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The Infrastructure Development Cluster Joseph Atta-Mensah. 11 th RCM Meeting 14-15 November 2010 UNECA- Addis Ababa. Background. The Infrastructure development cluster comprises the following sub-clusters: Energy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Transport
The Infrastructure Development ClusterJoseph Atta-Mensah 11th RCM Meeting 14-15 November 2010 UNECA- Addis Ababa
Background • The Infrastructure development cluster comprises the following sub-clusters: • Energy • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) • Transport • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
1. Energy Sub-Cluster • Accountability/Structural/Systematic • UN-Energy Africa is presided over by a Chairman and Vice-Chairman • Secretariat hosted by UNECA
Energy Sub-Cluster Activities Activities Implemented: • Global Energy Efficiency 21 (GEE21) Project • UNECA and UN-Habitat • All Africa Energy Week and the Pan African Investment Forum • Participation to the TICAD follow-up meeting in Arusha, Tanzania to advocate for more energy access for the poor. (UN-HABITAT and UNEP)
Energy Sub-Cluster Activities • Contribution to the development of the UN-Energy Knowledge Network (www.un-energy.org) • UNIDO, UN-HABITAT, UNESCO, UNDP, ECA and other UN agencies and Programmes • Development of a programme on energy efficiency in buildings for East Africa, • UN-HABITAT, UNEP
Energy Sub-Cluster Activities • Renewable energy for productive uses • UNIDO, UNEP, UN-HABITAT • Forum on Clean Energy for Mega Cities in Africa • AU, UN-HABITAT, UNIDO, World Bank
Energy Sub-cluster Achievements • UNEA members organized the participation of the Africa region and made presentations in the first meeting of global Energy Efficiency Project 21. • Support provided by UNEA members to ECA, AfDB and the African Union Commission in organizing the All Africa Energy Week and the Pan African Investment Forum 1st -5th November 2010. • UNEA supported African mayors attending the Shanghai Expo 2010 in respect of current developments in renewable technologies and best practice. • UNEA plays a substantive role at global, regional and sub-regional levels, in influencing policy on energy, and providing through its members capacity building activities and promoting access to energy including at rural levels and thus contributing greatly to the drive in achieving the MDGs.
Energy Sub-Cluster Challenges and Lessons • Communication, human and financial resources need to be made available by all concerned to enhance the existing collaboration and cooperation of the UNEA members. • The need for closer collaboration and communication remains an important part of pushing the energy agenda forward in Africa. • In order to fully and effectively achieve this, UNEA needs to be part of the formal structure of the proposed Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Energy (CEMA).
2. The ICT Sub-Cluster The ICT sub-cluster is composed of all UN Agencies working in Africa, including the following main partners: AIEA, ECA, FAO, Habitat, ITC, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR, WIPO, World Bank and WTO. ECA, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP and UNESCO.
ICT Sub-Cluster Activities by UNECA • Provided support for the “African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy” (ARAPKE) • Support to the AUC towards spatial data collection and preparation of maps related to the African infrastructure; • Support to the ICT Ministers’ Conferences in November 2009 and August 2010 as well as AU Summit on ICT for development • Preparation of a Draft Convention on e-legislation for the AU • substantive servicing of the AU-EU conference on “space and the African citizen” held in September 2010 in Brussels. • Establishment of the African Geodetic Reference Frame (AFREF) • Support to RECs on various ICT initiatives
ICT Sub-Cluster Activities by UNESCO • Launch of a networking platform for greater cooperation among the schools of journalism in Africa. http://journalismschools.unesco-ci.org/ • Skills upgrading of eight potential Centers of Excellence with training equipment, reference materials and text books for a total of USD 240.000. • Three new International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) projects, were developed to support journalism education in Africa. • A model, developed for TV trainers has supported the production and screening of 9 African French language films that were presented to journalists and a public audience at FESPACO (December 2009), Burkina Faso. • Financial and technical support to the preparatory technical meetings of the Heads of State and Government of January 2010 Summit, held in Addis Ababa.
