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Journal Entry: All Motion Is Relative

Introduction to Motion. ENGAGE. Journal Entry: All Motion Is Relative. Directions: Create and complete the following table in your science journal :. Understanding Motion. GOALS. Mission Objectives. Know how to accurately describe the position and/or motion of an object.

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Journal Entry: All Motion Is Relative

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  1. Introduction to Motion ENGAGE Journal Entry: All Motion Is Relative Directions: Create and complete the following table in yourscience journal:

  2. Understanding Motion GOALS Mission Objectives • Know how to accurately describe the position and/or motion of an object. • Explain what is meant when we say an object is in motion. • Explainthe difference between a scalar and a vector. • Recognizeand explain the difference between distance and displacement. • Useposition, speed, direction of motion, and a reference point to describe the motion of an object.

  3. Understanding Motion Introduction So what IS motion anyway?!?! • In science,motionis the change of position of an object relative to a reference point. • A reference point is an object that appears to stay in place. • ANY object can be in motion or NOT in motion, depending on the reference point (perspective of the observer).

  4. Understanding Motion Input Describing the Position of an Object • To accurately describe the position of an object, you must… • Establish a reference point. You usually need three(3) reference pointsto locate an object in 3 dimensional space! • Measure or estimate the distanceof the object from the reference point. • Describe the direction of the object’s location relative to the reference point. • Example:The moose is 0 cm above the goggles cabinet, 6 cm east of the west wall, and 30 cm south of the north wall.

  5. Understanding Motion Input Describing the MOTION of an Object • When you describe the motion of an object, you should… • Establish a reference point. • Describe how the object’s distance is changing relative to the reference point (may include speed). • Describe the direction the object is moving in relative to the reference point.

  6. Understanding Motion RECALL Journal Entry: Understanding Motion Write a paragraph that explains how you know when an object is in motion. You may draw diagrams to help make your explanation clear. Write your explanation in yourscience journal.

  7. Understanding Motion: Practice • Fill in the Blank: A change in position with respect to a reference point is called _____________. • Describe the position of the digital clock on the classroom wall. • True/False: When standing still in a moving elevator, you are not moving from the reference point of the elevator. • If it is false, change the underlined word to make it true! • Explain your answer!!! • Describe the motion of a baseball that has just been pitched as seen from the reference point of home plate.

  8. Describing Motion • Scalar: A measurement that involves a magnitude. (Magnitudeis an amountor quantityPLUS a unit!) • Examples: 20birds, 40grams, 65mph, 6meters. • Vector: A measurement that involves both a magnitude and a direction or position. • Examples: 65 mph NE; backing up 5 feet; 7,600 feetabove mean sea level.

  9. Distance Versus Displacement

  10. REVIEW Journal Entry: Reviewing Relative Motion Respond to the following question in your science journal: You are sitting still in your seat on a bus that is traveling 100 km/h on a highway. Is your body at rest or in motion? Explain your answer! Use a diagram if it will help make your answer clear.

  11. Describing Motion INPUT SPEED • Speed is the distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel that distance. It is a scalar quantity! • Speed is important in describing motion because it tells how fastan object is moving. • The units for speed are often m/s, but can be any distance unit divided by a time unit.

  12. Guided Practice Describing Motion

  13. Describing Motion INPUT Speed and Velocity: The same… but different! • Direction of Motion Speed and direction of motion are combined when describing an object’s velocity. • Velocity is a quantity that tells bothhow fastan object is moving (its speed) andits direction of motion relative to a reference point. • Velocity is a vectorquantity! • An object’s velocity may change even if its speed remains constant (by changing direction).

  14. Check Understanding Describing Motion Draw a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Speed and Velocity

  15. Describing Motion INPUT When velocity is a-changin’… • Sometimes the velocity of an object changes. The change in velocity over time is called acceleration. • Acceleration can be a change in speed, a change in direction, or both. • The most common units of acceleration are meters per second per second, which can be abbreviated m/s/s, but is usually written as m/s2.

  16. Understanding Motion Examples

  17. PRACTICE OldBluePhysical Science Textbook: Page 308 Problems: 2, 4, 5, 19 - 27.

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