Overview: As sales order lines are entered, the system reads through various pricing files, in a specific order, to find the appropriate price for the item/customer combination. The first file it finds, which satisfies this item/customer combination, is the price it will display. If the ‘Best Price’ feature is enabled, the system will read through all of the various files and display the lowest price it finds. The pricing hierarchy is as follows: • Cost or Cost Plus • Quotations • VIP Items • Special Pricing Tables • Proforma • Store Price Levels
The following price codes indicate where the price was found. These display at sales order entry and print on the invoice. *C* Cost *C+* Cost Plus Percentage *QTE* Quotation *VIP* VIP Item *SCN* Special Pricing Table by Customer Number *SPL* Special Pricing Table by Price Level *SCT* Special Pricing Table by Customer Type *P1* Proforma Pricing Type 1 *P2* Proforma Pricing Type 2 *P3* Proforma Pricing Type 3 *P4* Proforma Pricing Type 4 *P5* Proforma Pricing Type 5 *P1L* to *P5L* Same as proforma types above, except they are ‘line discounting’ instead of ‘fixed’ pricing. *NET* Net Item *REG* Regular Pricing from Inventory Store Price Levels
There is an option to print price codes differently on the invoice, for customer purposes, compared to what is displayed at sales order entry. The price codes will print as follows: Price CodesPrints as: *C*, *C+*, *REG* *REG* *QTE**QTE* *VIP**VIP* *SCN*, *SPL*, *SCT* *SPC* *P1* to *P4* *NET* *P1L* to *P4L* *NET* *P5* and *P5L* *SALE* *NET* *NET* To turn this option on, select: Sales Order Menu - type .SSIP at selection - select Table #9 - ensure the following option is set to ‘1’
To view all possible pricing for a particular item/customer combination, from within sales order entry, enter ‘L’ for Lookup within the lines section of the order. The following ‘Inventory Quantity Inquiry’ will display. Scan product or manually enter item number. You may also perform a .W Inventory Search for the item number. A starting sequence number may also be entered rather than a specific item number.
The customer number, quote # (if applicable) and price level will default from the sales order, but may be edited.
NOTE: ‘pro’ indicates this item is currently on a proforma for this customer. Item numbers will then display in sequence, beginning with the one entered above. To view all pricing structures for this item/customer combination, ‘X’pand the line by entering ‘X1’.
The line explodes and all possible price sources display as follows: Inventory Pricing: Displays price levels 1 through 8 from the inventory store record.
In this example, the pricing is calculated from discounting the retail price, in level 8, by the corresponding percentages in levels 1 - 7. NOTE: Quantity Break pricing may also be setup.
Proforma Pricing: Displays pricing from all active proformas for this customer/item.
In this example, two active proformas are found. One is created as pricing type 1 for $9.99, and another as pricing type 5 for $10.25. To create or access the proforma pricing file, select: Inventory Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 24 Proforma Price Entry/Edit • There are 5 types of proforma available: • Customer # / Item # • Customer # / Product Category • Customer Type / Product Category • Customer Type / Item # • All Customers / Item #
Example #2 – Pricing Type 5 (All Customers/Item) NOTE: Quantity break pricing exists on this proforma. If 5 or more are purchased the price is $8.95 ea.
When an item is first exploded in this inquiry, the pricing displayed is based upon an ordered quantity of 1. If another quantity is entered, the system will re-calculate the prices accordingly.
EXAMPLE: The ordered quantity was changed to 5. Note how the proforma pricing changed to $8.95 for the proforma type 5 (all customers/item) to represent the quantity break pricing.
Special Units of Measure: Displays the price and unit of measure from the ‘special pricing tables’ setup in the inventory store file. Pricing that applies to this item/customer combination will only be displayed. These tables are used if a product is sold in a different unit of measure than it is stocked.
There are 3 types of ‘special pricing tables’ for alternate selling units of measure. To access these tables, recall the item in the inventory store file and enter ‘C’, ‘T’ or ‘L’ for the table type desired, as explained below. 1. ‘C’ustomer: This is used if only specific ‘customers’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed. In this example, the item is stocked in EACH with a retail price of $11.95. Customer number ARRHOM may purchase this item in a PKG of 3 for $31.50 (which is $10.50 ea) or a CS of 15 for $150.00 (which is $10.00 ea).
