMA-bylaws-5-19-17.pdf Board Recommendation