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Social Media

Social Media. A better way to manage your online profile! . The problem with social media. So many platforms, so little time LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , Google+ All about conversations – but conversations take time !

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Social Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Media A better way to manage your online profile!

  2. The problem with social media • So many platforms, so little time • LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ • All about conversations – but conversations take time! • Too many people use it for self-promotion, try thought leadership instead

  3. Common mistakes on social media • Not replying / delayed response • Creating an account for the sake of having one • Have a purpose • Infrequent posts • Uninteresting or untargeted content • Getting hostile to feedback • Inconsistent personality (make sure tone matches the brand) • Taking a side (politics, gender, race, religion) • Using the wrong social media platform • Mixing business with personal posts • Over promotion

  4. How to manage your social time! • Create a schedule • Block out time on a daily basis to check your online profile, retweet/like and to write posts or blogs to add • Choose social media sites that will have most impact on your audience • Stick to your purpose (research, networking, promotion … i.e. not stalking) • Share social media responsibility with employees (but make sure they understand the brand values and tone)

  5. Useful tools • Ping.fm – allows you to update your status across many different social media platforms • TubeMogul – uploads video to multiple sites (not just YouTube) and provides viewing stats for each of them • FriendFeed – collect articles, blogs, photos, videos from various social media platforms on one solution • HootSuite – allows you to monitor all social media feeds in one place and schedule posts in advance (however, shouldn’t replace the human element) • Tweriod – generates a report to tell you when the best time to post to Twitter • Google Analytics – website traffic, where coming from, where bouncing, keywords, keywords tool • Statcounter – aims to identify visitors to site and where they came from, the search terms they used, how long they stayed, what they viewed

  6. Other useful ideas • Use Twitter lists to sort all people you know into distinct lists according to interests • Good for separating personal from business • Pick and choose the news more relevant for them • Build follower base • Email footers / Website social media badges / email clients / prospects asking them to join you online and remind them in every promotion you do • Twitter • Start following ‘influencers’ in the industry and respond to their tweets • Offer exclusive content / deals e.g. Twixclusives • Show appreciation – for likes / retweets • Don’t over hashtag content = 2 = magic number generates 21% more engagement than tweets with 3+ hashtags • Don’t over promote – be very targeted • Facebook • Don’t like own post • Don’t tag photos of clients/employees/fans without permission • Don’t ask for likes for no reason • LinkedIn • Don’t join groups to immediately start self-promoting • Don’t ignore the professional tone of LinkedIn • Don’t pester for recommendations

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