There are 3 types of ‘special pricing tables’ for alternate selling units of measure. To access these tables, recall the item in the inventory store file and enter ‘C’, ‘T’ or ‘L’ for the table type desired, as explained below. 1. ‘C’ustomer: This is used if only specific ‘customers’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed. The Pricing Type is set to 2=Fixed, which means the price is manually entered in this table for the alternate unit(s) of measure.
2. Customer ‘T’ype: This is used if only specific customer ‘types’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed.
2. Customer ‘T’ype: This is used if only specific customer ‘types’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed. In this example, all customers assigned a customer type of ‘8’ may purchase this item in a CS of 15 for $150.00 (which is $10.00 ea), but if they purchase more than 5 cases, they will get each CS at $135.00 (which is $9.00 ea). NOTE: Each table may contain up to 13 different units of measure.
3. Price ‘L’evel: This is used if only specific customers assigned to certain ‘price codes (levels)’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed.
3. Price ‘L’evel: This is used if only specific customers assigned to certain ‘price codes (levels)’ are able to purchase the item in the alternate unit(s) of measure listed. In this example, all customers assigned a price code of ‘1’ may purchase this item in a PKG of 3 for $35.85 (which is $11.95 ea). The Pricing Type is set to 0=Normal, which tells the system to use the price from within the inventory store, multiplied by the conversion factor, to get the price for this alternate unit of measure.
You may also setup these tables with a Pricing Type of 1=Proforma. This tells the system to look at the proforma file for a price first and multiple it by the conversion factor of 3, to get the price for this alternate unit of measure. If it does not find this item in a proforma for this customer, it will use the price entered manually within the table ($11.00).
Other Pricing: Displays Cost Plus,VIP and Quoted pricing, if applicable for this item/customer combination.
Cost Plus – this customer is not setup as a cost plus customer. In order for a customer to receive cost plus, they must be setup as follows: Select which cost to have marked up. 0=Main Parameter 2=Average 1=Last 3=Standard The percentage entered you wish cost to be marked up. ‘Price Code’ must be set to “7”.
In order for inventory items to be sold at cost, they must be setup as follows: Quantity Break 6 must be ended with 999999.
Quantity Break 7 must be set to 99 with nothing in the Price/% column.
The proper cost must be entered in the corresponding cost field which is to be used for this customer. NOTE: Any item sold to a cost plus customer that is not setup accordingly, will be sold at regular pricing.
NOTE: If you require several items to be setup for selling at cost, a function can be run that sets price levels 6 & 7 accordingly. This function is run by product category. Contact the Support Department for further details.
VIP Pricing – In order for a customer to receive VIP Pricing, they must be setup as follows: ‘Category’ must be set to “9”.
In order for inventory items to be sold at VIP Pricing, they must be setup as follows: Select: Inventory Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 33 VIP Items # 1 VIP Entry/Edit After entry of the store and item #’s, enter the Gross Profit % that you wish to make on this item. The system defaults all other information and calculates the price.
NOTE: The system uses the cost flagged in the main parameter as the ‘Costing Method’ to calculate the price. In this example it is set to use the ‘Average’ cost. If you wish to change the cost used, or just re-calculate pricing based on new costs, select: Inventory Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 33 VIP Items # 2 VIP Re-calculate Price
Quoted Pricing – In order for a customer to receive a Quoted Price, an ‘Accepted’ quote must exist in the Quotation file and be referenced within the Sales Order header. Please refer to the “Quotations” PowerPoint for further details. SALES ORDER HEADER To view all applicable quotes for this customer from within the sales order header, enter ‘L’ for Lookup at the Sub # field. A quote may then be selected by entering it’s corresponding line #.
Sales Order Price: Displays the best price found for this customer/item. If the customer is setup to receive ‘Best Price’, this will be the amount charged at sales order entry.
To have a customer receive the ‘Best Price’, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 Files Maintenance # 20 Customer Master - ensure the following field is set accordingly 1=Yes 0=No
Item Details: Displays item number, store number, description 1, quantity available (on-hand less committed) and regular pricing. Along with quantities on-hand, committed, and on order with expected date.
To return to the sales order with this item, press <enter> to get back to the Inventory Quantity Inquiry. Enter ‘R1’ to ‘R’eturn to the sales order with line 1.