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MPUMALANGA RUGBY UNION • 1. GUIDELINES 1.1 SOUTH AFRICAN SITUATION The transformation process is an acceptable reality in the South African context. Mpumalanga Rugby Union will endeavour to pursue and promote all players of colour’s constitutional rights of equality. 1.2 LEGAL FRAMEWORK In terms of the Constitution of the Country, the Mpumalanga Rugby Union will promote the development of its members from designated groups and further the creation of equality and opportunities for all its members. With reference to medical testing and other assessments, the Mpumalanga Rugby Union will not allow medical testing unless: 1.2.1 It is permitted by legislation 1.2.2 It is a requirement of SARU 1.2.3 It has been scientifically verified to be valid 1.2.4 It can be applied fairly to all members 1.2.5 It is not biased against any member or group.
BACKGROUND ON THE MPUMALANGA RUGBY UNION TRANSFORMATION and Development EFFORTS 2.1 INFORMATION ON INITIATIVES AND SUCCESSES The inclusion of black and colour were in all teams were effectively implemented and it can be stated that every player was accepted by all in the Mpumalanga Rugby Union and enjoyed and also enhanced their rugby playing skills during the inception of their efforts. It should be noted that players of colour were selected on merit and performance, which ensure that no negative feelings were created amongst fellow players. The players also preferred this concept and performed on par and better than players in the Mpumalanga Rugby Union and any opposing sides. We are proud to say that in comparison with previous years, a marked improvement with regard to the abovementioned aspects was experienced.
3. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE OF MPUMALANGA RUGBY UNION TRANSFORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS Within the bigger plan of Mpumalanga Rugby Union, the purpose of transformation and development is to ensure that all the players and public in the Mpumalanga Rugby Union and surrounding areas become more committed and enthusiastic about the Mpumalanga Rugby Union and especially the game of rugby itself within its region of responsibility.
VISION • To establish the elite in rugby in Mpumalanga Rugby Union together with the Mpumalanga Academy of Sport (MAS) as one of the best organized structures in all its facet in rugby game improvement. • The Union and MAS will manage the elite rugby in it’s jurisdiction through marketing in clubs, schools and the communities by training and coaching.
MISSION • To promote and improve the standard of elite squads in rugby in the province within an affordable framework with available manpower. • To structure under-developed areas to become part of the development project in order to broaden the basis of rugby in all the area in Mpumalanga province.
To put structures in place to make development for elite squads sustainable. • To identify potential stars and administrators for higher positions and provide programs for growth • To maintain the culture of rugby
MPUMALANGA No. of Schools: 1,805 No. Schools Playing Rugby: 129 No. Players: 15,150 No. of Clubs: 23 No. of Club Players: 1,750 No. of Women’s Clubs: 3
Introduction • Mpumalanga Rugby Union has identified a need for more effective national co-ordination in the promotion and development of rugby in the Mpumalanga province. • Improved collaboration and co-operation across the province has been identified as a priority to bring the issues of the province to focus. To reduce the fragmentation of effort, grow capacity and better utilise resources. • There is lack of uniformity and consistency in the efforts of individual Clubs when promoting and developing rugby. Mpumalanga has a strong culture of rugby and abundance of talent and yet our participation is declining. • Rugby is dying in certain parts of the province and there are communities who were never provided with opportunities to participate in the game. The general trend for youth is not committing long term and not valuing the role of ongoing participation. • There is a lot of competition for membership by other codes and that is eating out of our base. There is no incentive in the form of a structure to identify sporting talent and to develop it towards representative standards throughout the province. • There are serious challenges facing rugby at the top echelons, which have not been adequately addressed even after 14 years of unity. These unique challenges cannot be overcome unless there is a common strategy that informs our actions. • There will be more delivery from current resources as well as getting a greater return on new investments.
Strategy Implementation Game Plan Coaching Of Coaches • In order to have more schools playing rugby there will be recruitment drives to encourage schoolteachers to be Coaches. • The Coaches will be empowered to be able to render quality coaching to players. Coaches should produce quality results and preserve the value of rugby. • Through quality coaching increased particpation in the game and retention will be encouraged. • Coaches are custodians of our sport and therefore they need support and resources in order to create a world-class environment for learning and development even in sub-economic areas. • Coaching is the key component of what defines success in rugby and is critical to the development of effective systems and structures within rugby. • Coaches education pathway should be linked to athlete development. Coaching Of Players • There has to be an effective career pathway from junior to elite levels for players. • Coaching at entry level should focus on the fundamentals of the game and not on results.
Strategy Implementation Game Plan Monitoring and Evaluating • The impact of the programmes will be measured regularly against the objectives. Evaluate and Correct • The performance is to be measured continually against the action plan. • When not achieving targets and goals find out why. • Find ways to solve problems. • Use other people who have expertise in the field to help. • Find out on how to improve performance and processes. • Develop new initiatives. • Select the right people to do development work. • Develop the skills and capacity of Development Officers.
