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P aranormal G host R esearch – In diana. Est. 1986. Paranormal : (As defined by PGR-IN) Paranormal ( simply ) refers to anomalies/phenomena that are just outside human or scientific understanding at present time.
P aranormalG hostR esearch– In diana Est. 1986
Paranormal: (As defined by PGR-IN) Paranormal (simply) refers to anomalies/phenomena that are just outside human or scientific understanding at present time. • This is a general definition. There are many other derivative forms for the word, but pertaining to this area of research (within PGR-IN) this is, in short, how the term is understood. To explain this definition one can simply use the following example. • If a person were to go back in time (say 100 years) wearing a digital watch, the residents of that era would view the watch as paranormal. This is because, at that time, digital watches had no scientific background, rules, or technology to govern an understanding about them. • The field of Paranormal can include MANY different aspects. Such as the following examples: • - Crypto-zoology - Psychical/Energy Phenomena • Angelology/Demonology - Extraterrestrials • Spirits/Ghosts - Scientific Anomalies • Time distortions • There are many other forms as well, these are just a few of the areas seen commonly
Paranormal Understanding: The paranormal area is very diverse. The are also other areas similar to paranormal but different based upon the individual, ethnicity, age, gender, and education. Paranormal – as referenced previously – Events or phenomena outside of explanation at present time. Dealing more with a scientific basis/theory perspective/understanding. Supernatural - (as paraphrased by old definition texts) refers to anomalies or events that go above and beyond that of explanation; related to deity ~ god-like /omnipotent forces, phenomena, or understandings. This is more faith/spiritual based upon the individual investigator and/or client. Preternatural – similar to crypto-zoology – however this refers to the study of vampires, werewolves, the undead, and such. This field is based steeply in history, mythology, and folklore. Examples may include: (many more exist for each example) • Paranormal – ghosts, psychical energies, unexplained phenomena • Supernatural – Angelology/Demonology, Runic, Cultism • Preternatural – folklore humanoid research ex: Dracula, Wolf-man, sirens, and the minotaur • Crypto-zoology – UFO’s, Bigfoot, Yeti, Chupacabra, and the Mothman
It is important to keep in mind that the “field” of paranormal research is not actually classified as a “field”. This is in part that pertaining to scientific standards, a field is an area of research based upon a fact or by effort of experiments, testing, and development a fact is thereby concluded toward. Ghost: as defined by PGR-IN is described as an event or phenomena that is made of light, gas/vapor, or false perception that appears as a pattern and can be recognized into a shape or form. For example: early in television age, televisions could be manually tuned into frequencies that existed between channels. Therefore an individual would see blurry images or after images of delay between the competing broadcast frequencies. While neither channel may be accurately depicted, the combinations of light being depicted by the set could been seen by an individual to appear as forms or shapes. (this does not include the studies of ITC) Common instances of present day “ghosts” that have been explained: Rising gases Mists/Vapor Reflections/Shadows High Electrical Interference Abnormal Temperatures Geological Composition There are also some of these instances pertaining to these examples that have not been explained by science or by a reproduction of concurrent atmospheric readings.
Paranormal Studies:specific examples of investigating phenomena • These examples are more precise and accurate as to the types of phenomena that are research and documented by paranormal investors. • Apparitions - Objects moving - Unexplainable atmospheric readings • Audio Events - Disembodied Voices- Shadows with no coherent light sources • Research may also include: • Metaphysical studies - Religious Influences - Geological Stresses • Medical Conditions - Individual Stresses - Geological Foundations • Past Events with Area - Folklore / Myth - Family Histories • What particulates the phenomena or the anatomy of a “ghost”? • There are several theories around concerning the underlying composition of what makes the phenomena that is experienced and/or researched AND how a “ghost” may be comprised. Here are 2 of the standard top theories: 1.) Energy – a manifestation of free flowing energy. The residual bioelectrical energy left after the death of an individual. This theory is based on current science of the chemical makeup concerning life. Once the organic particulate matter begins to break down the energy, which cannot be made or destroyed, is released. 2.) Bioelectrical/Psychical Imprinting – significant events, issues, or stresses being recorded into object(s) or the structure(s) of an area
Researching:Involvement in learning to research the paranormal While there is no federal recognized system of learning to begin paranormal research, there are a few things to keep in mind. Paranormal research is not glamorous. It has been described as about as fun as eyeing the grass growing or watching wet paint dry. It is long, tedious, repetitive, and usually results in many misspent hours to find absolutely nothing. There are many procedures and policies to understand and learn. An investigator must be willing to undergo long hours of detailing, documenting, reviewing, analyzing, and then filing. An individual interested should have, to some degree, a basic understanding of the following: - technical setup/wiring - business ethics - Dedication and Willingness - Training and Patience - general school skills and sciences (such as math, reading, writing, phys sciences, etc.) So why do we, PGR-IN, research? Well, its simple. We research not only to benefit ourselves in the knowledge we acquire, but as our main goal; we are researching to help those who have had experiences or are dealing with experiences become at ease with attained knowledge. Our goal at PGR-IN is to help those who may feel: stressed, scared, uneasy, disconnected, fearful, or frightened because of their experiences, to become more at ease with themselves and their location by trying to figure out real solutions to their problems or towards their experiences that may not be paranormal related or may be able to find a compromise to the event or phenomena. We also help to try and provide documentation, research, and evidence so that in the future, scientists may be able to find real solutions and answers to issues and questions that we currently believe to paranormal in nature.
