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Human Trafficking

Rachel Tufano, BSSW Student Dr. Jacquelyn Meshelemiah CSWSA February 27, 2012. Human Trafficking. Human Rights Activity. What Can You Do?. What Can Social Work Do?. Agenda. Our Experiences TVPA Definition Tactics Indicators Correlation to Art Theft Anti-Trafficking Organizations

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Human Trafficking

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  1. Rachel Tufano, BSSW Student Dr. Jacquelyn Meshelemiah CSWSA February 27, 2012 Human Trafficking

  2. Human Rights Activity • What Can You Do? • What Can Social Work Do?

  3. Agenda • Our Experiences • TVPA • Definition • Tactics • Indicators • Correlation to Art Theft • Anti-Trafficking Organizations • Survivors • Local Organizations • Social Work & Human Trafficking • Human Rights Activity

  4. Experiences Related to Prostitution & Human Trafficking • Buffalo, New York • “Prostitutes” • Johns • Residents • Columbus, Ohio • “Prostitutes” • Maryhaven • The Streets • Ghana • Roamers vs. Seaters • Fishermen Rachel Tufano Dr. Meshelemiah

  5. Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) 2000 Reauthorizations in 2003, 2005, & 2008 • Attempts to severely criminalize trafficking by enhancing existing criminal penalties • Focuses on awareness and education • Provides provisions for organizations working with SHT victims • Monitoring of 175nations anti-trafficking efforts • Focus is on international victims and CSA Prosecution Prevention Protection

  6. Sex Trafficking Labor Trafficking Severe Human Trafficking(VTVPA, 2000) • The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act (CSA), in which a CSA is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, • or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. • The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, • for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. • Slavery • •Child Trafficking • Organ Removal

  7. Statistics “Human trafficking affects every continent and every type of economy.” (U.N. Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, 2011)

  8. Domestic Victims • ~1.3 to 2.8 million runaway and/or homeless children live on the streets; are vulnerable to being trafficked (Random Facts, 2011). • There is a 90% chance that a juvenile involved in “prostitution” will be arrested when come into contact with law enforcement (OJJDP, 2004). • In 2007, 1229 HT incidents were identified; 83% were sex trafficking (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007/2008). • Most DHT victims are not viewed nor treated as victims. • ~600k to 800k trafficked across international borders (Fedina, Trease, & Williamson, 2008; U.S. Dept of State, 2010) • ~ 20K people are trafficked annually into the USA (Fair Fund, 2011). • Most trafficked victims into the USA are from Asia, E. Europe and Africa (Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, 2011). INTERNATIONAL VICTIMS

  9. Domestic, Transnational, & International Trafficking • Domestic • Happens within the borders of a country • Strip clubs, street-based prostitution, escort services, and brothels • Transnational • Where two different countries work together to transport the victims to different countries • “a young girl may be recruited in Nigeria and sold and ‘trained’ in Italy, with the Netherlands being the ultimate destination” (Hodge & Leitz, 2007) • International • Domestic and transnational trafficking combined

  10. Tactics of Human Traffickers • Lure in target subjects by offering a loving and stable relationship (i.e., marriage), work or school Handsome young male used as bait Used in industrialized nations • Women have a history in prostitution i.e., working at night clubs, strip clubs, karaoke bars Unaware of the slavery and control • Kidnapping Usually young children • Sold into the industry Sometimes unaware of consequences

  11. Individual and Societal Contributors • Societal • Poverty • Uneducated • Denial of existence • Individual • Choice to enter • Either because of poverty • Often unaware of the consequences

  12. Race and Human Trafficking • Race is said to be an indicator for trafficking victims • Said to be easier to control • Approx. 77% of victims have been people of color (Bell, 2010)

  13. Gender : The Main Indicator • Women are targeted the most • Limited/no education, chronic unemployment, discrimination & lack of economic opportunities • (U.S. Department of State, 2000) • While looking for job opportunities, may be lured in with false promises as wives, nannies, maids, dancers, factory workers, models, etc. • (U.S. Department of State, 2000) • Women can be easily controlled by fear and violence

  14. Art Theft & Human Trafficking • Recent studies have shown a link between art theft and human trafficking. • Art Theft “is a looming criminal enterprise with estimated losses running as high as six billion annually” (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010).

  15. Art Theft and Human Trafficking Cont. • Drug trade, weapons trade, human trafficking, and art theft are all linked • Stolen art is “used as a collateral in drug transactions and laundering schemes, as well as financing terrorism” (Durney, 2010) • These connections could damage any efforts that fight against human trafficking • Hard to locate the exact destination of traffickers • So intertwined that all must be fought against simultaneously

  16. Anti-Trafficking Organizations • Free the Slaves (U.S./International) • The Polaris Project (U.S./International) • Not for Sale (U.S./ International) • International Justice Mission (U.S./International) • US State Department: Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons • Rahab’s Hideaway • Gracehaven

  17. The Polaris Project • Founders: Katherine Chon and Derek Ellerman • Mission Statement: “ Polaris Project is committed to combating human trafficking and modern day slavery and to strengthening the anti- trafficking movement through a comprehensive approach” (Polaris Project, 2010) • Values: “service, reality and impact centered, empowerment, non-violence and respect, transformative and innovation, [and] holistic approach” (Polaris Project, 2010)

  18. Polaris Project Services Clients : • Transitional housing, job training, emergency services, comprehensive case management, group therapy, and victim outreach Community: • Policy advocacy, training and technical assistance, public outreach, national human trafficking hotline, and a fellowship program 1-888-3737-888

