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CCLV Report 2013 National Gathering of Rectors of U.S. Seminaries

CCLV Report 2013 National Gathering of Rectors of U.S. Seminaries. Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D. Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. Power Point Available @. www.usccb.org/priestlyformation. USCCB Formal Statement on Preaching.

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CCLV Report 2013 National Gathering of Rectors of U.S. Seminaries

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  1. CCLV Report2013 National Gathering of Rectors of U.S. Seminaries Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D. Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations

  2. Power Point Available @ www.usccb.org/priestlyformation

  3. USCCB Formal Statement on Preaching

  4. Pope Benedict XVI called for improved homilies • SacramentumCaritatis • Verbum Domini • Formal Statement approved at the November 2012 Plenary Assembly • Directed to priests, deacons & those involved with the initial and ongoing formation of clergy • Expands upon Fulfilled in Your Hearing • Explicit encouragement for doctrinal & catechetical preaching • Addresses challenges for the homilist in our present context: • Growing social diversity & polarization • Secularism • Commercialism/Individualism • Largely uncatechized assembly Preaching the Mystery of Faith:The Sunday Homily

  5. “The Church’s rich theological, doctrinal and catechetical tradition must therefore properly inform the preaching task in its liturgical setting, for Jesus Christ must be proclaimed in a new way and with new urgency.” Preaching the Mystery of Faith:The Sunday Homily

  6. CCLV Conference for teachers of homiletics • June 24-25, 2013 • at Notre Dame • no cost for registration • free use of air-conditioned residence rooms on campus. Preaching the Mystery of Faith:A USCCB Conference for Teachers of Homiletics

  7. Youth involvement in Church is critical for vocations; • Low encouragement reported from youth/young adult/ campus ministers; • Underrepresentation of Hispanic/Latinos and strong representation of Asians. • Trending younger still; average 34.6, median 31 • 27% have college debt; average $21,125, median $18,000 2012 Ordination Surveyusccb.org/vocations

  8. Percentage of Hispanics by generation

  9. Consultation held at the USCCB in June 2011 • 15 psychologists, seminary & diocesan officials, canon & civil lawyers • Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Use of Psychology in Admissions Chapter 3: The Process of Admissions Chapter 4: Record Retention & Other Legal Concerns Glossary: Definition of Terms Handbook on Seminary Admissions

  10. First chapter on the use of psychology in the admissions process under review • Chapters on the process for admissions, canonical and legal concerns, and glossary of terms still to come. Handbook on Seminary Admissions

  11. Program of Priestly Formation, 5th edition, expires December 2015 • Consultation has begun with key constituencies • NCDVD • NACS • MATS • FSSD • Rectors • Preliminary review of the PPF • Request for Rectors to review the current PPF, 290-367 • Identify norms that need emendation, if any • Highlight difficult norms for which special resources should be made available Program of Priestly Formation,5th Edition

  12. Annual U.S. Surveys of Theology & College Seminaries

  13. Annual Surveys of Priestly Formation 2011: Catholic Social Teaching Formation / Intercultural Competency Training 2012: Formation for Evangelization & Catechesis 2013: Liturgical & Spiritual Formation 2014: Homiletic & Pastoral Formation 2015: Admissions & Human Formation

  14. Assessment, Preparation and Reception of International Seminarians Guidelines for Receiving Pastoral Ministers in the United States, Revised Edition (USCCB Publication, 2003). Seminar on Policy & Procedure for the Reception of International Clergy & Seminarians, Parresia Project, NCEA & Sacred Heart Institute, Huntington, NY April 24-26, 2013. Welcoming, Screening and Preparing International Clergy & Seminarians, St. John Vianney Center & CCLV, San Diego, CA, June 10, 2013.

  15. Request from USCCB Communications • Suggest 1 or 2 men in 2013 ordination class who could write a 500-600 word blog on their dreams for the priesthood. • What do they see themselves doing and include a bit about their own background. • Send a simple e-mail to Sr. Mary Ann Walsh (mwalsh@usccb.org) giving the seminarian’s name, a bit of interesting background, and the seminarian’s e-mail address. • Submit information by February 8.

  16. CCLV Report 2013www.usccb.org/priestlyformation

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