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OUTCOME 4. MEETINGS. What does the term ‘Meeting’ mean?. A gathering together of people for a purpose. Are meetings necessary in this hi-tech communications age?. Yes When people are required to work and co-operate with each other, they must meet with each other
What does the term ‘Meeting’ mean? • A gathering together of people for a purpose
Are meetings necessary in this hi-tech communications age? • Yes • When people are required to work and co-operate with each other, they must meet with each other • Meetings provide an opportunity for people to have face-to-face discussion • Meetings allow the exchange of information and views
Are meetings necessary in this hi-tech communications age? • Yes • Meetings provide the opportunity for the delegation of tasks and responsibilities • Meetings allow for a shared approach to problem solving and DECISION MAKING • Meetings usually produce better ideas, plans and decisions than when individuals work on their own
What is the first rule of EFFECTIVE meetings? • ONLY HOLD A MEETING IF IT IS NECESSARY • Sometimes a letter, memo, telephone call or simple conversation between 2 people is sufficient
When might a meeting be required? • Where persuasion or encouragement is required • Where exchange of ideas and opinions is required • Where a problem needs to be solved • Where there is a significant amount of information to be given to a number of people
For a meeting to be EFFECTIVE it must be: • Well organised • Well run
Who have an important role to play? • The Secretary • The Chairperson
Meetings fall into 2 categories: • Informal meetings • Very common in business • No specified procedures or rules followed • Often led by group leader • Notes of meeting not always necessary • Examples? • Staff talking over coffee • Weekly sales team meeting
Formal meetings • Normally held for a SPECIFIC purpose at regular intervals • Specified procedures followed – certain rules and regulations are followed • Very often set out in formal document called a Constitution • Minutes (formal notes) taken as a record of discussion and decisions taken • Examples? • AGM • Board Meeting
What are the most common types of formal business meetings? • Annual General Meeting (AGM) • Held by plcs • All shareholders are invited • Required by law to be held • Regulations laid down in Companies Acts • Shareholders given opportunity to discuss the performance of the company over the last year, discuss future plans of company and elect office bearers for coming year
What are the most common types of formal business meetings? • Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) • Called to discuss special business of an urgent nature, egs • Rival company wants to buy the business • Company is in financial difficulty • Open to all shareholders to attend
What are the most common types of formal business meetings? • Board Meeting • Held by Directors (who are responsible for managing the company between AGMs) • Board of Directors meet to discuss and decide company policy • Board of Directors can delegate powers/duties to Committees which are formed to carry out certain tasks and report back to Board
Types of Committee: • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • eg Board of Directors • Can make binding decisions • ADVISORY COMMITTEE • Set up to look at certain issues and then make recommendations to the Board of Directors, eg • whether or not to relocate business • whether or not to expand into a new market
Types of Committee: • JOINT COMMITTEE • Formed to co-ordinate the activities of 2 or more committees • Can be temporary or permanent • Can improve communications between committees • STANDING COMMITTEE • Permanently in existence to deal with certain assigned matters, eg Social committee
Types of Committee: • AD HOC COMMITTEE • Formed for a PARTICULAR task, eg • To plan a special event • To solve a particular problem • Dissolved once purpose has been achieved • SUB-COMMITTEE • Formed as part of another committee to look at a particular aspect of the main committee’s work • Can be either Standing or Ad hoc
Legal and Regulatory Requirements • Formal meetings have to comply with various LEGAL requirements, eg • AGMs and EGMs (which are both statutory meetings) must be run according to regulations set out in the Companies Acts
To be valid (legal) a meeting must be: • PROPERLY CONVENED – relevant amount of notice given to all entitled to attend • PROPERLY CONSTITUTED – Chairperson must be present and suitable quorum must also be present • Held in accordance with rules and regulations of organisation, egs • a company’s Articles of Association • a club’s Constitution • a local authority’s Standing Orders
What is involved in the election of the office bearers of a company? • Must be in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association • Office bearers are usually appointed or reappointed at AGM • Nominations for each position are proposed and seconded • Vote is taken when more than one person is nominated
