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Improve energy efficiency to reduce costs and emissions in the Clearwater facility. Quantify returns and create an implementation plan for sustainable results. Collaborate with stakeholders for success.
Version: Date: Project titleGive your project a title that makes it easy to understand what the purpose is with the project Sponsor/Champion: Black Belt: Project Members: Company/Process/Department:
DEFINE Problem statement:A description of the background to the project and a description of the problem and its symptoms. Figures and picture can sometimes make this easier to understand.Remember that a person not familiar with the situation should understand.It is very important that the problem is described in a clear and distinct way! Purpose and Goals:The main purpose of the project is precisely defined.Specific and measurable goals should be given.Scoop and Limitation:Describe the organizational, physical, geographical or other boundaries.What is included in the project and what is excluded.
DEFINE Possible returns:Financial, customer related and/or process/employee related effects.This should be given in quantitative numbers. If this isnt possible discusse it qualitative.This estimate should be verified and approved by the controller in your organization.Business Case:Why is this project important?Why is it important to do this project now?How does this project effect the results, goals and success of our business? How would this project affect our competitive position?
DEFINE Time schedule:- Break down the work you are planning to do into sub activities and estimate the time needed for each.- Describe this as a list or Gant chart.- The time schedule should continuously be followed up and updated if needed.
DEFINE Resource planning:(Time needed and other resources)
DEFINE Risk analysis and actions needed:(About the realization of the project)Communication plan:- Find out the need for communication about the projects existence, meaning and importance.- Who needs information and/or must be informed?- What information should be communicated and how should it be done?- Is there a need for continuous communication during the performance of the project? Use Stakeholder analysis, Force field analysis and/or Mini Risk method
DEFINE ”Voice of the Customer”Identify customers:- Who is affected by the actual problem internal and external?Needs and expectations for each customer:- What needs and expectations do the identified customers have regarding the actual problem?- If needed a study could be done (interviews, surveys, focus group).- Are there any of those that effect the problem solving?- Try to focus the on problem out of a customer perspective.
DEFINE SIPOC(High level description of the process and its customers and suppliers)
DEFINE Flow chart:- A flow chart is often needed if the work carried out in the process is indistinct or if there are many different ways of doing it.
Critical to customer Critical to process Critical to compliance Critical to Quality (CTQ) Project Y MEASURE Identify Critical to Quality (CTQ):- The factor(s) that should be improved.- Break them down and make them measurable and specific.
MEASURE Specify actual measures:- Usually a quantitative measure but could sometimes be a qualitative parameter.- Based on identified CTQ and Y.Specify actual measurement method:Specify the actual baseline performance and the goal:
MEASURE DATA COLLECTION PLANWhat should be measured?How should it be measured?(method, sampling, etc.)When should it be measured?Who should collect the data?How should data be documented?Risk analysis for the data collection.
MEASURE Test of measuring method, MSA and/or risk analysis:
MEASURE Collected data:- Account of collected quantitative and/or qualitative data that is relevant to present in this chart..
Quantitative Problem solving Qualitative problem solving Mistake proofing Best-practice-study Analytic problem solving Innovative problem solving Inadvertent errors Technique errors Conscious errors Communication errors SYSTEM ERROR HUMAN ERROR ANALYSE Choice of relevant analysis method for the actual problem:(Based on type of problem, situation and experiences)
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Y XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ANALYSE Identify hypothesis for possible causes (x)(Most common analysis method)
ANALYSE Identify the most significant root causes:(NGT, Consensus, FMEA, Matrix diagram could be useful in this work)
Analysis – course of action, plan and implementation:- Addition data, for example root causes (x)- Chosen approach and structure of the analysis- Analysis methods- Plan for the analysis
ANALYSE Analysis results:- Insert relevant diagram from Minitab and/or other results from the analyze- Make comments and draw conclusions.- Put those figures on relevant spots in this presentation to make it easy for the reader to understand the logical structure of the work.
IMPROVE Identify possible solutions:
IMPROVE Choice of solution:
IMPROVE Verification and testing of solutions:Risk analysis (FMEA) for the solution:
IMPROVE Specification and description of the chosen solution:
IMPROVE Implementation planCourse of actionTime scheduleBudgetResponsibilityRisk analysis for the implementationFollowing-up of the implementation
IMPROVE Verification of initial results:
CONTROL Need for standardization and control:- What is the risk that the implemented solution not will be permanent?- Are there areas that are extra critical?- What could be done to sustain the results?- Can mistake proofing be used?Method for continuous following-up and control:- Quantitative (measurements) and qualitative (audits) methods
CONTROL Plan for closing of the project- How should the change of responsibility from the project to the line be done?- Make responsibilities clear.- Follow-up- Risks.
CONTROL Results achieved:- Fulfillment of project purpose and goals.Returns and earnings achieved:Financial effectsCustomer effectsEmployee effects
CONTROL Lessons learnt:- What can we learn from this project?- How did the Six Sigma method and tools used work?- What did we do good and what should have been done in another way?Suggestions for improvements of the Six Sigma-program:
CONTROL Possibilities to share results to other divisions:- Can the actual solution be used somewhere else in the organization?- Are there any similar problems?Suggestions for future Six Sigma projects:- Ideas and problems that have been observed during the project.
CONTROL Internal marketing:How should the results of the project be visualized and communicated?
CONTROL Closing of the project:- Things that should be paid attention to.- Things remaining.- Practical aspects about the closing.- Other.Sponsor Approval:_______________________Sponsor_______________________Date