Search For New Physics Chary U of S
The Beyond-the-SM Physics at the LHCCompletely New SymmetriesWhy do we have three generations of quarks and leptons?Is there any symmetry connecting quarks and leptons?Are there more generations? Do quarks and leptons have structure? Is Higgs a composite particle? Does t-quark play a special role? What explains the shape of Higgs potential?How to reconcile gravity with other fundamental forces?What is the ultimate symmetry of nature?How to explain baryogenesis? How did the universe evolve right after the Big Bang? Is it the unique solution?
Too Many questions Too few Answers
Two Avenues • Search for evidence of symmetry breaking • Search for new structures
New structures • Particles not anticipated by the SM more Higgs, more Zs, exotica in particle interactions
Randall-Sundrum (RS) Model PRL83 (1999) 3370 • There is one extra spatial dimension, and the 5D geometry is “warped” by the presence of one or more branes. • The fifth dimension consists of two periodically identified mirror copies of a curved 5D space extending from x5=0 (Plank brane) to x5=L (SM brane). • The 4 dimensional Plank scale • M: 5D Plank scale, the Anti-deSitter radius of curvature =1/k • The graviton field is expanded into • h(x) : KK modes of the graviton • The KK modes of the gravition have the spectrum • xn: n-th modified Bessel function The interaction Lagrangian in the 4D effective theory • There exist a new Higgs-like particle “radion” which is a modulus field describing relative motion of the two brans.
Graviton Resonance Production • Assuming the first excitation G(1) decays only into SM states. : Dilepton resonance : Dijet resonance : Diphoton resonance (a) (b) (a): dilepton + missing ET, single lepton + two jets, four jets (b): four leptons, dilepton + two jets, four jets
Search for the Di-electrons in CMS • Heavy resonances > 0.7 TeV decaying into 2 electrons predicted by: • Extra dimension theories • TeV-1 Kaluza-Klein excitation of gauge boson (KKZ), M+ and M- model, mass M > 4 TeV (present limit) • Randall-Sundrum 2 parameters: • coupling constant c, mass M , M > .5 for c = 0.1 • Z’ in extensions of the Standard Model, M > 0.6 - 0.9 • Sequential Standard Model (SSM) • Z, Z, Z in E6 and SO(10) groups • “left-right” and “alternative ..” models (ZLRM , ZALRM)
From Fermilab • We have performed a search for new physics in 1/fb of data from CDF's Run II. In our tighter selection, We expect 7.9±1.0 events from Standard Model background sources and observe thirteen. In our inclusive selection, we expect 33.7±3.5 events and we observe 44. We observe an excess of events in the high momentum leading lepton distribution.
Symmetry breaking observbles • Asymmetries in decays, • Decay correlation asymmetries in angular and polarization distributions • Search for non-zero odd EM moments • Flavor oscillations
SuSy Higgs • Physical States: h,H, A, H± • Parameters: mA and tan = v2/v1
F= -2 mixing in Bs decay • BR (Bsbar SM= (3.46± 1.5)x 10-9 • BR (Bsbar CDF < 8 x 10-8 (2006) Rick Van Kooten, Indiana (D0 collaboration)
Don’t go away with the impression that Only Mega physics with million people can contribute Ex: Neutron Decay Left-right symmetric models
Right handed V+A couplings in the weak interaction derived from neutron decay observables Schumann hep-ph/ 07053769