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Life Sciences and Biotechnology A Strategy for Europe

Life Sciences and Biotechnology A Strategy for Europe. Christian Patermann . TRENDS OF LIFE SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY at the beginning of the years 2000. An explosion of knowledge Large international genome sequencing programmes

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Life Sciences and Biotechnology A Strategy for Europe

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  1. Life Sciences and BiotechnologyA Strategy for Europe Christian Patermann

  2. TRENDS OF LIFE SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY at the beginning of the years 2000 An explosion of knowledge • Large international genome sequencing programmes e.g. yeast 1996; Arabidopsis 2000; Listeria 2000; human 2001 • Bioinformatics: emergence of a new research field • From biosensors to nanobiotechnologies A wide range of applications • Gene therapies • Preventive medicine to encourage healthy ageing • Reappraisal of food production systems • Sustainable production of added value molecules • Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics

  3. THE POLITICAL DRIVE • Lisbon Summit - March 2000 Sets a strategic goal for Europe to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world • Stockholm Summit - March 2001 Highlights the importance of research, entrepreneurship... Identifies biotechnology as a frontier technology … and requests the Commission, together with the Council, to examine measures required to utilise the full potential of biotechnology and strengthen the European biotechnology sector's competitiveness

  4. Life Sciences and Biotechnology -A Strategy for EuropeCOM(2002)27 -23 January 2002

  5. Life Sciences and Biotechnology - A Strategy for Europe • How can Europe best attract the human, industrial and financial resources to develop and apply these technologies to meet society’s needs and increase its competitiveness? • How can Europe deliver effective, credible and responsible policies, which ensure the confidence and support of its citizens? • How can Europe best respond to the global challenges, develop its domestic policies with a clear international perspective and act internationally to pursue its interests?

  6. 2 1 GOVERNING Life Sciences and Biotechnology HARVESTING the POTENTIAL 4 3 Implementation and COHERENCE across policies, sectors and actors RESPONDING to GLOBAL challenges A European Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology: The Action Plan EC + EP + COUNCIL + MEMBER STATES + REGIONS + PRIVATE SECTOR + ACADEMIA + PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS + CIVIL SOCIETY + EIB + EFSA + EMEA + EGE ... Who? How?

  7. 1. Harvesting the Potential The resource Base investing in people generating and exploiting knowledge intellectual property protection capital base Networking Europe’s Biotechnology Communities A pro-active role for public authorities 2. Governing Life Sciences and Biotechnology Societal scrutiny and dialogue Developing Life Sciences and Biotechnology in harmony with ethical values and social goals Demand-driven applications through informed choice Confidence in science-based regulatory oversight A European Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology: The Action Plan- 30 Actions in 4 blocks • 3. Responding to global challenge • A European agenda for international collaboration • Europe’s responsibilities towards the developing world 4. Implementation and coherence across policies, sectors and actors

  8. Life Sciences and Biotechnology Action Plan GOVERNING Life Sciences & Biotech - Societal scrutiny and dialogue - Ethical values and societal goals - Informed choice, demand-driven applications - Science-based regulatory oversight - Basic regulatory principles

  9. Life Sciences and Biotechnology StrategyAction 13 : SOCIETAL SCRUTINY and DIALOGUE CHALLENGES • Enhance public understanding of life sciences and biotechnology andawareness of public perceptions on lifescience and biotechnology • Facilitate broad- and societal- involvement in life sciences and biotechnology • Build towards a participative governance model for life sciences and biotechnology

  10. Life Sciences and Biotechnology StrategyAction 13 : SOCIETAL SCRUTINY and DIALOGUE ACTIONS • Facilitate the public understanding of science • Improve and facilitate the science communication process, with the involvement of the media • Monitor public perception • Encourage civil society involvement (networks of citizens) • Facilitate the exchange of information and opinions among stakeholders, science operators, policy makers and civil society • MULTISTAKEHOLDERS FORA for DEBATES • on life sciences and biotechnology - INCLUSIVE of all stakeholders - well INFORMED and COMPREHENSIVE - MUTUALLY INFORMATIVE - transparent and mutually RESPECTFUL

  11. The European Group on Life Sciences Members 2002 : V. De Lorenzo (E) (Chair), D. Burke (UK) , P. Cunningham (IRL), L. Kovac (SK), P. Kourilsky (F), C. Nüsslein-Volhard (D), A. Mc Laren (UK), N Rosentahl (USA- I), J. van Bemmel (NL), M. van Montagu (B), L. Santi (I), H. Wigzell (S), E-L Winnacker (D) • Established by Commissioner P. Busquin in April 2000, with the mandate of: • providing high level advice on the current situation and foreseeable developments in the field of life sciences • supporting broad science-communication strategies, particularly by organisinga Life Sciences Discussion Platform http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/life-sciences/egls/index_en.html


  13. Life Sciences and Biotechnology StrategyAction 14:Harmony with ethical values and societal goals • CHALLENGES • To develop life sciences and biotechnology in a responsible manner: in harmony with ethical values and societal goals, while respecting cultural pluralism. • ACTIONS • Research into socio-economic and ethical issues and development of assessment criteria. • Integration of ethical, social and legal aspects in EC funded research. • Monitoring ethical debate and legal framework • Attempt consensus on ethical guidelines. • Networking of national and local ethics committees Topics: Xenotransplantation, Human embryonic stem cells, Biobanks, Genetic testing

  14. SUCCESS will depend on MOBILISATION OF ALL ACTORS Ethical Bodies Academia Private Sector Regions RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT REGULATION European Investment Bank Civil Society Parliament Member States Commission DELIVERABLES FOR SOCIETY

  15. For more information http://europa.eu.int/comm/biotechnology/

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