What to do if you think you are in a haunted area?Here are some signs and what you can do about it You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself. There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air. These may be indications that your house is haunted. A true haunting has rare occurrences, and it may be difficult to determine whether or not any strange phenomena you are experiencing in your home might be due to a haunting. For one thing, no one really knows what a "real" haunting is, what causes it, or why it starts. There are many theories, of course; but if you think your house may really be haunted, what can you do about it? Common Signs of a Haunting:The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting. Not all the haunting are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. A haunting may feature a single phenomenon - such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions. A partial list of phenomena to watch for: · Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. · Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The occupant(s) either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing or the occupant(s) will return to a room to find a door open or closed when they are certain that it was left in the opposite position. · Appliances powering off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the occupant(s) knows they were not left that way. · Items disappearing and reappearing - this phenomenon, sometimes called "the borrowers“ effect, is the familiar experience of not being able to find items that are regularly used. · Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. · Strange animal behavior - pets behave strangely. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their abilities might be more finely tuned. · Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things.
The following phenomena are more rare, but could be stronger evidence of a haunting: · Mild PK Events - actually seeing/experiencing events happen. · Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being touched gently or rough. In some cases leaving evidence in forms of bruising or red spots on the skin. · Cries and whispers - on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. This gains more credibility if more than one person hears or sees the same thing at the same time. · Cold or hot spots - any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence. · Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfumes, colognes, or other odors that you do not have in your house. Rarer phenomena, some of which have been called poltergeist phenomena, can be evidence of a true haunting: · Moving or levitating objects (severe PK events) - objects sliding across the tables, flying off walls, doors slamming, objects sliding across the floors/rooms. · Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing. · Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints. · Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms. Rule Out Rational Explanations:Before you decide your house is haunted, do your best to find rational explanations: • noises could be house settling, plumbing or even vermin such as mice and squirrels • opening and closing doors could be faulty hinges or caused by drafts • Borrowers effect could just be carelessness and forgetfulness • shadows could be just that - shadows caused by passing light sources such as headlights or moonlight and clouds•paranoia - experiences could be just your imagination, products caused by everyday stress and events Of course, the more extreme the phenomena, the harder it is/they are to dismiss. And, as noted, if multiple witnesses experience the same phenomena, they are likely to be taken more seriously. If all else fails, get help in finding rational explanations by contacting professional tradesmen; electricians, plumbers, handymen, landscapers, etc.
It helps to keep a Journal: If you feel you have ruled out rational explanations for the events that are taking place in your house, and they are still occurring on a more or less regular basis, document them. Keep a journal of these events as they happen. A journal such as this could help with any formal investigation of the events by experts. If you hear unexplained noises, attempt to record them with a portable tape recorder. If there are physical phenomena of any kind, photograph or videotape them. Keep your journal, recording and camera equipment readily available so you can document the phenomena as it happens. Calling the Experts: When should you call a paranormal investigator? Only when you have ruled out any rational explanations for the phenomena you are experiencing and are thoroughly convinced that your house is truly haunted should you contact the experts. Of course, should these events become extreme and you feel that you and/or your family are in any kind of physical or psychological danger, call for help right away by contacting a local paranormal group in your area. Despite whatever strangeness you are experiencing, your house probably is not haunted. Butif it is, perhaps it is a benign spirit, entity, or phenomena that you can live with; and usually it is not something you need to fear.
