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Signature of dark energy perturbations in cluster counts. L. Raul Abramo Physics Institute Univ. of São Paulo work with R. Batista (USP) - see also his talk! R. Rosenfeld (IFT) - should have seen his talk! & L. Liberato (IFT) arXiv: 0902.3226
Signature of dark energy perturbations in cluster counts L. Raul Abramo Physics Institute Univ. of São Paulo work with R. Batista (USP) - see also his talk! R. Rosenfeld (IFT) - should have seen his talk! & L. Liberato (IFT) arXiv: 0902.3226 + 0707.2882 (JCAP), 0710.2368 (PRD), 0806.3461 (PRD)
Q: is it possible (will it ever be possible) to detect the influence of dark energy perturbations on number counts of galaxy clusters? Order of magnitude? Dark energy, if not Λ, mustfluctuate ⇒ imprint on CMB & LSS - P(k): linear pert. theory - Halos: nonlinear evolution (“IR v. UV”) Clusters & Cosmology: Bahcal, Fan & Cen ‘97 Haiman, Mohr & Holder ‘00 Battye & Weller ’03 etc. etc. etc..... Outline • Use a generalized spherical collapse model (top-hat profile) and Press-Schechter to compute the mass function • Observations: assumed hypothetical SZ and WL cluster surveys with very simple ansatz for limiting mass • Forecasts: Fisher matrix in 7-parameter space
Top-hat spherical collapse model Gunn & Gott ‘72 tc⇒ zc t Fosalba & Gaztanaga ‘98 Percival ‘01 Mota & van de Bruck ‘04 Mota ‘08 + pressure ⇒ R.A. et al. ‘07 - ‘08 • Matter (CDM + baryons): • EoS of DE (background): • Pressure perturbations of DE: effective sound speed Hu ’02 and others ⇒ in collapsed regions, effective equation of state changes Nunes & Mota ’06 R.A. et al. ‘08 • Exact same equations found in Pseudo-New. approach + top-hat
Influence of DE pressure on growth of structure • Linear regime: R.A., Batista, Liberato & Rosenfeld ‘07 w>-1 w<-1 - matter, homog DE - matter, inhom. DE ... DE inhomogeneity • Nonlinear regime: w>-1 w<-1
Press-Schechter (1974)... linearly extrapolated density contrast @ zc: spherical collapse equations linear growth function δnl virializ. ~147 δl ~1.7 Viana & Liddle ‘96 • Deviates at most by ~40% from Jenkins et al. (2001) near our fiducial cosmologies, for masses of interest
Sensitivity to ceff2only through the mass function z=0.5 z=0.25 z=0 ceff2 (dn/dMce-dn/dM0)/dndM0 z=0 z=0.25 z=0.5 Log10 M (h-1 MO)
Hypothetical surveys: “SZ-like” and “WL-like” selection functions Limiting mass: SZ (p) : 7.300 clusters (~SPT/DES ???) WL (p) : 4.600 SZ (nf): 60.000 WL (nf): 280.000 (~LSST) SZ (f): 106 WL (f): 1.5x106 WL/present 14.5 WL/near future SZ/present WL/future SZ/near future 14.0 SZ/future 13.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 • Sky areas: 4.000 deg2 (p), 18.000 deg2 (nf), 30.000 deg2 (f) • Binning: • 3, 5 and 8 mass bins for p, nf and f surveys • 10, 15 and 25 redshift bins for p, nf and f surveys
Statistics: Fisher matrix • Only Poisson (shot) noise • Fisher matrix: • Unmarginalized 68% C.L. limits on θa : • Marginalized 68% C.L. limits on θa : • θa : 7-parameter space 0 0.5 -0.75 • Fiducial values (DDE):(0.72, 0.25, 0.05, 0.76, -1.1, 0.5, ) Near best-fit: SNLS, Wang ’08, Vikhlinin ‘08 sensitivity to sound speed ~ |1+w| ΛCDM: perturbations are nil, so NO sensitivity to sound speed!
