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Chapter15 Respiratory system 呼吸系统

Chapter15 Respiratory system 呼吸系统. Introduction. The respiratory system includes the lung and a system of tubes ( nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchus ) that connect them to the external environment.

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Chapter15 Respiratory system 呼吸系统

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  1. Chapter15 Respiratory system 呼吸系统

  2. Introduction The respiratory system includes the lung and a system of tubes(nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchus)that connect them to the external environment. The air passages of the respiratory system consist of a conducting portion and a respiratory portion.

  3. 重点: 1.气管的结构 2.肺的结构 难点: 肺的呼吸部

  4. Components: 鼻(nose) 咽(pharynx) 喉(larynx) 气管(trachea)※ 支气管(bronchus) 肺(lung)※ Function: 气体交换、发声嗅觉、内分泌

  5. 导气部(conducting portion) 鼻腔→肺终末细支气管 作用:保持气道通畅 净化吸入空气 呼吸部(respiratory portion) 肺呼吸性细支气管→肺泡 作用:气体交换(gas exchange)

  6. 鼻腔(Nasal cavity)

  7. 一. 鼻腔(Nasal cavity) 1.前庭部(vestibular region) 未角化复层扁平上皮 nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium 固有层 lamina propria: 2.呼吸部(respiratory region) 3.嗅部(olfactory region)

  8. 呼吸部 respiratory region 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 固有层 lamina propria:loose connective tissue 鼻腺(nasal gland):mixed 静脉丛 淋巴组织 The mucosa of the respiratory segment warms, moistens, and filters inspired air.

  9. 呼吸部 respiratory region

  10. 嗅部 olfactory region 1. 嗅上皮 Olfactory epithelium: (1)嗅细胞(olfactory cells): 双极神经元 bipolar neurons 嗅泡(olfactory vesicle) 嗅毛(olfactory cilia) (2)支持细胞(supporting or sustentacular cells) (3)基细胞(basal cells) 2. 固有层 Lamina propria:嗅神经 嗅腺(olfactory gland or Bowman’s gland)

  11. 嗅部 olfactory region

  12. 嗅部 olfactory region

  13. 鼻 粘 膜 前庭部 呼吸部 嗅部肉眼观 有鼻毛 粉红色 黄色上 皮 复层扁平 假复层纤毛柱状 假复层柱状固有层 无腺体 鼻腺、静脉丛 嗅腺功 能 滤过空气 湿润、净化空气 嗅觉

  14. 二. 气管 trachea 1.粘膜 Mucosa ※ 2.粘膜下层 Submucosa 3.外膜 Adventitia

  15. 气管 trachea

  16. 粘膜 mucosa: • 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 • pseudostratified ciliatid columnar epithelium • 固有层 Lamina propria

  17. 气管 trachea

  18. 假复层纤毛柱状细胞 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 1. 纤毛细胞(ciliated cells) 2. 杯状细胞goblet cells 3. 基细胞 basal cell 干细胞 stem cell→纤毛细胞 ciliated cell 杯状细胞goblet cell

  19. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 4. 刷细胞(brush cells)

  20. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 5. 弥散神经内分泌细胞 (diffuse neuroendocrine cell) 小颗粒细胞(small granule cell) . 5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine); 降钙素(calcitonin);脑啡呔(enkephalin)… 神经上皮小体(neuroepithelial body) 叶支气管至细支气管的上皮内, 特别是小支气管分支处 small granule cell + nerve fiber

  21. 气管 trachea 2.粘膜下层 Submucosa 气管腺(tracheal gland) mucous acinus→粘液 +杯状细胞→粘液 *sIgA=secretory component(secreted by epi. cell) +IgA(produced by plasma cell) 3.外膜 Adventitia “C” 透明软骨 hyaline cartilage 平滑肌 smooth muscles. 黏膜表面粘液屏障

  22. 净化呼吸道 1.纤毛规律的麦浪式摆动,将管腔表面的黏液及附于其 上的尘粒、细菌等异物推向咽部。 2.气管腺中的浆液性腺泡胞浆中的酶原颗粒为蛋白水解 酶,分泌到黏膜表面,在纤毛细胞根部溶解部分黏液。 3.杯状细胞分泌的粘蛋白与气管腺中黏液性腺泡的分泌 物在上皮表面共同构成黏液屏障,黏附吸入空气中的 异物,溶解吸入的SO2、CO等有害气体。

  23. 肺lung 被膜 capsule: 间质 interstitia:肺内结缔组织、 血管、淋巴管、神经 实质parenchyma:支气管树和肺泡 (bronchial tree and alveoli)

