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A Broadband Search for New Physics at Flavor Factories

This paper discusses a search for new physics at flavor factories, focusing on TeV-scale physics in heavy flavor decays. It covers topics such as CP violation, electroweak penguins, RH currents, and scalar interactions.

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A Broadband Search for New Physics at Flavor Factories

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  1. Flavour Physics II A Broadband Search for New Physics at Flavor Factories September 23, FAPPS2008 @ Les Houches

  2. References Search for TeV Scale Physics in Heavy Flavor Decays George W.S. Hou, arXiv:0808.1932 [hep-ex], 20 pp. extended writeup of SUSY’07 talk in Wess memorial volume of EPJC http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0688-1 Flavor Physics and the TeV Scale George W.S. Hou to be published (~ early 2009) as a monograph in Springer Tracts in Modern Physics

  3. Child Eating Giant (LHC/ILC?) the(un)Heavenly Things e. v. v. Higgs Castle c l o u d s http://pbjc-lib.state.ar.us/mural.htm Down to Earth Flavour/TeV ≅ Loops

  4. Strategy and Apologies Disclaimer • ExperimentPerspective • Pertinent to BSM • Physics (vs Expt’l detail — not always most up-to-date) • [TH tooooo diverse • Shorter-term impact (LHC almost on) and not too tricky ... • “Traditional” on BSM topics • Cannot cite all TH work, • but unabashedly promote own pheno work

  5. Outline Lecture I Lecture II b  s 0 Past as Intro —What if ? sin2FBd & DmBd, top and Vtd;CP Violation Primer; B Factory I CPV in b  s w/ Boxes and Penguins DS; DAKp;sin2FBs; ACP(B+  J/yK+) II H+ Probe: b  sg;B (D(*))tn III Electroweak Penguin:AFB(B K*ℓℓ);B K(*)nn IV RH Currents and Scalar Interactions TCPV in B X0g;Bs  mmIII’ Bottomonium V D/K: Box and EWP Redux —D0 mixing;Rare K VI t: LFV and (B-L)V t  ℓg, ℓℓℓ’; [t  Lp, pp0] VII Conclusion [Addendum Very Heavy Flavor (Single) top; t’; b’ (?) etc.]

  6. Lecture II Outline I H+ Probes b  sg;B (D(*))tn II Electroweak Penguin AFB(B K*ℓℓ);B K(*)nn III RH Currents and Scalar Interactions TCPV in B X0g;Bs  mm[III’ Bottomonium IV D/K: Box and EWP Redux D0 mixing;Rare K V t: LFV and (B-L)V t ℓg, ℓℓℓ’; [t Lp, pp 0] VI b’, t’ Search @ Tevatron/LHC VII Conclusion

  7. I. H+ Probes -b  sg -B (D(*))tn

  8. (pre)History

  9. CLEO Discovery of Rare B Decays Electromagnetic “Penguin” exclusive mode Ex. Show that, at quark level, the b →sg transition radiates the photon only via a b →s dipole. Use gauge invariance.

  10. the key detector

  11. CLEO II Precision g detection, and Eg measurement CsI(Tℓ) > $10M Invest in EM Calorimeter

  12. Belle

  13. mH+ > 260 GeV B  Xsg 3 fb-1 ≅ 3.4M BB pairs Hou & Willey, PLB’87 inclusive mode Ex. What causes photon energy spread ? What is Xs other than K* ?

  14. Btag p e- D* e+ Bsignal Eg > 1.9 GeV g Xs Eg > 1.8 GeV b sg ~ B  Xsg TH still unfinished, but ball in Exp court. Future: Fully Reconstruct other B?

  15. WSH, Willey, PLB 202, 591 (1988); NPB’89 H+ mimic fW Constraint from b sgon H+ Misiak et al. PRL’07 Misiak et al. PRL’07 Exp NNL HFAG (exp ave) Current NNLO < Exp ! ⇨ bound of 295 GeV ⇨favor 650 GeV !? MSSM type H+always enhanceb sg regardless of tanb Also Grinstein, Wise, PLB’88

  16. fW the cousin of H+ rH Trick/Cost: Full Reconstruct Tag side B @ 0.1~0.3% Efficiency Two missing n’s BG !! B tn Amazing: Tree level H+ Effect “Higgs Affinity” , PRD48, 2342 (1993) Ex. Derive the rH factor in two Higgs model.