Interested in Researching the Paranormal?General rules on what to do and not to do "A good investigator is objective. Adheres to scientific protocols, eliminates all other possibilities and presents what is found.” Never go alone on an investigation . Take along a partner for safety and peace of mind. Also always bring along ID just in case something does happen. Always survey and map out an area you are investigating before the investigation and preferably during daylight hours. This can be accomplished either through a preliminary investigation or a walkthrough of the premises. Be aware of the surroundings for safety sake. For best results, always take a day walk through before doing a nighttime investigation, if possible. The other option would be to show up just before dark (dusk) and have a look around before starting. NO HORSE PLAY! A serious and conscientious investigator gets results. Trust you feelings. If you feel that some unknown force wants you out of there...then by all means get out! You should never go against these feelings. Make sure you have permission before entering private property such as a cemetery or abandoned house. It can be tempting for an investigator to do. Just remember this though, when you are caught sneaking around, it makes the paranormal research community as a whole look bad and you could also be fined or jailed. Make sure all of your equipment is fully charged and that you have extra batteries available. Avoid taking pictures in the rain or when it’s snowing or foggy. Moisture or precipitation in the air can and will cause artificial anomalies to appear on film. Also remember that precipitation is in the air before & after a storm. Avoid taking pictures of shinny objects. This means glass, mirrors, reflective objects and anything that shines or that could cause a reflection. Be objective about the things you encounter! Try to find other reasons for everything. Waiver forms should be signed and collected by the team leader prior to any investigation. This helps to ensure that those involved know of any and all risks and assume the responsibility of professionally and properly handling and or all situations that may arise.
Conduct yourself as a professional at all times. We always want to present ourselves as one in control. And that of course means around other investigators and victims of a phenomena or experiences. Always consider all aspects of an investigation. Go into it with a open mind and good attitude. But know that most phenomena can be explained. i.e. house settling, furnace noises, etc. One must also consider the mental and emotional state of the client as well. Paranoia, delusional aspects and mental illness in general may be a consideration. Don't be afraid to experiment. Not everything you try will work. If one attempt or theory fails, keep trying. Simply move on to the next thing on your list. And by all means, have a list. Evidence is everything. We have to show our hard word as the evidence we collect. So take notes, write up reports, snap pictures, collect EVPs. Keep a log. Be aware that theories change. What is believed to be true today may not be tomorrow. If there's anything we can depend on, it's change. What we may know about ghosts today may change tomorrow. We need to embrace credible evidence and use that knowledge to our advantage. So be willing to let go of old theories when need be. It's okay to be afraid. That is, as long as it doesn't seriously effect the investigation. Excessive fear will make you ineffective as a contributing team member. Enjoy the thrill of the chase and scream if you must. But everything in moderation and try to remain calm. Know standard terminology used by Paranormal Investigators. The more you know, the better prepared you are to instill that confidence in those around you. To be professional, courteous, and understanding shows you take your role as a Paranormal Investigator seriously and are ready for the responsibilities that come with any investigation. Another useful tip is to keep an eye on moon phase, geomagnetic fields, and solar X-rays, as it is believed the rise in electro-magnetic activity increases paranormal frequency. Lastly, don't get discouraged. While you may not get any photos/EVPs on your first couple of investigations, you may get something interesting in half the photos on your next trip. Just be patient, and remember phenomena can happen anywhere. Above all, Remember that you are representing Paranormal Research as a whole, be mindful.
Paranormal Group differences: There are many different styles of research groups. Each group has its own understanding towards the paranormal universe. Why some theories may be the same or similar, there are other theories that contrast. Keep in mind that within this “field” where there are no absolute answers, to be mindful and respectful to others whether their opinions differ from your or not. 1- Scientific - usually out to either prove or disprove paranormal events, such as “ghosts” and other similar phenomena, through the use of scientific protocols, policies, equipment, and practices. 2- Interactive - using either or both scientific and metaphysical theories, protocols, and equipment to form an answer about investigated phenomena. (This group can include crypto-zoology, UFO's, conspiracies, etc.) Groups within this category investigate for answers and are not mainly driven by collection of evidence, good or bad. These group merely want to try and find the answers. 3- Chasers/Busters - avid believers out to prove by any means that a phenomenon does exist, regardless of evidence. Groups in this category may feel compelled to try and free or release a “ghost”/energy from the area it is in. 4- Religious/Spiritual, believers who specialize in religious practices/protocols or occult beliefs and who fight against the practices of negative forces, such as demons, bad energy, and evil presences. Many groups have strayed away from the term “hunters”. That term implies intent towards the subject. Most researchers have no intent to do anything toward an event, energy, etc. during an investigation, rather merely experience and document. Standard Equipment of paranormal researchers: Many investigators use different equipment depending on the goal of their group and the investigation. Equipment can be advanced and high-end tech or simply a camera and pen & paper.
