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New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) Round Table Discussion. NMSZ Panel Discussion. 1. Can your agency activate response operations immediately, or is a directive/declaration required before response? What are these trigger points.
NMSZ Panel Discussion • 1. Can your agency activate response operations immediately, or is a directive/declaration required before response? What are these trigger points. • 2. Once activated, would your agency deploy resources to a forward operating position (FOP0 or staging area (SA) closer to the affected area before receiving a specific mission assignment?
NMSZ Cont’d • 3. assuming your office is not directly impacted, what do you expect to be your first mission tasking? What’s your agency’s role in this mission? Could your agency be self-sufficient in an FOP/SA for an extended period? • 4. Does your agency anticipate the possibility of non-traditional mission assignments and taskings (i.e., life saving, damage assessment,
NMSZ Cont’d • Establish additional response facilities, establish supply lines, etc.) early in the response? • 5. How will your agency establish communications with the local Incident Commanders, State EOCs, and your agency’s own EOC/HQ? • 6. If your agency has offices in the impacted area, has a backup plan or COOP been put in
NMSZ Cont’d place exercised? How will communications be established to execute such a plan? What about field staff already deployed in the affected area? • 7. As an OSC/FOSC, what RRT support will you need? Will other RRT members be able to provide an OSC/FOSC with the requested support in light of traditional resource demands and additional missions?
NMSZ Cont’d • 8. What would be the public health and medical response of states during the first 12– 24 hours? What capabilities could reasonably be provided through local, tribal, and state entities? • 9. What resources will the states request from the EPA or USCG? When will these requests occur and what will trigger the states requests?
NMSZ Cont’d • 10. How would your agency address the behavioral health impact to those in the affected communities? • 11. If your agency does not typically deploy to the field, are there pre-determined safety considerations to deploy office staff to a field setting (i.e., medical monitoring, equipment, ad hoc training, etc.) • 12. How to maintain situational awareness