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Z1 Quality Management (QM) CMMI ® Project

®. CMMI. Z1 Quality Management (QM) CMMI ® Project. John Walz US TAG to ISO TC176 Meeting Washington, DC 16-Aug-06. Attendees. Z1 QM CMMI Agenda. CMMI Overview presentation Bridge Document Project Status report by David Kitson Roles of SEI and Z1 QM members Path going forward

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Z1 Quality Management (QM) CMMI ® Project

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  1. ® CMMI Z1 Quality Management (QM) CMMI® Project John Walz US TAG to ISO TC176 Meeting Washington, DC 16-Aug-06

  2. Attendees

  3. Z1 QM CMMI Agenda • CMMI Overview presentation • Bridge Document Project • Status report by David Kitson • Roles of SEI and Z1 QM members • Path going forward • ISO 9000 Vocabulary relating to CMMI

  4. Problem statement: • too many “stove pipe” int./ext. audits, • too much redundancy / overlap for implementation, • isolated standard implementation • Compartmentalization of consultants, assessors and auditors 16-Aug-06

  5. Bridging Document Project status report by David Kitson, SEI • History: • ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 Software & Systems Engineering developed IS 15504 Process Assessments • SEI Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) • Concerns of organizations receiving both CMMI Assessments & ISO 9001 audits • Need for a guidance Bridging Document for both communities, with DoD companies support • Based on: • CMMI version 1.2 August, 2006 • ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9004:2000

  6. Bridge Document ProjectDevelopment Approach • Develop working draft requirements specification and guidance document outline (partially fleshed out) as input to formal project • Deliverable: guidance Bridging Document • What is CMMI / ISO • Mapping common CMMI / ISO elements • Identify CMMI / ISO differences • Several appendices of approved mappings • CMMI, ISO 9001, ISO 15504, TL 9000, Auto SPICE • Conformity schemes • Used by common teams for implementation and internal auditing

  7. Bridging Document • Bridging Document that answers: • What to add to the organization that is at SEI CMMI level 2 or 3 to get to ISO 9001 certification? • What to add to the organization that is ISO 9001 certification to get to CMMI level 2 or 3? • What are the common auditable elements so the ISO 9001 auditor and CMMI assessor can share audit results without duplication? • Can an integrated internal ISO 9001/CMMI audit program work both? • How an enhanced ISO 9001 periodic internal audit can confirm current CMMI maturity / capability level?

  8. Bridge Document ProjectDevelopment Approach • Governance mechanism – Advisory group • Roles for SEI & Z1 QM CMMI • Effort Interval, 12 to 24 months • Technical work organized • Authors / Drafting team • Select small, manageable team • F2F meetings every 4 to 6 weeks • Financial Sponsor to support for meeting venues • Volunteer effort on own travel expenses • Reviewing team • Select larger, manageable team • working less frequently • Development Infrastructure • SEI Basic Systems for Collaborative Work (BSCW) web site • ASQ SharePoint web site • Maintenance mechanism • Reviews from completion of ISO 9001:2008 Tentative

  9. Bridge Document Publication formats • Adobe Reader pdf, • Microsoft Word doc, Excel xls, • various tool applications: • Appraisal Assistant, by Software Quality Institute, Griffith Univ, AU, uses MS Access, by Griffith Univ. • Appraisal Wizard, by ISD Tentative

  10. Project Milestones Tentative

  11. Bridging Document Project Deployment • CMU Downloads • Conference papers: SEI, ASQ, SPIN, DoD • Training of consultants, auditors • Registrars usage • Articles

  12. Roles • SEI • US TAG to ISO TC 176 • Z1 QM • CMU • ASQ

  13. Roles: SEI • Project management • CMMI expertise • CMMI Product Suite Steward • Publisher • Business project manager – will manage schedule and funds • Technical project manager – will manage technical work • Advisory group

  14. Roles: US TAG to ISO TC 176 • US TAG can advise other MSS – “Jack West” • Technical Support from ISO/TC 176 • Process to provide technical support to sectors for document development. • Support / guidance to establish the need for sector-specific QMS document • Support in the development of sector specific QMS document • Support to review sector-specific QMS document for compliance with ISO protocol • Production of sector-specific QMS document by ISO TC 176 when requested by ISO/TMB • http://tc176.org/PDF/News_Articles/2006/2006_1.pdf

  15. Roles: Z1 QM • Participate on Bridging Document Advisory group • Z1 P&P allows sponsorship of the “Advisory” group with members from SEI, DoD companies, and Z1 • Advisory group create Design Spec and validate outputs • Facilitate developing Bridging Document • members work as individuals on either teams: Author / Reviewer / Advisory • Affirmation of Bridging Document • Possible as an ANSI Technical Report • Assist US TAG to ISO TC 176 • Identify refinements to ISO 9000:2008 & ISO 9004:2008 • Develop bridging ISO 9004 document to IS 15504

  16. Roles: CMU • Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) • Manages SEI • Owns Intellectual Property • Provides free document downloads

  17. Roles: ASQ • Software Division • define this Bridging Document • add “CMMI” BoK to CSQM certifications • develop ISO/CMMI implementation courses • Quality Mgmt Division • add “CMMI” BoK to CQM certifications • develop ISO/CMMI implementation / auditing courses • Audit Division • add “CMMI” BoK to CQA certifications • develop ISO/CMMI auditing courses • Electronics & Communications Division • add “CMMI” BoK to TL 9000 standard

  18. Getting Started: ISO 9000 Vocabulary relating to CMMI

  19. audit audit client audit conclusion audit criteria audit evidence audit findings audit plan audit programme audit scope audit team auditee auditor capability characteristic competence competence (audit) concession conformity continual improvement contract correction corrective action customer metrological confirmation metrological function nonconformity objective evidence organization organizational structure preventive action procedure process product project qualification process quality quality assurance quality characteristic quality control quality improvement quality management quality management system ISO 9000:2005 Glossary • customer satisfaction • detect • dependability • deign and development • deviation permit • document • effectiveness • efficiency • grade • information • infrastructure • inspection • interested party • management • management system • measurement management system • measurement process • measuring equipment • metrological characteristic • quality manual • quality objective • quality plan • quality punning • quality policy • record • regrade • release • repair • requirement • review • rework • scrap • specification • supplier • system • technical expert audit • test • top management • traceability • validation • verification • work environment

  20. Adequate, Appropriate, As Needed Appraisal Assessment CMMI Framework CMMI Model CMMI Product Suite Customer Defined Process Development Discipline Document Enterprise Establish and Maintain Goal Managed Process Manager Objective Organization Organization’s Measurement Repository Organization’s Process Asset Library Organization’s Set of Standard Processes Organizational Process Assets Peer Review Process Process Architectures Product Product Component Product Life Cycle Project Project Manager Quality and Process-Performance Objectives Relevant Stakeholder Senior Manager Shared Vision Stakeholder Standard Tailoring Guidelines Validation Verification Work Product CMMI Terminology How does ISO 9000:2005 terms related to these CMMI terms?

  21. ISO 9000 Customer: organization or person that receives a product CMMI A “customer” is the party (individual, project, or organization) responsible for accepting the product or for authorizing payment. The customer is external to the project, but not necessarily external to the organization. The customer may be a higher level project. Customers are a subset of stakeholders. Define: Customer

  22. Z1 QM CMMI SharePoint - ASQ http://asqgroups.asq.org/standards/cmmi/

  23. Backup

  24. Why worry about Software? Producers: • Software Products • Embedded Products • Software Installation • Internal dept (e.g. IT)

  25. Quality Phrases on Internet

  26. Quality Phrases in book titles

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