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Name. Deputy Regional Alcohol Manager focusing on children and young people. National Alcohol Improvement Programme. Part of Government Strategy – “Safe Sensible Social” and linked to wider DH Health Improvement Programme
Deputy Regional Alcohol Managerfocusing on children and young people
National Alcohol Improvement Programme • Part of Government Strategy – “Safe Sensible Social” and linked to wider DH Health Improvement Programme • The South west is the only region in the UK to have a DRAM focusing on young people.
Alcohol - What's the problemin the SW • As a nation we drink 60% more than in the 70’s • Alcohol is 69% more affordable than in the 80’s • Between 1998 & 2004 60% more YP were admitted to hospital for being drunk in SW • Alcohol implicated in • 3,000 babies born p.a. with FASD in UK • c. 630 – 1260 Child Protection cases (30 – 60%) in SW • 19,600 reports of Domestic violence in SW (approx 40% of total) • Risky sex –using contraception is rare when people are drunk • Sexual assaults ?
Alcohol in the SW During the three years between 2005 - 2008 there were 2,494 alcohol specific admissions for under 18 year olds across the South West. (60% due to poisoning)
Health Impacts An issue for later life (Orford et al., 2004; MacAskill et al., 2001) ‘Or when they say the long term health effects, like, we’re going to be a generation of 40 year-olds that have got alcohol-related problems and really rubbish livers and stuff. I just think ‘oh no, not really’, or ‘I’ll have stopped drinking that much by then.’ (Female 20-24)
Young People Alcohol harm reduction • Regrettable sex • Risky sexual behaviour • Alcohol poisoning – death • Physiological and psychological effects of alcohol on the development of a young person • Violence – domestic or street • School exclusion • Getting a criminal record
DRAM priorities • Strategic leadership, working with regional partners • Creating a learning culture in the South West • Raising the profile of alcohol and the part it plays on any related issues… eg teenage pregnancy, healthy schools, child protection, domestic violence • Support the innovation projects in the South West
Innovation in the South West • 4 Innovations Projects up and running in Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon, Plymouth & Gloucestershire • New one off Innovation Project commissioned. Tool kit and training resource to be developed by Alcohol Concern
ASH • Developed YP friendly leaflets and tools for brief interventions with young people • Training school nurses and sexual health workers to deliver brief interventions • Young people feeding back on the tools
Plymouth Localities Model • Targeted alcohol work for young people in local areas • Building knowledge and skills in the community to allow young people to get effective support around alcohol from someone they trust. • Building communities to deal with problems rather than having specialist services parachuting in.
A bridge between specialist services and youth and community workers
Plymouth localities bridge model Targeted Alcohol Youth Work Assessments Up to date comprehensive knowledge about alcohol Key brief interventions – MI & SFT Referral on to specialist services Joint agency interventions Specialist Alcohol Work Comprehensive assessments Care plans Therapeutic interventions Multi agency interventions Youth & Community Work Basic alcohol information Referral on Activities General wellbeing Support
Gloucestershire YAARS – Youth Alcohol Arrest Referral Scheme • Police refer young people to Youth Offending workers • Provide information packs and assessments • Follow ups provided • Direct liaison with Connexions
Swindon Alcohol Champion • Supervise and support youth workers in locality teams to work with young people around their alcohol use. • Focus on how youth workers can work best with young people around alcohol and when to refer on. • Deliver training for workers on alcohol and young people • Work with the police and A&E to ensure a system is in place for good liaison work and communication for the benefit of the young person.
Tool Kit & Training Programme • Focus on two groups of young people who we know are more at risk of getting into problems with alcohol • Research what is happening around looked after children and young people with special education needs in terms of alcohol services • Develop a best practice and information guide for workers and carers
Tool kit & Training Programme • Work in Torbay to develop a model pathway for at risk young people around alcohol use • Consult widely with young people, carers and workers on what they think would help, experiences of services; what needs to be in the tool kit. • Develop a training programme on looked after children and young people with special education needs and alcohol in line with the tool kit.
Further Learning Knowledge Transfer Project with Bath Spa University– politics, history and culture Guidance briefings – Alcohol Education, YP participation, outcome tools and Evaluating effectively Cutting Edge Events – Young Peoples practitioners forum: May 21st, September 24th, March 11th.
Future Interests • Mapping out and developing joined up approaches with sexual health, A&E, Ambulance services…. • YP will respond more to good relationships than education campaigns… • Transitions – 7 up…..11 up…. 18 up ….24 up…. • Adolescence and its impact on how we deliver services…
Young People, Alcohol & Innovation Free Learning & Networking Event Wednesday June 30th 10 – 3pm Somerset County Cricket Ground - Taunton Log on to:
Contact Deputy Regional Alcohol Manager Rowan.miller@gosw.gsi.gov.uk 0791 7839337 0117 900 3516