ICT Sub-Cluster Activities by UNCTAD • Technical assistance to EAC on building an harmonized legal framework on E-commerce, • Elaboration of a Legal Framework for Cyber laws, adopted by the EAC Ministers in May 2010.
ICT Activities by ITU • Project on Support for Harmonization of ICT Policies in Sub-Sahara Africa (HIPSSA) • Transposition of ECOWAS Supplementary Acts in all 15 countries. Special focus given to countries in special need (Liberia, S/Leone Guinea and G/Bissau), Benin, B/Faso & Senegal, • Development and validation of ECCAS model laws on ICT to supplement the geographical scope of the existing CEMAC regional acts, • Development of ECCAS and CEMAC regional acts on cyber security in collaboration with UNECA, • Review and update of the SADC ICT Policy & Model Legislation and the SADC Universal Access and Service (UA/S) Guideline as well as development of a toolkit of best practices on the use of UA/S Funds
Transport Sub-Cluster Activities • ECA organized two workshops and Study Tours on Transport and Trade Facilitation and Promotion of Intra-African Trade respectively for the Eastern and Southern African Sub-Regions in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on 28-30 April, 2010 and for West Africa in Accra, Ghana, on 11-13 May 2010. • ECA has been working with the SSATP Secretariat and the RECs.
Transport Sub-Cluster Achievements • The workshops on Trade and Transport Facilitation achieved the following: • Increased involvement of the private sector in addressing the challenges and issues of trade facilitation • Increased dialogue between transit and landlocked countries with the view to addressing the special needs of landlocked countries. • More countries and institutions are seeking support in addressing specific concerns on transport and trade facilitation as well as in corridors management activities. • A key achievement of the ECA – SSATP collaboration is the interaction with the RECs through the Transport Coordinating Committee (TCC) whose meetings are organised once a year with the RECs.
Transport Sub-cluster Challenges lessons • The main challenges is inadequate capacity • Need to strengthen inter-agency collaboration in the implementation of transport related activities.
The Water Sub-Cluster Activities • Support to AMCOW on organizing and servicing the African Water Week II (8-14 November 2009) and the coming African Water Week III (22-26 November 2010) • UNICEF and WHO to prepare a Snapshot of Drinking Water and Sanitation in Africa using the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), for the meeting of African Ministers of Water and Finance requested by the AU and to be convened by AMCOW and AfDB during AWW- III • UN-Water/Africa serving in the governing body of the African Water Facility • Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem joint project of UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, NEPAD, FAO, GEF, and IMO • The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation which is the official UN mechanism tasked with monitoring progress towards MDG Target 7c on drinking-water supply and sanitation
Water Sub-Cluster Achievements • The sub-cluster has been identified as a model mechanism within the RCM, particularly in the manner that it works very closely with the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), a Specialized Technical Committee of the AU, with its work largely structured around the AMCOW work programme. • The contributions made by the group in the context of Sharm El Sheikh Commitments, eThekwini and Tunis Ministerial Declarations, as well as AMCOW’s annual reporting to the African Union all remain signposts of the group’s enhanced engagement with key Pan African Union Institutions. • The UN Water/Africa Secretariat also succeeded in initiating the establishment of the South Sudan Water information Clearing House (SSWICH) with funding from the UNICEF South Sudan program in a pilot to test joint action at the National and sub national levels.
Water Sub-Cluster Challenges and lessons learnt • The challenges: Human, technical and financial resources constraints at the UN-Water/Africa Secretariat. • It is also observed that the UN Water/Africa Trust fund needs to be established and funded by members to ensure the sustainability of joint products such as the AWDR, AWJ and AWICH
Water Sub-Cluster Lessons Learnt • In inter-agency work, joint efforts yield better results and more impact. • It is also observed that the UN Water/Africa Trust fund needs to be established and funded by members to ensure the sustainability of joint products such as the AWDR, AWJ and AWICH.