Roles and Responsibilities of main office bearers: • CHAIRPERSON • Responsible for keeping order at meeting • Responsible for generally taking charge • SECRETARY • Part of the role of Administrative Assistant • Provides administrative support • TREASURER (or Finance Director/Chief Accountant in a company) • Responsible for preparing financial reports • Responsible for presenting these at meeting
The Chairperson has a very important role to play: • Takes charge of the meeting • Ensures meeting achieves what it set out to achieve
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON: • To make sure that the meeting is set up and run according to the rules of the organisation • Should be familiar with the organisation’s Standing Orders (including rules of running meetings) – in case of a dispute about procedure • To ensure, in liaison with the Secretary, that the previous Minutes are a correct record
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON: • To start meeting on time • To sign the Minutes as a correct record once all members of the meeting/committee present have agreed – dealt with near the start of meeting • To work consistently through the Agenda explaining clearly the item being discussed • To try to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak and that discussion is kept to the point
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON: • To ensure that all speakers address the Chair, ie talk to the meeting as a whole by raising points through the Chairperson – otherwise could not keep control if several conversations were taking place at once • To decide when discussion has gone on long enough, and sum up conclusions reached in an unbiased manner
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON: • To put matters to the vote, where necessary, declare the results of voting and clearly summarise decisions so that they are recorded properly – so that there is no doubt about what has been agreed • To close or adjourn a meeting formally • To make decisions, normally in consultation with the Secretary, between meetings and generally act on behalf on the Committee • To take any appropriate follow-up action required, as agreed
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON: • To liaise with the Secretary regarding the preparation of the draft Minutes • To liaise with the Secretary regarding the preparation of the next Agenda
Qualities of a good Chairperson • Competent • Tactful • Impartial • Firm • Fair Natural ability? Learned skill?
The Secretary also has a very important role to play: • Also responsible for the smooth running and success of the meeting
The Secretary’s volume of work in organising the meeting depends on: • Reason for the meeting • Type of meeting, eg formal/informal • The number of people likely to attend • The venue • Organising an AGM at a large hotel involves much more work than a short Sales Team meeting for a small group of people
Duties of the Secretary before a Meeting: • Book appropriate venue/accommodation – • On the premises? • In a hotel or conference centre? • Consider special needs requirements, eg wheelchair access • Confirm booking in writing • Allow extra time at start and end of meeting to allow for checking room before meeting and to allow for the meeting over-running • Make a note in diary • Date • Time • Place • Type of meeting
Duties of the Secretary before a Meeting: • Open file for the meeting into which any papers/notes to do with the meeting can be placed • Draft a Notice of Meeting and Agenda for approval by Chairperson • Prepare and distribute the approved Notice of Meeting and Agenda to those members entitled to attend • Attach any additional papers which are to be sent out plus the Minutes of the last meeting if not previously circulated
Duties of the Secretary before a Meeting: • Make extra copies of the Agenda, any additional papers and the Minutes of the last meeting as backup at the actual meeting • Any apologies for absence should be carefully noted • The Chairperson may request that you obtain statements/documents from members who are going to be absent, as their knowledge and opinions are important • Arrange for name cards if the people present are not known to each other and organise a seating plan as necessary
Duties of the Secretary before a Meeting: • Arrange, as appropriate, refreshments, audio visual aids, car parking spaces, special needs requirements • Prepare Chairperson’s Agenda • Place a copy of the Minutes of the last meeting in the Minute Book, ready for Chairperson’s signature at the forthcoming meeting • Have an Attendance Register prepared for completion at the meeting – especially if a large meeting is taking place
Duties of the Secretary before a Meeting: • Make sure there are supplies of: • pencils • paper • Notebooks • Look out documents/files required for reference at the meeting • If the meeting is a public one, notify the Press
