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Chapter 5 The U.S. Congress

Chapter 5 The U.S. Congress. Section 1. Role and Power of Congress. * * Quick Review * *. Congress. _________is the name given to the body of people who make up the ____________ Branch of the Federal Government. Legislative. Made up of two houses:. - The Senate. ( 100 ).

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Chapter 5 The U.S. Congress

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  1. Chapter 5The U.S. Congress

  2. Section 1 Role and Power of Congress

  3. * * Quick Review * * Congress • _________is the name given to the body of people who make up the ____________ Branch of the Federal Government. Legislative • Made up of two houses: - The Senate (100) - The House of Representatives (435) • Main role in the government is to make the nation’s ______. laws

  4. What Influences the members of Congress’ votes? • Personal beliefs • Interests of the Constituents “Kun-stitch-you-ents”

  5. “Constituents” • the residents of the Congress members’ local district or state. * Since most of us live in Nebraska Congressional District # 2, we are “constituents” of the person who is elected from our district. Currently: Lee Terry

  6. Nebraska’s 3 Congressional Districts 2 1 3 Most of Douglas and Sarpy Counties are in Congressional District # 2

  7. What Influences the members of Congress’ votes? • Personal beliefs • Interests of the Constituents • Concerns of Interest Groups

  8. Interest Groups People acting together to achieve shared political goals. • National Rifle Association ( NRA ) - 4 Million members • National Education Association ( NEA ) - 3.2 Million members paying almost $300M in yearly dues. • American Association of Retired Persons ( AARP ) - 38 Million Members @ 12.50 a year membership

  9. What Influences the members of Congress’ votes? • Personal beliefs • Interests of the Constituents • Concerns of Interest Groups • Loyalty to Political Parties

  10. “Political Action Committees” Branches of interest groups that participate in government issues and contribute money to campaigns electing Congress members.

  11. “Oversight”(another Responsibility of Congress) * Overseeing the performance of government agencies. * To conduct investigations of agency actions and programs. * Looks into possible scandals or abuses of Federal power.

  12. Section 2 House and Members of Congress

  13. Membership in the House of Representatives • Membership in the House of Representatives is based upon the _____________ of each state. (California has 53 while Nebraska has __ members ) population 3 • State population is determined by a “_________” which is a national population count taken every ____ years. census 10 • The census is used to establish equal “Congressional Districts” within a given state. • Nebraska has 3 “Congressional” districts each representing about 625,000 people )

  14. Membership in the House of Representatives • The Current House of Representatives has 435 “Voting” Members. (the first Congress had 65) • “Non-voting” delegates include : • Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) • Guam • Virgin Islands • America Somoa • These members can have an active role in debate and can voice concerns in committees, but do not have voting privileges for passing legislation.

  15. Membership in the House of Representatives • A member of the House is called a “Congressman” or “Congresswoman” • Members of the House of Representatives serve a ___ year term. 2 • There are no term limits ( you can serve as long as you keep getting re-elected.)

  16. Nebraska’s 3 Congressional Districts 2 1 3 Most of Douglas and Sarpy Counties are in Congressional District # 2

  17. Congressional Districts • Following a census, the state Legislatures have the task of drawing the boundaries for Congressional Districts in their states.

  18. Gerrymandering • The practice of establishing district lines that may favor one political party or group over another. • Districts are changed to meet the wishes of a political purpose. • Republican or Democratic district, • Racially profiled district.

