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The legislative and governmental framework in Québec. By Anne Hébert Executive Director Office des personnes handicapées du Québec 20th Anniversary Symposium of the AQICESH Experience -i nnovation-i nclusion. Background. In 1976: Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
The legislative and governmental framework in Québec By Anne Hébert ExecutiveDirector Office des personnes handicapées du Québec 20th Anniversary Symposium of the AQICESH Experience-innovation-inclusion
Background • In 1976: Charter of HumanRights and Freedoms • Prohibits all forms of discrimination based on a handicap or the use of anymeans to palliate a handicap. • In 1978: Act to securehandicappedpersons in the exercise of theirrights • Development of an array of programs and services to foster the social, school and workplaceintegration of people withdisabilities.
Modernization of the Act In 2004: Act to securehandicappedpersons in the exercise of theirrightswith a view to achieving social, school and workplaceintegration • Ascribesgreater importance to making all social stakeholders, public and privatealike, responsiblewith regard to issues related to the social participation of people withdisabilities. • Modernizes the definition of a personwith a disability. • The impact of the environment as aiding or hindering social participation istakenintoaccount. Conceptual basis: DisabilityCreationProcess (INDCP). • Assigns new obligations and responsibilities to governmentdepartments and agencies and municipalities.
Action plans • Obligation for governmentdepartments and agenciesthatemploy at least 50 people and for Québec municipalitieswith at least 15,000 inhabitants to produceannual action plans regarding people withdisabilities. • Preferredmeans for identifying and reducing the barriersthat people withdisabilities face, especially in the area of education.
In 2009: Equals in Every Respect Policy • Framework for government action. • 13 outcomes to achieve by 2019, includinggreater participation of studentswithdisabilities at everylevel of instruction, in conditions equivalent to those of otherstudents. • The Office ismandated to monitor implementation of thispolicy and assessitseffectiveness. A far-reaching government policy
Role of the Office The Office contributes to increasing the social participation of people withdisabilitiesthrough a unique combination of functions: • coordination/joint action; • evaluation/research; • support and adviceregardinganysubjectimpacting the social participation of people withdisabilities; • direct services to people withdisabilities.
Significant progress • Over the past 40 years, significantprogress has been made in terms of the social participation of people withdisabilities. • The number of students with disabilities attending university has increased: 1,700 in 2003 vs. 5,000 in 2012.
Increasedschoolattendance by studentswithdisabilities • Emerging client populations (mental health disorders, autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities or attention deficit) are increasingly represented. • Invitation to review services and service organization for students with disabilities and students with special needs. • Are we currently able to respond adequately to the accommodation requests concerning them? To what extent can we do this and how?
Eligibility for financial assistance programs and support services • Evolution of the client population withspecialneeds and varied situations. • Importance of harmonizing the eligibility conditions for the differentfinancial assistance and support programs for studentsrecognized as people withdisabilitieswithin the meaning of the Act. • Importance of seekingappropriate solutions for the otherstudentswithspecialneeds.
Transitions • The transition from secondary school to postsecondary studies • Particular monitoring and a concern shared by all the intervenors concerned. • Transition towards the labour market • Gap between the support measures offered for studies versus those available on the job for people with disabilities with an ongoing need for support.
Conclusion • The social participation of people with disabilities—work that needs to continue and that calls for innovation: • Document the issues thoroughly; • Test and share best practices; • Seek better solutions in cooperation with the players concerned.
Thank you! Office de personnes handicapées du Québec www.ophq.gouv.qc.ca