  19. Eligibility for Services • Transitional Housing • There is specific criteria to enter into the transitional housing program • “Must go through an extensive interview process and thorough screening” • Only can stay for 6 to 24 months • Adherence to rules and situation • Why? • making sure they are emotionally prepared • not enough funding for everyone

  20. International Efforts to E.M.P.O.W.E. R. • Education Means Protection of Women Engaged in Recreation • Founded in 1984 Chantawipa Apisuk • A women’s rights group in Thailand • Supports women in prostitution • Classes on different languages • How to use a computer • Public speaking

  21. E.M.P.O.W.E. R. • Slogan: “Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere” • To show “many sex workers are genuinely enjoying their lives” • Apisuk fights to give rights to the prostitutes instead of getting them out of the trade • “Damn the law. We have had anti-prostitution legislation since 1960. The sex industry keeps on growing. How useful is the law?”

  22. Problems with E.M.P.O.W.E. R. • Apisuk claims “against forced prostitution” but believes that there is no such thing • Believes police raids do not help • Very mistaken about the definition of human trafficking • Giving women a false view of human trafficking • There are other ways to help woman escape poverty besides prostitution

  23. Survivors Theresa Flores Marlene Carson

  24. Teresa Flores’ Story • Grew up in a suburban area of Detroit with her family • Taken from her house late at night and taken to their basement while others paid to have sexual intercourse with her • She tried to get help but the threats got worse • Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Abused • Tied to a bed and was raped by multiple men • Taken to a hotel , was drugged, and then raped until she blacked out • Turned to God and later counseling • “not a day goes by that I ever regret the decision to go public, or show my face on television to tell what happened to a normal kid from the suburbs”

  25. Marlene’s Story • Columbus, Ohio • New York—Barbara Streisand • Linden Area • Rahab’s Hideaway

  26. Local Organizations • Gravehaven • Rahab’s Hideaway • Doma • Second Chance (Toledo) • Salvation Army • CORRC • Child Welfare

  27. Social Work & Human Trafficking • Human trafficking violates almost all of the core competencies • Social justice: women have no rights, are unable to make decisions, forced into labor and sexual acts • Dignity and worth of person : treated as worthless and less than people • Integrity: not helping is going against our strong moral principles • Importance of human relationships: often taken away from these women • Competence: women are told they are not worth anything else and not competent to do anything else

  28. What Can You Do? • Become Educated • Half the Sky • The Slave Across the Street • Terrified No More • Get involved in the community • Gracehaven • Rahab’s Hideaway • Spread your knowledge!

  29. Human Rights Activity • What Can You Do? • What Can Social Work Do?

  30. References • Bell, J. (2010, May 10). Race and human trafficking in the U.S.: Unclear but undeniable « Book-of-Jamaal-articles. SoapBox. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from http://blogs.alternet.org/jrbizzy/2010/05/10/race-and-human-trafficking-in-the-u-s-unclear-but-undeniable/ •  Durney, M. (2010, April 20). Art Theft Has Surprising Ties to Illicit Drug Trade, Terrorism - Arts. The Tripod. Retrieved March 03, 2011, from http://media.www.trinitytripod.com/media/storage/paper520/news/2010/04/20/Arts/Art-Theft.Has.Surprising.Ties.To.Illicit.Drug.Trade.Terrorism-3909605.shtml • Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2010). FBI — Art Theft. FBI — Homepage. Retrieved March 03, 2011, from http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/vc_majorthefts/arttheft/arttheft • Flores, T. L., & Wells, P. (2010). The slave across the street: the true story of how an American teen survived the world of human trafficking. Boise, ID: Ampelon Pub. • National Association of Social Workers. (2011). Code of Ethics (English and Spanish). National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved January 16, 2011, from http://www.naswdc.org/pubs/code/code.asp • Polaris Project. (2010). Polaris Project: For a World without Slavery. Polaris Project | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery. Retrieved March 08, 2011, from http://www.polarisproject.org/ • Popova, E., & Anguelov, I. (2009, April 13). Human Trafficking in Europe Outweighs Drug Smuggling, says Report | World | Epoch Times. Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News | Epoch Times. Retrieved March 05, 2011, from http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/15305/ • Smith, D. (2011, February, ?). Information on the National Association of Social Work’s Involvement with Human Trafficking [Personal Interview]. • Sukpanich, T. (2007, March 11). Thai-100.com Bangkok Post's Empower Foundation Article, March 11, 2007. Thai-100.com Top Bars and Clubs in Thailand. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from http://www.thai-100.com/Empower_Foundation.html • United Nations. (2004, March). United Nations of Peacekeeping (United Nations, Department of Peacekeeping). Retrieved November 15, 2010, from http://www.un.org/womenwatch/news/documents/DPKOHumanTraffickingPolicy03-2004.pdf • Urban Ministry. (2010). Human Trafficking: Definition, Prevalence, and Causes: Encyclopedia of Urban Ministry | UrbanMinistry.org: Podcasts, MP3s, Grants, Jobs, Books on Christian Social Justice. UrbanMinistry.org: Podcasts, MP3s, Grants, Jobs, Books on Christian Social Justice | Home. Retrieved November 16, 2010, from http://www.urbanministry.org/wiki/human-trafficking-definition-prevalence-and-causes • U.S. Department of State. (2000). Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from http://www.state.gov/g/tip/laws/61124.htm • U.S. Department of State. (2005). Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005.U.S. Department of State. Retrieved March 03, 2011, from http://www.state.gov/g/tip/laws/61106.htm

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