Duties of the Secretary on the day of the meeting – before it starts: • Notify Reception of meeting and provide them with a list of those attending • Put up direction signs to the meeting room • Place a ‘Meeting in Progress’ notice on the door • Check room before the meeting to ensure that it is appropriately organised with suitable • Heating • Lighting • Ventilation
Duties of the Secretary on the day of the meeting – before it starts: • Check that the following are in position: • Water jugs and glasses • Stationery • Audio visual aids • Check that refreshments will be served at an appropriate time • Confirm parking arrangements • Arrange for switchboard to re-route calls or take messages for the duration of the meeting
Duties of the Secretary on the day of the meeting – before it starts: • Collect all necessary files/documents which might be needed during the meeting including: • Attendance register • Spare copies of Agenda • Spare copies of the Minutes of the previous meeting • Greet people on arrival at meeting
Duties of the Secretary on the day of the meeting – during the meeting: • Read the Minutes of the previous meeting (unless previously circulated and taken as read), letters of apology and any other correspondence • Ensure that the Chairperson signs the previous Minutes and signs any alterations • Assist the Chairperson throughout the meeting with files, papers, Agenda, etc
Duties of the Secretary on the day of the meeting – during the meeting: • Take notes summarising all the proceedings at the meeting so that the Minutes can be drafted after the meetingOR • Take a note of the action to be taken, by whom and for what date if only Action Minutes are required • Make a separate note of any action to be taken by you and/or Chairperson • Check that the Attendance Register has been signed by all those present
Duties of the Secretary After the Meeting: • Remove the ‘Meeting in Progress’ sign and direction signs • Clear the room and leave it tidy – and nothing left behind • If necessary, notify the catering staff that dishes and unused refreshments can be collected • Notify the switchboard that meeting has ended • DRAFT THE MINUTES of the meeting as soon after the meeting as possible when discussion is still fresh in mind • Check the draft Minutes with the Chairperson
Duties of the Secretary After the Meeting: • Send out the agreed Minutes before the next meetingOR • Keep Minutes aside to be sent out with the Notice of Meeting and Agenda for the next meeting • Prepare a note of any issues to be dealt with by the Chairperson and pass to Chairperson • Remind any members who have agreed to take any action following on from the meeting
Duties of the Secretary After the Meeting • Record the date and any other important information about the next meeting in both the Chairperson’s and your own diaries • If electronic diaries are used you may be responsible for updating the diaries of relevant members
Duties of the Secretary After the Meeting: • Make a note in your diary as a reminder of when the next Notice of Meeting and Agenda should be sent out for the next meeting • Begin to draft the Agenda for the next meeting • Attend to any necessary correspondence and prepare thank you letters, as appropriate, for the Chairperson’s signature
Terminology used at meetings, especially formal ones: • ABSTAIN • Where a member does not vote for or against a motion • ADDRESS THE CHAIR • Anybody wishing to speak at a meeting must go through the Chairperson (Madam Chairperson/Mr Chairman)
Terminology used at meetings: • ADJOURNMENT • If a meeting is running out of time it may have to be adjourned to a later date • AMENDMENT • A change to a proposed motion by the addition, deletion or modification of words. Amendment is proposed, seconded and voted upon in the usual way • BALLOT • Written secret vote
Terminology used at meetings: • CASTING VOTE • An additional vote, usually held by the Chairperson, to enable a decision to be made if the votes “for” and “against” a motion are equal • MAJORITY • The greater number of members either vote “for” or “against” a motion • MOTION • A proposal put forward by a member for discussion
Terminology used at meetings: • POINT OF ORDER • A query raised by a member regarding procedure or relating to the standing orders/constitution • eg absence of a quorum • PROPOSER • The member putting forward a motion for discussion at the meeting
Terminology used at meetings: • QUORUM • The minimum number of members necessary for a meeting to be held • This will be specified in the regulations/constitution • RESOLUTION • The name given to a motion once it has been passed
Terminology used at meetings: • SECONDER • Person supporting the Proposer of a motion • UNANIMOUS • When all members of a meeting have voted in favour of a motion, ie motion is carried unanimously • VERBATIM • Word for word record of what was said
NOTICE OF MEETING AND AGENDA • Prepared and distributed so that relevant people know about the meeting • Notice of Meeting • Date • Time • Place • Agenda • Items to be discussed