Strategy Implementation Game Plan Principles • In implementing the strategy several principles will be followed: Ownership • To ensure that the initiatives within the strategy are implemented and bring about the changes required the Province need to own, challenge, drive and improve the programme rather than it being driven by SA Rugby. Continuous Improvement • The examination of progress made and initiatives that are working as much as those that are not willing to be critical to achieving the desired outcome. A factor in creating a suitable development environment is striving for continuous improvement. Partnership • Implementing a development programme needs to be on a partnership basis in order to ensure that resources and efforts integrated to bring about the best results.
Developing The Game Continuum Model • Springbok • Sevens • Super 12 E X C E L L E N C E • Talent Identification • High Performance C O M P E T I T I O N • Provincial School/Senior P A R T I C I P A T I O N • School teams • Club teams • Opportunities - Rural • Mini-rugby • Tag rugby • Schools • Clubs • Sub-Unions F O U N D A T I O N • Coaching of coaches • Coaching of Players • LTAD Pathway begins Fun – enjoyment Recruitment of Players/Recruitment of Coaches & Volunteers The intensity at the bottom of the triangle is vital as it will improve rugby
Grow the Game Develop Funding Opportunities Form Partnerships with Stakeholders Game Development Develop Staff & Volunteers Retain Current Membership whilst growing new members Improve Stake Holder Relationships Game Development Objectives
Strategy • This strategy will support the delivery of the vision by identifying provincial goals and targets that use the knowledge, skills, talent and resources from across the province to support current and future initiatives. • The strategy will focus on the delivery of our goals, each of which has measurable strategies and targets.
Objective 1 Grow The Game Identify schools and villages where rugby is not played and offer rugby as a sport of choice. Get into new areas where there is no culture of playing rugby especially the rural under privileged people. Objective 2 Form partnerships with Stakeholders Form partnerships with stakeholders and other role players in the business. Objective 3 Retain current membership whist growing new members Increase the retention results whilst also growing the number of participants. Develop and improve the stakeholders relationship and improve communication with all stakeholders.
Objective 4 Improve Stakeholder Relationship. Objective 5 Develop Staff and Volunteers Maximum capacitating of Development Officers and volunteers. Objective 6 Develop Funding Opportunities The success of the strategy relies on the availability of funds.
Key Processes to the Achieve the Strategy 1.1 Grow The Game • Organise projects and events to attract youth to rugby – fun and enjoyment • Coaching clinics for school children and in communities to attract young players of all sexes. • Organise coaches seminars and courses to capacitate aspirant and current coaches. • Develop an effective career pathway from junior to elite. • Provide material assistance to needy schools and areas. • Provide funding and facilities to help facilitate participation. • Spread knowledge, skills and best practise across the country.
1.2 Recruit and Develop Volunteers • In order for the programme to be successful it should be sustainable. • The developing communities should take ownership of the programme and form part of the planning and implementation processes. • A strong volunteer base should be encouraged to assist in coaching, refereeing and general administration. • Former rugby players and rugby enthusiasts are the people to be targeted for this purpose. • It must be people who show passion and commitment not individuals interested in benefits (WIFM). • Formal training and capacity building programmes should be provided for the volunteers. • The Programmes must be designed to suite the level of the candidates (academic and non-academic) • The ultimate goal is to have highly empowered volunteers and Development Officers 2. Form Partnerships • Obtain agreement and commitment from key stakeholders to play their part in driving the programme. • Sign memorandums of understanding with regions, clubs and government departments. • Rugby regions and clubs to sign MOU’s with Regional authorities and local governments. • Gain a commitment from these key stakeholders to help in the development and maintenance of facilities.
3. Improve Retention Capacity • Develop programmes that continually produce and retain an abundance of rugby players and rugby personnel. • Identify and prioritise the key barriers to participation that restrict participation. • Develop and co-ordinate programme of action that will remove the top priority barriers. 4. Improve Stakeholder Relationship • Create understanding of the strategy and plans with the stakeholders. • Effective communication of all the events and projects and the results with pictures. • Keep everyone updated as we move along towards the set time.
5. Develop and Capacitate Development Officers • An effective and systematic development programme should be driven by well-empowered personnel. • Only development programmes that include satisfaction enjoyment and celebration of success will lead to the realisation of our goals. • The Development Officers should possess quality-coaching abilities. • The officers should be equipped with the necessary skills for accurate talent identification and development. • All the officers should have sound administration skills in order to utilise time and resources efficiently and effectively. • The Development officers should be empowered with conflict solving skills. • They should be able to play all roles that make rugby to be played. • Training in marketing the programme and skills to raise funds through sponsorship and other means. 6. Develop Funding Opportunities • SA Rugby cannot solely fund the Development Programme. • If we are to succeed. There are other sectors that need to be involved in a co-ordinated way. Local authorities, Sports Trusts, The National Lottery and the Government Departments. The emphasis will be on aligning community resources to complement those from Mpumalanga Rugby Union.