  24. 支气管树模式图 支气管树腐蚀铸型

  25. 叶支气管 段支气管 小支气管 细支气管 导气部 终末细支气管 呼吸性细支气管 呼吸部 肺泡管 肺泡囊 肺泡

  26. lung 支气管 肺门 叶支气管→ 段支气管→ 小支气管→ 细支气管→ 终末细支气管 肺泡←肺泡囊←肺泡管←呼吸性细支气管 conducting portion respiratory portion 肺小叶(pulmonary lobule):每个细支气管及其各级分支和所属肺泡 肺大叶(pulmonary lobe):每个叶支气管及其各级分支和肺泡

  27. conducting portion 1.叶支气管 (lobar bronchi) 小支气管 (small bronchi) (内径2~3mm)

  28. 细支气管( bronchiole)(内径 1~0.5 mm)

  29. 终末细支气管(terminal bronchiole) (内径0.5 mm)

  30. 导气部管壁结构变化规律 小支气管 细支气管 终末细支气管 上 皮 假复层纤毛 单层纤毛柱状 柱状 纤毛细胞 Clara 细胞 杯状细胞 有 少 无 混 合 腺 有 少 无 软 骨 碎片 少 无 平 滑 肌 束状 相对增多成环行平滑肌层 粘膜皱襞 渐出现 明显

  31. 终末细支气管 terminal bronchiole

  32. Clara cell

  33. 终末细支气管 terminal bronchiole 纤毛细胞 ciliated cell:少 分泌细胞(secretory cell or Clara 细胞 ):多 位于细支气管和终末细支气管上皮内 柱状,无纤毛 顶部胞质内含分泌颗粒,凸向管腔 蛋白酶、黏液溶解酶:分解腔内细胞碎片和黏液 氧化酶系:对吸入毒物或某些药物进行生物转化 参与上皮的修复,可增殖分化为纤毛细胞

  34. 呼吸部 respiratory portion 1. 气体交换部位(Capable of air exchange) 2.结构共同点:管壁均有肺泡开口 1.呼吸性细支气管(respiratory bronchiole) 2.肺泡管(alveolar duct) 3.肺泡囊(alveolar sac) 4.肺泡(pulmonary alveoli)

  35. 1.respiratory bronchiole (1)the wall is populated with more and more alveoli. (2)lined by cuboidal cells(with/without cilia)and Clara cells. (3)surrounded by thin and discontinuous layer of LCT and few smooth muscle fibers. 2.alveolar duct (1)the wall is difficult to see due to numerous opening to alveolar sacs and alveoli. (2)knobs appear in the wall because of the contraction of smooth muscles.

  36. 3.alveolar sac The shared opening of several surrounding alveoli. 4.pulmonary alveoli Terminal blind ends of the tract. The main place where the air exchanges occur.

  37. pulmonary alveoli Alveoli are the terminal air spaces of the respiratory system and are the actual sites of gas exchange between the air and the blood. 肺泡表面覆以单层扁平上皮,有基膜。 (1)肺泡上皮(alveolar epithelium) Alveolar epithelium is composed of type Ⅰ and Ⅱalveolar cells and occasional brush cells. (2)肺泡隔(alveolar septum) (3)肺泡孔(alveolar pore)

  38. 1.type Ⅰ alveolar cells(type Ⅰ pneumocytes) 扁而宽大,数量少,参与构成气-血屏障。 可吞饮表面活性物质和微小尘粒,无分裂增殖能力。 2.type Ⅱ alveolar cell(type Ⅱ pneumocytes) 立方或圆形,数量多。 分泌颗粒:电子密度大,含同心圆排列的板层,称嗜锇性 板层小体(osmiophilic multilamellar body),其内 含磷脂(主要是二棕榈酰卵磷脂)、糖胺多糖和糖蛋 白等,铺在肺泡表面称表面活性物质(surfactant). 可降低肺泡表面张力(surface tension)。 分裂、增殖→Ⅰ 型肺泡细胞。

  39. 肺泡隔(alveolar septum) Thin layer of LCT between adjacent alveoli. 1.Continuous capillaries Branches of pulmonary artery. The richest capillary network in the body. 气-血屏障(blood-air barrier) 2. Abundant elastic and reticular fibers Function when alveoli are enlarged. 3. Alveolar macrophages 肺泡孔(alveolar pore) Windows between the adjacent alveoli that can equalize the air pressure. 侧支通气、炎症蔓延

  40. blood-air barrier

  41. blood-air barrier

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