  17. hep-ex/0608019 PRD76, 052002 (2007) 320M Dℓn tag Dℓn tag 383M no clear signal (0.9 0.6  0.1) x 10-4 evts hadronic tag ~ (1.20.4stat0.3bkg 0.2eff) x10-4 PRL97, 251802 (2006) hadronic tag 449M background signal First evidence,3.5s 2.6s

  18. b  sg rH Always Destructive to SM tanb/mH+ Constraint from B tn on H+ Always Constructive to SM exl.

  19. 232M 0707.2758 [hep-ex] Ns~65 sys. norm. Ns~105 H+sensitive 535M +12 -11 Ns=60 PRL99, 191807 (2007) SM~1.4 % 5.2s Firstobservation Curious:2%, now ... More TH (SM) needed for BSM interpretation [polarizations] @ EPSHEP07 “Vcb” talk

  20. II. Electroweak Penguin -AFB(B K*ℓℓ) -B K(*)nn

  21. Ali, Mannel, Morozumi, PLB273, 505 (1991) 2s from SM ? 386M 229M

  22. Tutorial: Wilson Coeff.;AFB; AFB(B K*ℓℓ)

  23. + Box M. Iwasaki @ CKM06

  24. M. Iwasaki @ CKM06

  25. AFB in B  K*ℓ+ℓ- made easy V-A interference g– Z interference with MZ brought low ! g e+e-  hadrons B - K* virtual

  26. Missing out ca. 2006 C7, C9, C10taken REAL Why should they be ?

  27. Theory “Guidance” Why Real? hep-ph/0612156

  28. Unprejudiced Mindset WSH, Hovhanisiyan, Mahajan, PRD 77, 014016 (2008) Real by convention Quark level Quantum amplitude: No Reason a prioriwhy C7, C9, C10should be Real (beginning) To be Probed BY EXPERIMENT

  29. Example 2 fb-1 experiment SM SM4 2s from SM ? LHCb MC, J. Dickens @ CKM06 Mmm2 (GeV2) No Reason a prioriwhy C7, C9, C10 should be Real Ali, Mannel, Morozumi, PLB273, 505 (1991) WSH, Hovhannisyan and Mahajan, PRD 77, 014016 (2008) Probe Complexity w/o CPV ~ Early LHCb data

  30. Angular Distributions for BK(*)l+l- • AFB results from interplay between C9(s)C10 and C7C10/s • Recent SM calculations focus on low s-region • In the SM, AFB crosses zero around s0 =3.5-4.5 GeV2 Point of allowing WCs complexadopted form factors K*l+l- Xs l+l- O(s) O(s2) s0=4.2±0.6 s0=3.5±0.12 (+-) Feldmann & Matias JHEP 0301, 074 (2003) Huber, Hurth & Lunghi hep-ph/0712.3009

  31. Fourth Generation PRD 77, 014016 (2008) Quoted byTsybychev at FPCP08 a: SM; b: 4 Gen. better data: LHCb MC (2 fb-1) (= q2/mB2) (FL and)AFB (and AI) favor the “opposite-sign C7 model” Ali, Mannel, Morozumi, PLB273, 505 (1991) Eigen at FPCP08 349 fb-1 386M 229M

  32. complex wilson coefficients SM 4th generation (SM4) 2fb-1 MC study of LHCb (~7000 K*ll events) (=s/mB2=q2/mB2) Instead flipped C7 ... Deviation from SM3Strengthened ! W.-S. Hou, A. Hovhannisyan, and N. Mahajan, PRD 77, 014016 (2008) Belle 657M Preliminary ~ preferred 386M BABAR, arXiv:0804.4412