Open Mind: Any investigator will tell you, "The main ingredient to a successful investigation is an open mind". Your mindset, before you enter an investigation, is of utmost importance. If you believe that you will not get anything on your investigation, you probably won't. Instead, keep an open mind and positive attitude when conducting an investigation. It could make all the difference. Camera: Still motion photography is the means in which most evidence of activity is obtained. The cameras most frequently used are 35mm’s or a high megapixel digital cameras 1. Chances are, you probably already own a 35mm camera : Most people don't own a digital camera. 2. A good 35mm can cost around $100 : A good digital will cost over $400 3. A 35mm requires film which will be an expense : Digital has no film but memory can be an expense. 4. Developing takes time and is another expense : Digital photos can be viewed on location and requires no developing. 5. With a 35mm you get what you get : Digital cameras can delete unwanted images therefore freeing up for more pics. 6. A 35mm battery will last a long time : Digitals use more power, depleting batteries much quicker. 7. 35mm film will provide tangible evidence in the photo and negative : Digital images must be saved to disk and/or printed on paper. Flashlight or Lamp: A standard bright flashlight can run anywhere from $1 to $50. It is important to have enough coverage to light your pathway or be able to see to take notes or read gauges. Electro-Magnetic Field Detectors: Otherwise referred to as EMF meters, these devices can add an important element to any investigation. Their purpose is to detect the presence of electro-magnetic fields. EMF meters can range from the relatively cheap ($20) to somewhat expensive ($200). Compass: A compass can make an inexpensive alternative to the EMF detector. An anomaly will turn the needle at least 30-35° away from magnetic North. Again, you must rule out the possibility of an electrical source. The downfall to using this device is that it has no light and you must always be aware of the direction of magnetic North.
Thermometer: A nice addition to your equipment is a temperature reading device. Cold spots are a frequent finding in paranormal situations. A digital indoor/outdoor thermometer can allow you the convenience of documenting such anomalies. Consider one that has the option with a highest/lowest temperature memory. Video Camera: This handy piece of equipment can capture strange events as they occur. Most households have one (or at least access to one). Look for anything unusual. Objects moving of their own accord, unexplained shadows or lights, unexplained camera malfunctions are just some things that have presented themselves. Audio Recorder: Investigators have come to know that phenomena and events are able to leave little tidbits of their existence called EVP's on audio tape. Otherwise known as electronic voice phenomena, the EVP is a fascinating event for any investigation. Any recorder can be used to obtain an EVP. Fortunately, most people already have a recorder in their possession to use. A strong suggestion would be to use it. Digital Recorders: Digital recorders are fast becoming the item of choice for obtaining audio phenomena. Documentation: It is always good to a some form of documenting. Pen & Paper, audio recorders, and even video recorders are good for documenting sounds related to paranormal events or sounds made by investigators that could misconstrued as paranormal.
Investigation Charging: The federal consumer protection act provides every consumer/buyer with a guarantee. Any goods or services offered for a fee must provide the consumer with a money back guarantee for any goods or services that do not provide the consumer with the claimed results. This is Federal Law. This act is the reason that major corporations, such as most financial institutions offer money back guarantees, not because they want to, but because they have to. Charging for the detection of non-proven phenomena is an area that borders on potential or possible fraud, since it is based on unproven phenomena. That’s the reason that so many false mediums and psychics are arrested on charges of fraud. Courts have now ruled that when selling a home in some jurisdictions, the owner must disclose if it alleged to be haunted. Such a claim can affect property values of the location (including the areas around it), hence the rulings. They consider these claims the same as having to disclose if say, the roof needs repair or the place has termites.Now if a group comes in and says, no it's not haunted, and later a judge rules that based on claims it is, they would be liable for legal action. It would be the same as failure to disclose a known defect. One must be real careful about charging for investigations. While legally you may or may not be covered, even if you are, it could further damage the reputations of the individual group as well as groups around the area. In a field where there is no exact science or proof; investigators can only speculate and formulate answers based upon current knowledge, ideas, or concepts. Whether right or wrong in the opinion of the investigating team, it takes one complaint to ruin the reputation of group(s) of that area.
What to Remember: Experience Counts Trust Your Intuition Research takes Time and Dedication Always take time to Learn, Research, and Discuss The only bad question is the one you didn’t ask If you feel you may need an investigation or know of someone who does, talk with them or to someone you can trust and discuss the situation. Many times, phenomena that occurs gets labeled as paranormal when there are solid reason for what is actually occurring. Issues such as Medical, Physical, Area Geology, Stresses, and many more issues can be traced and identified, thus stopping the phenomena from returning. However if one truly feels that they are in need of help or interested in learning more about paranormal research and the many aspects one can become involved with in the paranormal field…
Feel free to contact us at: Address: Paranormal Ghost Research Indiana 449 South Tennessee St. Danville, IN 46122 Web Site: home.comcast.net/~unitearica www.myspace.com/pgr_in Email: ratliffsc@hotmail.com Phone Number: (317) 506-0448 – leave a msg if no one answers Paranormal ghost Research Indiana est. 1986