Results: SZ, fiducial ceff2=0 • SZ surveys (p, nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=0 • “COSMO” set of priors: WMAP (R) + BAO (A) + HST + BBN • Weak prior on ceff2: σ(ceff2)=1 • All 68% C.L. limits, marginalized present (p) near future (nf) future (f) Ωm Ωm Ωm Black: clusters only ceff2 priors ceff2 prior + COSMO priors COSMO prior COSMO priors ceff2 ceff2 ceff2
Results: WL, fiducial ceff2=0 • WL surveys (p, nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=0 present (p) near future (nf) future (f) Ωm Ωm Ωm clusters only ceff2 priors COSMO prior ceff2 prior + COSMO priors COSMO prior ceff2 ceff2 ceff2
ceff2: How much of a nuisance? Ωm , σ8 • WL surveys w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=0 • Fiducial Ωm=0.25 , σ8=0.76 present near future (nf) future (f) Ωm Ωm Ωm ceff2 prior no ceff2 ceff2 pr. +COSMO pr. COSMO priors no ceff2 + COSMO priors σ8 σ8 σ8
ceff2: How much of a nuisance? w0 , wa • SZ and WL surveys w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=0 wa wa WL, near future SZ, present clusters only, no priors no ceff2 ceff2 prior COSMO priors ceff2 prior +COSMO priors no ceff2 + COSMO priors w0 w0
Results: SZ, fiducial ceff2=+0.5 • SZ surveys (only nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=+0.5 • “COSMO” set of priors: WMAP (shift) + BAO + HST + BBN • Weak prior on ceff2: σ(ceff2)=1 near future (nf) future (f) clusters only ceff2 prior ceff2 prior + COSMO prior Ωm Ωm COSMO prior ceff2 ceff2
ceff2: How much of a nuisance? • SZ surveys (nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=+0.5 Red: clusters+ceff2 prior Ωm Ωm Blue: clusters + COSMO priors Green: clusters+ceff2 + COSMO priors Brown: no ceff2 Orange: no ceff2 + COSMO priors σ8 σ8 near future (nf) future (f)
ceff2: How much of a nuisance? • WL surveys (nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=+0.5 clusters only Ωm Ωm ceff2 prior ceff2 prior + COSMO COSMO prior no ceff2 + COSMO no ceff2 σ8 σ8 near future (nf) future (f)
Moreover... Effective sound speed is just proxy for pressure in halos: • Pressure in collapsed region depends on model of DE (scalar field, K-essence, ...) - sound speed sq. in collapsed regions need not be same as linear theory sound speed • Inside halos, ceff2 can be positive or negative, in principle (?) Mota & van de Bruck ’04 Supergravity scalar field DE model (Brax & Martin) collapse
But take care: on large scales/linear theory, “ceff2“ negative probably absurd - and ruled out Dedeo, Caldwell & Steinhardt ‘03 Weller & Lewis ‘03 Bean & Doré ‘04 ... Takada ’06 Torres-Rodriguez, Cress & Moodley ’07 -’08
Results: SZ, ceff2=-0.75 • SZ surveys (p, nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=-0.75 Ωm Ωm Ωm clusters only ceff2 prior COSMO prior (+ceff2 pr.) ceff2 ceff2 ceff2 present (p, SPT-like) near future (nf) future (f)
Results: WL, ceff2=-0.75 • WL surveys (p, nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=-0.75 Ωm Ωm Ωm clusters only ceff2 prior COSMO prior (+ceff2 pr.) ceff2 ceff2 ceff2 present (p, SPT-like) near future (nf) future (f)
Conclusions • To learn about the nature of dark energy, we must study its perturbations (linear and nonlinear). • Although our numbers should be taken with a , dark energy perturbations may have a measurable impact on nonlinear structure formation - but only if DDE far from ΛCDM • Would be fantastic to have a solid theory of nonlinear structure formation in the presence of dark energy perturbations. • THEN we could realistically forecast the sensitivity of number counts (as well as many other observables in nonlinear regime) to the clustering properties of dark energy
Results: WL, fiducial ceff2=+0.5 • WL surveys (nf and f) w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=+0.5 near future (nf) future (f) Black: clusters only Red: clusters +ceff2 priors Ωm Ωm Blue: clusters+COSMO priors Green: clusters +ceff2 + COSMO priors ceff2 ceff2
ceff2: How much of a nuisance? Ωm , σ8 • SZ surveys w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=0 • Fiducial Ωm=0.25 , σ8=0.76 present near future (nf) future (f) Ωm Ωm Ωm clusters only, no priors ceff2 prior no ceff2 COSMO priors ceff2 prior +COSMO priors no ceff2 + COSMO priors σ8 σ8 σ8
ceff2 negative: how much of a nuisance? • SZ surveys w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=-0.75 • Fiducial Ωm=0.25 , σ8=0.76 Ωm Ωm Ωm ceff2 prior no ceff2 no ceff2 + COSMO prior COSMO prior σ8 σ8 σ8 present near future (nf) future (f)
ceff2 negative: how much of a nuisance? • WL surveys w0=-1.1, wa=0.5, ceff2=-0.75 • Fiducial Ωm=0.25 , σ8=0.76 Ωm Ωm Ωm ceff2 prior no ceff2 no ceff2 + COSMO prior COSMO prior σ8 σ8 σ8 present near future (nf) future (f)
Comparing GR with Pseudo-Newtonian approach (linear theory) GR Pseudo-Newtonian Exact Exact w=-0.8 k=0.25 h Mpc-1