  19. For Example :

  20. There are 12 people in your town. 6 of those people belong to group “X” 6 of those people belong to group “O”

  21. The people in your town : • Live in 4 equal districts of 3 people each • 2 districts are controlled by “X” and 2 by “O”

  22. But a group of political leaders want to change the “make-up” of each district by redrawing the boundaries…

  23. So these leaders take a look again . . . • 6 of those people still belong to group “X” • 6 of those people still belong to group “O”

  24. But it is time to redraw the districts • There still needs to be 4 equal districts of 3 people each • But 3 districts are controlled by “X” and only 1 by “O”

  25. Start with this . . . X X X O X X O X O O O O

  26. Start with this . . . X X X O X X O X O O O O

  27. Start with this . . . X X X O X X O X O O O O

  28. Start with this . . . X X O X X O X O X O O O

  29. Start with this . . . X X O X X O X O X O O O

  30. We started with this . . . X X X O X X O X O O O O

  31. We ended with this . . . X X X O X X O X O O O O

  32. Gerrymandering • Even though there were equal amounts of people in each group to begin with ( 6 from the “X” and 6 from the “O” ) • Gerrymandering allowed us to manipulate the existing people into groups that can be influential: • 3 groups of “X” and only 1 “O” group that is represented in a law-making body.

  33. New task: Can you make 3 equal districts of 4 people 2 districts are controlled by “X” and only 1 by “O”

  34. New task: Can you make 3 equal districts of 4 people 2 districts are controlled by “X” and only 1 by “O”

  35. New task: Gerrymander the area Can you make 3 equal districts of 4 people • But 2 districts are controlled by “X” and only 1 by “O”

  36. Where do you live? • District 1 North-Midtown Omaha * • District 2 Northeast Omaha • District 3 East central Omaha • District 4 Southeast Omaha • District 5 Southwest Omaha • District 6 Middle west Omaha • District 7 Northwest Omaha

  37. Constitutional Pay • Members of Congress have the authority to determine the salary of the U.S. Congress. ( currently $169,300 year ) • 27th Amendment was put in place to check and balance their power.

  38. 27th Amendment Constitutional Pay • Any new salary increase determined by the members of Congress will not take effect until after the next election has occurred. ( This amendment was first introduced in 1789 but was not passed with the Bill of Rights. )

  39. Privileges given to House and Senate members… • Franking Free postage to district and state. • Immunity Cannot be sued for anything they say, and cannot be arrested on the way to the Capitol for any session of Congress (unless it is a capital crime.)

  40. House of Representatives ___ years old ___ years Citizenship ___ year Term United States Senate ___ years old ___ years Citizenship ___ year term Basic Info about Congress 25 30 7 9 2 6

  41. Section 3 Powers of Congress

  42. Impeachment Powers • The Process of Impeaching a President has many steps. • There are 2 major steps to focus on: A) House voting to Impeach (charge) B) Senate holding a trial to determine guilt

  43. Impeachment Process (House) • A House Impeachment Committee is asked to investigate claims that the President has committed a “high crime” against the U.S. • The committee finds enough evidence to write up the Articles. ( Official charges of criminal activity ) • The Articles are brought to the entire House of Reps for a discussion and vote. (A majority vote is necessary to pass)

  44. Impeachment Process (Senate) • After Articles of Impeachment are approved by a majority vote of the House, the Senate will hold a trial to determine the guilt of the President. 2. A 2/3rds vote is needed to remove a President from office.

  45. Impeaching PresidentClinton

  46. Pres. Clinton Impeachment • Two(2) Articles of Impeachment are passed by the House of Representatives in December,1998. • Article 1 Perjury……“Lying under Oath” • Article 2 “Obstruction of Justice” Text of Impeachment Articles against Clinton • 2 other articles were written by the committee but were not • passed by the entire House of Representatives.

  47. Pres. Clinton Impeachment Because Impeachment charges were approved by the full House of Representatives, a trial by the Senate is scheduled to take place.

  48. Pres. Clinton Impeachment • The trial does not result in removal from office • A 55-45 vote on Article 1 “Lying under Oath” Voting not guilty (10 Rep, 45 Dem) Voting guilty (45 Rep, 0 Dem) • A 50-50 vote on Article 2 “Obstruction Charge” Voting not guilty (5 Rep, 45 Dem) Voting guilty (50 Rep, 0 Dem)

  49. Pres. Clinton Impeachment

  50. Impeaching PresidentNixon

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