Programme Flagship Rammetjie Rugby • It is a sampling programme to deliver the rugby experience of rugby to children and parents in an accessible, welcoming, fun and convenient environment. The programme will help boost player numbers at junior level. • The programme will focus on physical activity and code specific skills development. The kids will get training for 6 weeks and then start participating in games at local, zonal and regional level. • Each Region will hold a Rammetjie Rugby Day where Club teams will play. The focus and target market is children that have never played rugby before. Newly recruited coaches and volunteer will cut their teeth at this level. • From here the players will graduate to school’s rugby programmes. • This is where the career of future stars will be nurtured. All the necessary skills and methods which are essential for the road ahead will be dispensed at this level.
Critical Success Factors • Development being seen as a process rather than an outcome i.e. long term rather than short term. • A strong communication network and collaboration between all stakeholders. • Athlete development system to ensure the longevity of athletes to remain in the system. • Uniformity in the approach to development adopted by all Clubs and Schools with creation of opportunity for all as the centrepiece. • Emphasis on quality core skills development, motivation of participants rather than winning competitions as an absolute priority at junior level. • Recruitment and retention of players and staff at sub-elite level to receive more attention.
Critical Success Factors • Each Region will endorse the strategy through its own internal processes. • Each region will elect a Coordinating Committee to make recommendations according to needs relating to the implementation of the strategy. • All the Stakeholders in rugby development should be represented on the Committee i.e. Schools – Primary and Post Primary, Clubs Urban and Rural, Sub Unions, Administrators. • The Development Manager or Coordinator appointed by the Union will lead the implementation of the strategy. • An operational budget will be provided annually by MRU to fund the projects and initiatives approved by the Co-ordinating Committee. • There will be monthly reports on progress given by the Project Managers and Development Officers. • Immediate action will be taken to re align implementation to meet objectives and to adapt outcomes to be relevant to current changes in rugby. • Emphasis is on improved collaboration and co-operation across the country to create a national view that would bring the issues of the country into focus, reduce fragmentation of effort, leverage skills, grow leadership capability and better utilise resources.
What will Success look like? • Our five (5) year plan (2006 to 2011) long-term goal is to see more players in Mpumalanga enjoying success through rugby. • In the short to medium term, the strategy will be successful if all the role players and stakeholders embrace a better understanding of indicators of an effective programme.
Key Indicators of Success include: • Increased mass participation in rugby by players at all levels. More schools will play rugby and more coaches will join the game. • The provision of quality coaching to all. • More youth clubs for boys and girls in areas where rugby was not played and community involvement. • More competitions and rugby programmes at subsequent levels of specialisation towards elite levels. • Well co-ordinated projects driven in collaboration with various stakeholders and active partnerships. • Increased parent and community support for the game. • More quality players coming through from all communities and making impact at the top echelons of the game.
Rugby Structuring in each Region: The operations of each Region are divided into 4 Sections: 1. Governance : Policy Formulation : Constitution and bye laws : Strategy formulation & Leadership 2. Finance and Administration: Budgeting : Controls : Marketing
Rugby Structuring in each Region: 3. Rugby Operations : Fixtures : Competitions : Referees : Fields 4. Development: Coaching and playing of rugby : Age grade rugby, Youth, Sevens & Women’s Rugby : Capacity building – Coaches, Referees & First Aides
Magligen Declaration U.N: “Every person is entitled to participate in sport including women, young people, the elderly and the disabled.” • The worst enemy of rugby development is lip service, centralising the programme at the headquarters. • Children do not only have the right to play, they also have the right to provision of opportunity to play.
Areas of Focus for Game Development • Developing the next generation of rugby players • Boosting player numbers in junior, senior clubs and schools • Create a strong volunteer base and support • Help schools, clubs and the volunteers to manage growth • Provide new and additional resources to train and assist club administrators, coaches and referees etc. • Creating new rugby clubs in targeted areas likely to support rugby growth.
Rugby Development Approach towards Growth • As much as a lot is said about the strong culture of rugby that exists in certain communities of the Mpumalanga. • The truth is that the game is not played in all the areas. There is still a huge task facing the rugby organisation in the area to take the game to new areas. • In the former Home Land areas alone there are hundreds of thousands of people that do not know about the game I.e Camslushwa, Kabokweni, KaNyamazane, KaBokweni, Daantjie, Bushbuck Range, Haziview, ext. • It is imperative to form strategic partnership with the local authorities and the Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation. • Rugby should provide expertise and direction to these institution in their social upliftment programmes. • The programmes should be target focussed in order to be sustainable.
Rugby Development Approach towards Growth Activities • Recruitment of Coaches including Female Coaches from targeted schools and training there of through Courses and Coaches Seminars. • Recruitment of players through coaching clinics for target age groups Under 12 boys and girls. • Introduction of Rammetjie Rugby – Mini rugby and its rules. • Game between teams should be arranged and festivals should be regularly organised. Assitance • Transport of teams to the games • Kit for participants and coaches should be provided • Refreshments for participants • Certificates for Female Coaches and creation clear career pathways for coaches and players.