  33. Watch out for Tevatron again N.B. Have focused on BR(B0s→ fm+m-) instead. This might change.

  34. PRL 99, 221802 (2007) Probe Loop 535M SM B 20 DAMA CDMS <3.4 x 10-4 < 1.4x10-4 Bird et al., PRL 93, 201803 (2004) < 1.4x10-5 < 1.6x10-4 Light Dark Matter Still 3x SM Full Recon Other B

  35. Search for BK* by BABAR • For BK* fit extra energy Eextra distribution to expected signal • shape and background • Use semileptonic double tags • as control sample to check MC • BABAR yields (preliminary): • B(BK(*)) limits are ~ factor 4-7 • above SM (lowest limit by Belle) Belle: 493 fb-1 PRL 99,221802 (2007) K*0 413 fb-1 (454M) Eextra: additional neutral energy >50 MeV Limits mostly slightly weaker new new * *

  36. III. RH Currents and Scalar Interactions -TCPV in B X0g -Bs  mm

  37. gL - - - - + HE Beam B0 K*0 TCPV in B0 (KSp0)K*g: Probe RHCurrents KS vertexing gRms/mb suppressed M12 Interference suppressed in SM gLms/mb suppressed B0 gR K*0 Atwood, Gershon, Hazumi, Soni, PRD71, 076003 (2005) Atwood, Gronau, Soni, PRL79, 185 (1997) Unique at Asymmetric Energy (Super) B Factory Not available at LHCb (try B  fg)

  38. gL - - - - + B0 K*0 TCPV in B0 (KSp0)K*g: Probe RHCurrents KS vertexing gRms/mb suppressed M12 Interference suppressed in SM gLms/mb suppressed B0 gR K*0 Atwood, Gershon, Hazumi, Soni, PRD71, 076003 (2005) Atwood, Gronau, Soni, PRL79, 185 (1997) 535M Consistent with zero. Future probe at SuperB -0.09±0.24 -0.28±0.26 Also, angular probes FL, AT(2) in B  K*ℓ+ℓ- andL-pol.in LbLg 232M

  39. CMSSM Babu, Kolda, PRL84, 228 (2000) Bs  mm: Probe Extra Scalars ~ 3.5 x10-9 in SM Buchalla, A. Buras, NPB398,285 (1993) Winter 07 2 fb-1 DØnote 5344-CONF B0s →μ+μ-< 7.3 x10-8(90% CL) B0s/d→μ+μ-< 4.7 (1.5) x10-8 combined < 4.7 x10-8 @ 90% CL

  40. B0s→μ+μ- Prospects Some room for improvement D. Tsybychev

  41. Limit at 90% C.L. (only bkg is observed) LHCb Sensitivity (signal+bkg is observed) BR (x10–9) BR (x10–9) Expected final CDF+D0 Limit 5 Uncertainty in background prediction SM prediction 3 SM prediction 1 year of LHCb Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) 0.05 fb–1 overtake CDF+D0 0.5 fb–1 exclude BR values down to SM 2 fb–1 3 evidence of SM signal 10 fb–1 >5 observation of SM signal BSm+m- sensitivity 0.5fb–1 exclude BR values down to SM Stephan Eisenhardt

  42. IV. D/K: Box and EWP Redux -D0 Mixing -Rare K

  43. (x,y)=(0,0) excluded by >5s Falk et al. PRD’02,’04 Unfortunately, all can arise from y, or DG, or long distance. Recall DmK, however, Comparable BSM allowed To be unequivocal: CPV Measured Recently D0Mixing: D0 → K+K-/p+p- D0 → KSp+p- Dalitz D0 → K∓p± 540 fb-1 Combined Results 384 fb-1 400 fb-1 Assuming no CPV (no evidence yet) To be unequivocal: CPV SuperB

  44. E391A NA62 CPV 10-11 10-10 E14 ?

  45. V. t: LFV and (B - L)V -t ℓg, ℓℓℓ’ -t Lp, pp0 b  s echoes ?

  46. Many Models

  47. 357 fb-1

  48. VI. b’, t’ Search @ Tevatron/LHC

  49. On Boxes and Z Penguins GIM, charm,K small ’/, K  pnn (still waiting) heavy top, sin2f1/b Z dominance for heavy top 1986  2002 Most Flavor/CPV learned from these diagrams/processes

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